of Information Technologies in Education (ITE)2025-02-14T03:38:32+02:00JournalITEikt@kspu.eduOpen Journal Systems<p>The journal is <a href="">included</a> in the <strong>"List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine"</strong> (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 409, March 17, 2020). The scientific edition is assigned the Category "B" in the field of <strong>pedagogical sciences</strong> (13.00.02-13.00.10), in specialty 011 – Education Sciences.</p> <h3>Mission</h3> <p>ITE promotes a dissemination and knowledge transfer channel where academics, practitioners, and researchers can discuss, analyze, criticize, synthesize, communicate, and elaborate the developments and related impacts of IT in all aspects of their use in education.</p> <h3>Languages</h3> <p>ITE publishes articles written in English or Ukrainian. The abstracts are published in all two languages.</p> <h3>Scope</h3> <p>ITE publishes original high quality articles on scientific, methodological, organizational, and technological aspects of the development, adoption, and application of ICT for the management of higher and secondary educational institutions. The journal also solicits papers elaborating the solutions of the scientific, didactic, organizational and technological challenges aiming at creating, transferring to, and exploiting ICT and relevant software in teaching and learning.</p> OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON MUSICAL ART LESSONS IN PRIMARY EDUCATION 2025-02-14T03:38:32+02:00Alla<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">У статті розглянуто особливості використання штучного інтелекту (проєкт Suno. AI) на уроках музичного мистецтва в початковій освіті в умовах дистанційного навчання. Акцентовано увагу на перебудову психолого-педагогічної діяльності вчителя музичного мистецтва й учителя початкової освіти в процесі впровадження штучного інтелекту Suno AI як інноваційної системи, що автоматизує процес створення музики і має власні ключові характеристики, за допомогою яких учні вчаться аналізувати музичні твори, музичні параметри, оволодівають музичною термінологією. Доведено, що експериментування із різними музичними ефектами надає змогу учням, під керівництвом учителя, розвивати власний музичний інтелект, музичні слухові уявлення, відчуття ритму, уяву і фантазію. Схарактеризовано роботу вчителів у галузі музичного мистецтва, що в період війни, як ніхто потерпають від прямого «живого» контакту із учнями, в процесі розучування пісень, вокальних вправ, емоційного переживання текстів пісень. Запропоновано ознайомлення із штучним інтелектом Suno. AI, який практично допоможе зацікавити вчителів та учнів створювати і впроваджувати інтерактивні музичні дослідження, музичні ігри та вікторини, проводити тестування власних знань у галузі музичного мистецтва.</span></em></p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Алла Владимирова USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE METHODOLOGY OF PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION BY STUDENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATION2025-01-13T21:48:39+02:00Anastasiia<p><em>The article is dedicated to analyzing the possibilities of using AI in the methodology and technologies of organizing pedagogical research, determining effective ways of its integration to improve the effectiveness of the research process, and summarizing the risks of using AI in order to minimize them. The current state of research on this problem is considered, emphasizing the lack of attention to the methodological aspect of AI integration into pedagogical science. Key research questions are defined: the use of AI by students in writing scientific papers and organizing research, effective ways of using AI in pedagogical research, and preventing excessive/incorrect use. The role of the teacher in the information age and the potential of AI as a powerful tool in scientific research are considered. The article analyzes the challenges associated with the use of AI in organizing pedagogical research, such as data quality, complexity of result interpretation, ethical issues, and risks of academic dishonesty. The necessity of expert verification of AI-generated results and adherence to the regulatory framework governing its use is emphasized.</em></p> <p><em>The experience of AI integration into the educational component «Methodology and Technology of Organizing Pedagogical Research. Educational Measurements» at the Faculty of Pedagogy of Kherson State University is described. A survey of students regarding their interaction with AI was conducted, revealing problems they encounter during AI interaction, such as incorrect queries, excessive use of AI, lack of dialogue with AI, and risks of academic dishonesty. Based on surveys and practical tasks, it was established that AI is most often used at the stages of topic formulation, information retrieval, and text editing. Recommendations for the effective use of AI in the methodology and technologies of organizing pedagogical research are provided.</em></p> <p><em>The article proposes principles of interaction with AI, such as the formation of ethical norms, the development of critical thinking, and the use of AI as an auxiliary tool. The main problems of AI use and ways to minimize them are systematized in a table, which considers risks such as academic dishonesty, plagiarism, low data quality, ethical issues, lack of critical thinking, the «black box» problem, data confidentiality, simplification of the research process, and data bias. Corresponding minimization methods are proposed for each risk. The article also presents recommendations for using AI at various stages of organizing pedagogical research, from topic formulation to dissemination of results. It is emphasized that AI can be a useful tool at every stage, increasing work efficiency and helping to avoid routine tasks. The necessity of further research in this area, the development of practical recommendations, and the implementation of interdisciplinary approaches to develop research competencies of pedagogical specialties students are emphasized.</em></p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Анастасія Волянюк PLATFORM AS A TOOL FOR ORGANIZING A DIGITAL EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT2025-01-07T23:10:02+02:00Liubov<p><em>The article explores the possibilities of using the Notion platform to organize the educational process in the context of digital transformation. It is noted that the transition to distance and blended learning requires new approaches to managing learning resources, communication between participants in the educational process, and monitoring learning outcomes. In this context, the Notion platform is seen as a universal tool for creating and organizing a digital learning environment, collaborating, and managing learning projects.</em></p> <p><em>The main focus is on the platform's functionality, which includes tools for creating databases, interactive tables, visual diagrams, and notes that help improve the organization of the educational environment. The platform offers a user-friendly interface adapted for the work of both individual users and groups, which allows organizing the educational process within a single space. Notion provides support for planning learning activities, creating and posting learning materials, project management, task control, and creating documents for collaborative processing, which helps to increase the efficiency of students and teachers.</em></p> <p><em>The article emphasizes that Notion allows you to create personalized workspaces, plan group projects, track the progress of tasks, and integrate various types of content, including text, tables, videos, and graphics. The ability to adapt the structure of the platform to the specific needs of users helps to increase the efficiency of work in the educational environment. It is noted that the tool supports the creation of Kanban boards, calendars, schedules, and interactive task lists, which helps structure the process of collaborating on a single document or training project and ensures transparency of task performance. Integration with other services, such as Google Drive, Google Calendar, Zoom, Slack, etc., allows you to create a single educational space that ensures close interaction and collaboration.</em></p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Любов Тітова INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE IN THE CONTEXT OF UNIVERSITY DIGITALIZATION 2024-11-18T15:35:30+02:00Natalia<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article examines the transformation of information architecture within universities in the context of digitalization. Digital technologies have become a cornerstone of social and economic progress, with profound implications for education. As universities face increasing demands for technological innovation, the effective management of information flows has emerged as a critical factor in ensuring efficient operations and adapting to the digital economy. Despite advancements in informatization, many universities struggle with fragmented information systems, resulting in inefficient processes, data duplication, and unreliable reporting. </span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The study highlights the challenges posed by insufficient IT strategies, inadequate staff competencies, and underdeveloped infrastructure, which hinder the successful implementation of digital transformation. Traditional approaches to knowledge delivery, primarily reliant on the exchange of electronic documents, remain prevalent, underscoring the need for a more integrated and advanced approach. Existing systems often lack a unified vision, as departments independently develop specialized solutions that fail to interconnect, leading to inefficiencies in information management. </span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article emphasizes the importance of adopting an architectural approach to reorganizing information architecture in universities. Such an approach involves a comprehensive analysis of both horizontal and vertical information flows, identifying points where information quality is compromised. By implementing a unified concept for data collection and optimizing these flows, universities can significantly enhance management efficiency. A staged development of information and analytical systems tailored to the specific needs of higher education institutions is proposed as a resource-intensive but effective solution. Figures illustrating typical and optimized information flows demonstrate the benefits of an integrated digital system. Key advantages include optimized information flows, improved interdepartmental communication, enhanced data reliability, reduced reporting errors, and increased efficiency of information systems. These improvements address the critical gaps left by fragmented informatization efforts and prepare universities to better meet the demands of the digital economy. </span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The study concludes that successful digital transformation in universities requires not only the adoption of advanced technologies but also a holistic restructuring of information architecture. This approach fosters improved collaboration across departments, reduces inefficiencies, and enhances the overall resilience of the educational system. To achieve these outcomes, universities must prioritize the development of tailored digital transformation strategies, invest in adequate IT infrastructure, and ensure continuous professional development for staff. These measures will enable universities to align their operations with the dynamic requirements of the digital era, ultimately driving innovation and sustainable growth.</span></em></p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Natalia Bobro STUDY OF FUTURE DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY DIGITAL COMPETENCE FORMATION2024-09-25T19:24:22+03:00Galyna<p><em>The rapid digitalization across various spheres of human activity is reshaping the requirements of educational programs designed to train future Doctors of Philosophy (PhDs). This has sparked active discussions within the scientific community and higher educational institutions about the importance of developing digital competence among future Doctors of Philosophy.</em></p> <p><em>This article examines the role and significance of information and digital technologies in research practice, focusing on contemporary approaches to defining the concept of digital competence for future PhDs. It highlights global initiatives, such as those by Vitae and JISC, which provide structured frameworks for describing the professional qualities and digital competencies necessary for researchers in both academic and organizational contexts. </em></p> <p><em>Additionally, the article discusses practical experiences in organizing PhDs training through the course "Information and Communication Technologies in Scientific Research". The content of this course is aligned with the competencies and professional qualities required for conducting research, as outlined by these international frameworks.</em></p> <p><em>A detailed survey was carried out among future Doctors of Philosophy, and the results are presented, shedding light on their needs regarding digital skills and the course content. The survey also reflects the PhDs' experiences with using digital tools in their research, the challenges they face, and the course’s influence on their development of digital competencies. The findings reveal a strong demand for the enhancement of digital skills across a broad spectrum, including the use of specialized tools, information management services, and digital communication platforms. These insights will be instrumental in further refining the course on the use of digital technologies in scientific research.</em></p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Галина Луценко TRAINING OF STUDENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OLYMPIAD2024-08-04T07:15:10+03:00Ihor Voitovychtest@gmail.comNataliia Pavlovatest@gmail.comTetiana Shroltest@gmail.comNataliia<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article examines the student Olympiad in information technology, reveals the process of preparing secondary school students for the Olympiad. For this purpose, theoretical, empirical, and statistical research methods were used.</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The works of domestic and foreign scientists on working with gifted students and involving them in in-depth study of the information technology industry are analysed. The process of organising and conducting a student Olympiad in information technology is modelled, the Olympiad tasks are studied, and on this basis the principles of preparing students for participation in intellectual competition are considered. The relevance of involving students in the Olympiad in information technology, whose participants demonstrate the skills of solving non-standard problems using application software and web technologies, is substantiated. </span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">In order to effectively prepare students for the Olympiad, a distance course was designed and implemented on the Moodle LMS platform, taking into account the didactic principles and methods of blended learning. The course structure includes three blocks: informational, activity, and reflective. The article describes the methodological work of the tutor and the educational and cognitive activities of students, as well as the results of their training and final tasks. </span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The results of the course approbation in the form of final task solving and questionnaires are presented. It is concluded that students have expanded their general awareness of information technology, improved their skills in working with application software and Web technologies, developed the ability to select non-standard solutions, concentrate on the task and the process of solving it, and developed the readiness to acquire knowledge independently and apply it in new situations. At the same time, the results of the final works showed that it is worth focusing on tasks that develop skills in Excel and Access and broaden awareness of web technologies. Also, the students' responses to their participation in the developed course indicated their interest in this form of preparation for the Olympiad, as it successfully combines modern methods and techniques, selects tasks from all sections of the Olympiad, and provides a sufficient number of samples. </span></em></p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ігор Войтович, Наталія Павлова, Тетяна Шроль, Наталія Полюхович, Наталія Франчук OF THE INFLUENCE OF TEACHING METHODS ON STUDENTS' ACADEMIC EMOTIONS DURING SYNCHRONOUS INTERACTION USING AI2024-07-24T23:18:25+03:00Olena Hlazunovatest@gmail.comInna Savytskatest@gmail.comVolodymyr Kravchenkotest@gmail.comValentyna Korolchuktest@gmail.comTetyana Voloshynatest@gmail.comТаїсія Саяпіна<p><em>In modern education, an important factor in the quality of specialist training at different levels of training and educational programs is the determination of students' academic emotions. Taking this factor into account by teachers of educational institutions can significantly affect the level of organization of the educational process, student's academic performance, their ability to learn different types of educational content depending on the method of teaching, as well as affect motivation and satisfaction by controlling their level of attention and engagement during synchronous interaction. The paper analyses students' academic emotions during lectures using different teaching methods and investigates their impact on attention and engagement. The pedagogical experiment was conducted among the 2nd year Bachelor's degree students majoring in 121 ‘Software Engineering’ at the Faculty of Information Technology of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULES). The study used three teaching methods during online lectures in synchronous mode, namely: visual (demonstration of presentation slides); brainstorming method (discussion of key issues of the lecture); case method (demonstration of a practice-oriented task), as well as a AI tool (MorphCast Emotion AI) for recognizing students' academic emotions in real-time. MorphCast Emotion AI allows the teacher to track the level of student engagement during a synchronous lecture, offering recommendations based on the data obtained, when to take breaks, how to adapt and adjust teaching methods, forms of educational content delivery, or adapt the sequence of topics within the discipline. After the class, detailed statistics on the level of engagement and attention help to plan further synchronous courses, ensuring that each online lecture is as effective and efficient as possible for students in today's environment.</em></p>2025-02-14T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2025 Олена Глазунова, Інна Савицька, Володимир Кравченко, Валентина Корольчук, Тетяна Волошина, Таїсія Саяпіна TERMINOLOGY: BETWEEN INCOMPLETENESS AND REDUNDANCY2024-08-20T15:17:33+03:00Iryna Mintiiirina.mintiy@gmail.comOleksandra Stetsyshynaaleksandrabibik3117@gmail.comOlena Vakaliuktetianavakaliuk@gmail.comSerhiy<p>The article addresses the problem of forming informatics terminology in the process of teaching primary school pupils. The relevance of the research is driven by the introduction of informatics as a compulsory subject from year 2 in accordance with the State Standard of Primary Education in Ukraine. Different approaches to structuring the content of informatics education, implemented in model educational programmes under the guidance of O. Ya. Savchenko and R. B. Shyian, as well as the authors' methodological systems of school textbook compilers, may cause discrepancies in the interpretation and use of informatics terms. Incorrect or inconsistent use of terminology on the pages of textbooks and in teachers' speech can lead to pupils' misconceptions and hinder the formation of informatics competencies. A comparative analysis of the terminology of model educational programmes in informatics for years 1-4 revealed certain differences between the terminological apparatus of the programmes under the guidance of O. Ya. Savchenko and R. B. Shyian. The two programmes share 15 terms, including «information», «message», «data», «information processes», «algorithm», «executor», and others. At the same time, each programme contains a number of unique terms not mentioned in the other. Based on a comparative analysis of the terminological apparatus of 9 informatics textbooks for year 4, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the level of their terminological completeness and redundancy in relation to the relevant educational programmes was determined. It was found that the textbooks by N. V. Morze and O. V. Barna (according to the programme of O. Ya. Savchenko) and H. V. Lomakovska and H. O. Protsenko (according to the programme of R. B. Shyian) are the most terminologically consistent with the programmes. The textbooks by T. H. Hilberg et al. and O. V. Korshunova were found to be the least consistent with the programmes in terms of terminological content. It is concluded that there is a need for careful alignment of textbook terminology with the relevant educational programmes.</p>2024-12-01T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 І. С. Мінтій, О. Ю. Стецишина, О. Ю. Тарасова, Т. А. Вакалюк, С. О. Семеріков FEATURES OF CHOOSING A PLATFORM FOR PLACEMENT OF THE WEB MULTIMEDIA ENCYCLOPEDIA «PRECEDENTAL EDUCATION»2024-08-20T15:59:21+03:00Анна Лінтварьова<p>The article examines the key aspects of using web platforms for creating and hosting the electronic educational resource Web Multimedia Encyclopedia "Preschool Education". Special attention in the study is paid to the needs of users - teachers and students - which influence the strategic choice of the platform. The article examines the conditions of distance learning, in particular within the framework of web platforms. The author analyzes how these conditions affect the effectiveness of the educational process, and also highlights the challenges faced by teachers and students in the process of using digital educational resources. The relevance of using such Web multimedia encyclopedias in the educational process of specialization 012 "Preschool education" is considered. The article highlights the main advantages and disadvantages of using web platforms for training students, in particular Moodle and Canvas, taking into account the needs of users. Attention is drawn to their potential to enrich the educational environment with various visual and audiovisual materials to stimulate the cognitive and emotional development of students. The functionality and capabilities of two popular platforms - Moodle and Canvas - are compared, taking into account their compliance with the educational needs of applicants for the specialty 012 "Preschool education" education. The main emphasis is on the characterological aspects of choosing a platform, in particular, on which learning opportunities best meet the needs and contribute to the effective training of future educators. The article highlights the importance of web platforms, in particular Moodle, for the creation of electronic educational resources at Kherson State University. The authors give examples of convenient resources, such as Web multimedia encyclopedias from various disciplines, which play an important role in shaping the personality of future specialists. Taking into account the individuality of users, the article examines the influence of the choice of platform on the psychological comfort of teachers and students who actively interact with electronic educational resources.</p>2024-12-01T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Анна Лінтварьова SERVICES AS A MEANS OF GAMIFICATION IN THE TRAINING OF FUTURE TEACHERS2024-08-20T15:41:25+03:00Liubov<p><em>The relevance of using cloud services as one of the means of gamification of the educational process is becoming increasingly evident in the context of modern challenges of higher education. The article analyzes the experience of domestic scientists in the implementation of gamification technology in the educational process of higher education institutions. The researchers focus on both game simulators as an effective means of gamification and the capabilities of cloud services, in particular Kahoot!, LearningApps and Wordwall. The article also examines such cloud services as Kahoot!, LearningApps, Wordwall, Educaplay, Classtime, explores their main functionalities and considers which elements of gamification technology (game rules, leaderboards, points, game aesthetics, etc.) are included in these environments and how they affect the learning process of higher education students. A comparative characterization of the mentioned services is made according to the following features: functionality, type of content, gamification elements, visualization, integration with other platforms, interface languages, free and paid tariffs. The article also highlights the results of a survey of first-year students of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, specialties «Secondary Education (Mathematics. Computer Science)» and «Secondary Education (Computer Science)» of the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 academic years, on their familiarity with the concept of «gamification technology», as well as on determining the most effective and convenient, in their opinion, gamified cloud tool. As a result of the survey, the majority of respondents chose LearningApps for its extensive and free tools, and Kahoot! for its interactive and visually appealing service. In addition, both services are well known to students from school, which played a key role in their choice. The study concluded that cloud services are a widely used tool in educational activities, they make it possible to make the educational process interactive and interesting, while gamification elements often serve as a motivating factor and allow students to fully immerse themselves in the game-based learning environment. This approach contributes to better assimilation and understanding of educational material, as well as to improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process.</em></p>2024-12-02T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Любов Тітова, Інна Криворучко BEHIND USING KAHOOT IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES IN MODERN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: EMPIRICAL ASPECT 2024-05-10T16:31:23+03:00Tetiana Fursenkotanya_kostylova@ukr.netYurii<p><em>Annotation. Methodology of language teaching has been in constant search for effective strategies, approaches and tools to facilitate students` progress in mastering a foreign language. Due to digitalization in education and society, a huge focus is now placed on ICT as a powerful instrument for boosting students` skills and knowledge. The article aims to experimentally verify the effectiveness of using Kahoot in ESP class for students majoring in Information Technologies in academic settings. The objectives of the current research are twofold. Primarily, the research is the attempt to measure and evaluate the influence of Kahoot on students` vocabulary comprehension as compared to traditional paper-based activities (multiple choice tests, filling-in-the-gaps activities etc.). Secondly, our goal is to assess students` attitude to the technology and the effect it has on their motivation. To accomplish the outlined objectives we have conducted a pedagogical experiment among 27 students based on qualitative (a questionnaire, vocabulary tests) to gather data and quantitative methods (Student`s t test, math proportions and equations) to process the obtained results and prove their validity by excluding the possibility of all the findings being a random coincidence. All the experiment participants consented to taking part in the research. Having carried out the experiment, we indicated a difference of around 20 % in the performance given by the experimental group in the vocabulary test as compared to the control group. Thus, we can reach a conclusion that the introduction of Kahoot in the process of studying English at university has proved to be effective and there is a rationale behind incorporation the studied tool in the learning process on a regular basis. As for assessing the students` motivation, the questionnaire results have shown that the experimental group students give a positive feedback on using Kahoot, pointing out a few aspects they spot to be problematic (narrow time limit, screen brightness). However, all such drawbacks can be easily customized and troubleshot. Possible areas that can be of interest for further reach can be using Kahoot for other aspects of language learning (grammar, listening comprehension).</em></p> <p> </p>2024-12-02T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tetiana Fursenko, Yurii Druz, Galyna Druz OF INFLUENCE ON THE MOTIVATION SPHERE OF HIGHER EDUCATION ACQUISITIONS IN CONDITIONS OF SYNCHRONOUS EDUCATION2024-09-24T13:28:34+03:00Людмила Пермінова<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">In the modern educational paradigm oriented towards the satisfaction of individual requests, the problems of professional formation of future specialists acquire special importance. Social problems, wartime force educators to constantly improve their practical professional skills. Many institutions switched to a distance learning format, and this led to the need to improve work skills with the use of innovative teaching technologies. This has both positive and negative components. The definition and substantiation of means of active learning in the mode of synchronous (asynchronous) learning, which teachers successfully cope with, can be attributed to the positive. However, in connection with remote learning, there is a problem with motivation, the manifestation of independence, and the formation of self-management qualities of higher education students. There is a problem of a positive influence on the motivational sphere of a modern student, which ensures his success both in studies and success in future professional activities. Means of motivation for success should be didactically and methodically coordinated with the needs and individual qualities of those who study. Informatization, digitization of the educational process provides ample opportunities for teachers' creativity. Modern IT technologies, especially cloud technologies, provide teachers with a fairly convenient, free set of tools for activating the educational and cognitive activities of students, including virtual whiteboards, multimedia presentations, tools for organizing group work, services for creating tests, intelligence cards, supplemented and virtual reality. It should be noted that the quality of information perception, motivation for activity increases when watching videos, listening to texts and musical works. Motivation increases when the winners themselves take an active part in creating drawings, multimedia presentations, etc. The influence on the development of the motivational sphere of higher education seekers is complex and requires a lot of time and effort of teachers.</span></em></p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) OF BICLUSTERING ANALYSIS FOR FORMING COHERENT DATA SUBSETS2024-09-24T13:27:46+03:00Sergii Babichevtest@gmail.comTetiana<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This paper introduces a new approach to data analysis using biclustering, which significantly differs from traditional clustering methods. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Available scientific works were analyzed, which characterized the method of bicluster analysis and the features of its application. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The authors focus on identifying coherent subsets within complex data, extending beyond typical data such as gene expression. They emphasize exploring how biclustering analysis can uncover hidden connections in data, often overlooked by conventional methods. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Quality criteria for biclustering of gene expression data were formed and the effectiveness of internal criteria was evaluated. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The quality of biclusters is thoroughly examined using mean squared error (MSE) and mutual information, ensuring the reliability and objectivity of the results. A distinctive feature of biclustering analysis is its ability to identify biclusters of various sizes and shapes, crucial for understanding complex and heterogeneous data. This approach not only highlights local patterns in data subsets but also reveals more intricate interrelations. The article also stresses the importance of optimizing hyperparameters and using quality criteria to achieve the most accurate results. The research aims not only to identify coherent data subsets but also to gain a deeper understanding of structural features and interconnections revealed by biclustering analysis. This work opens new prospects for analyzing complex data, offering a deeper insight into their structure and dynamics. Particularly valuable is the method’s ability to detect overlapping biclusters, aiding in uncovering more complex and profound dependencies in the data.</span></em></p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) EVALUATION OF GAMING SOFTWARE OF THE GAMIFICATION ENVIRONMENT FOR THE PREPARATION OF FUTURE BACHELORS OF INFORMATICS2024-09-24T13:27:55+03:00Dmytro Verbovetskyitest@gmail.comVasyl<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article presents a model of introducing a gamification environment into the educational process for the preparation of future bachelors of informatics. We have analyzed the domestic and foreign experience in selecting criteria for software and hardware, determined the criteria for selecting the components of the gamification environment and the indicators of each criterion, selected the components of the gamification environment, conducted an experimental evaluation of some software samples according to the defined criteria. Design, cloud-oriented, content and information and communication criteria were selected for the selected platforms and their components were outlined. A table of evaluation by experts was developed and the results were analyzed. A ranking of the received data was also made and conclusions were drawn based on the evaluation results. According to experts' assessments, the environment most suitable and least suitable for the selected criteria was determined, as it scored the highest and lowest number of points. The purpose of the article is to design a model of a gamification environment for training future bachelors of computer science in higher education institutions. We see the design of other components of the gamification environment, the creation of tasks using gamification technologies, the analysis of feedback, the development of technological infrastructure and the creation of methodological recommendations for the implementation and use of the environment as further perspectives of the research.</span></em></p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) CASE METHOD AS A TECHNOLOGY FOR ENSURING THE QUALITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION DURING DISTANCE LEARNING USING ICT TOOLS: WORK EXPERIENCE2024-09-24T13:28:04+03:00Valentyna Krotenkotest@gmail.comHanna Afuzovatest@gmail.comGanna<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Current socio-ecological and socio-political challenges dictate the implementation of a complex of information and communication (digital) technologies into the organization of the educational process. This makes it possible to implement the process of distance learning in educational institutions in situations of natural and </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">technogenic</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;"> uncertainty. The organization of the educational process is directed not only to the assimilation of individual blocks of theoretical information but also to the ability of students to make independent decisions and act in various situations, practically using the accumulated knowledge. To achieve such results, it is necessary to apply new approaches to the organization of the educational process, focusing on personal and professional individuality of each student, relying on a differential and creative approach in the learning process, and using variability of interactive forms and training methods. This approach not only increases the likelihood of knowledge assimilation but also allows going beyond them in the area of development of students' analytical skills and self-awareness, communication and leadership skills, and formation of decision-making in conditions of uncertainty.</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">In this context, it is worth considering the problem of using the case method in professional training with an emphasis on the essence of the case method as an interactive learning method and as a form of organization of educational and cognitive activities of students; as a pedagogical technology used in the process of professional training; on the potential of the case-method as a powerful tool for interactive, personality-oriented student learning strategy aimed at developing their critical thinking, communication skills and interpersonal communication skills.</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The most powerful are cases that make it possible to obtain a number of reasonable estimates, which leads to variable, but equally plausible and proven conclusions. Also, an effective means of professional training in the system of continuous and open education is the use of case triggers, which are presented in the form of unresolved or provocative issues that require further searches and discussions. Particular attention is paid to developing cases specifically focused on the development of students' scientific skills (interrupted case).</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The results of using the case method, as one of the most promising interactive methods of organizing vocational training, to ensure the quality of education during distance learning using ICT tools on the example of professional training of future specialists in the field of special and clinical psychology are analyzed.</span></em></p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE)! AS A TOOL TO GAMIFY LEARNING PROCESS AT MARITIME HIGHER EDUCATION2024-09-24T13:28:15+03:00Olena Diahylevatest@gmail.comAlona Leshchenkotest@gmail.comAlla Paziaktest@gmail.comAlona<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article is devoted to the use of Kahoot! as a game-based learning platform at a higher education institution. This paper has analyzed the influence of Kahoot! on learning outcomes of future maritime professionals. The process of the “Feedback” tool use in the educational process at a higher maritime education institution is described. </span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article reviews the scientific literature on gamification in learning, e.g., the study of other researchers and their approaches to using the tools such as Kahoot!. The paper emphasizes the fact of limited opportunities for the Kahoot! free use despite the company’s commercial interests. </span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The paper describes the usage of Kahoot! as an interactive tool in both synchronous and asynchronous modes. The synchronous mode enables teachers to conduct quizzes in real time, and students to take part in them using their devices, which promotes active participation and healthy competition. In asynchronous mode, teachers can assign independent study tasks to students, who can perform them with Kahoot! at their own convenience, allowing for flexibility in learning.</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The study presents the results of an experiment conducted at Kherson State Maritime Academy, where Kahoot! has been used in teaching Maritime English and humanities. The data analysis has identified positive changes in the level of students' professional competence, which confirms the improvement of the learning material understanding.</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The research analyzed the role of Kahoot! in the organization of feedback between teacher and students during classes. Its specifics and features are determined precisely as a pedagogical toolkit for quickly conducting a section of students’ acquired knowledge during any form of education and various forms of educational classes. In general, the research and implementation of novel approaches in gamification and game-based learning give access to creating an effective learning environment.</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Further research prospects include the study of the use of other gamification tools and game-based learning at maritime higher education institutions (e.g., Mentimeter, Miro).</span></em></p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) OF AN INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL TRAJECTORY IN A HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A CATALOG OF ELECTIVE DISCIPLINES2024-09-24T13:28:24+03:00Oksana Buinytskatest@gmail.comLiliia Varchenko-Trotsenkotest@gmail.comValeriia Smirnovatest@gmail.comAnastasiia Tiutiunnyktest@gmail.comBohdan Hrytseliaktest@gmail.comYevhen<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Institutions of higher education are increasingly faced with the diversity of needs and expectations of students, which calls into question traditional educational curricula. In this context, there is a need to introduce new approaches that provide students with greater flexibility in learning and the opportunity to independently shape their educational path. One of these approaches is an individual educational trajectory, which allows students to actively participate in the formation of their individual learning paths, increasing their motivation and interest in the learning process. The urgency of introducing an individual educational trajectory in universities reflects the need to adapt the educational system to modern realities and individual needs of students. It is also a response to the challenge of ensuring flexibility, differentiation and personalization of training, which is becoming increasingly important in light of the rapidly changing labor market and the requirements for the competencies of future professionals. The article examines the possibility of introducing an individual educational trajectory for students of higher education institutions through the implementation of the “catalog of elective disciplines” module in the e-learning system, evaluation and planning of the educational process, determination of success criteria and support of students in the process of selection and advancement along an individual trajectory. The relevance of this issue is due to changes in the modern educational environment, which requires a more flexible approach to learning to take into account the individual needs and interests of students. An analysis of research related to the implementation of an individual educational trajectory and the implementation of the catalog of selective disciplines was carried out.</span></em></p>2024-02-09T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) QUALITY OF DISTANCE EDUCATION WITH ICT: SIMULATION OF THE UKRAINIAN SCENARIO2024-09-24T13:28:52+03:00Oksana Polinkevychtest@gmail.comOlena<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article scientifically researches the theoretical, methodological, and analytical aspects of the quality of education in distance learning using ICT. </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Attention was drawn to such aspects as the low level of awareness of ICT, the transition to mixed learning, the availability of distance courses on distance learning platforms in Ukraine, the unsatisfactory quality of distance courses. </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The essence of distance learning is summarized, and the features of distance learning of students in the field of knowledge "Information Technologies" are given. The problems arising during distance learning in the knowledge "Information technologies" field have been identified. The quality of distance education and the role of ICT in providing it are described. A descriptive model of the quality of distance education using ICT in the field of knowledge "Information Technologies" is proposed. An expert study was conducted on the quality of education at the university on the example of the Lutsk National Technical University, the use of learning platforms, and types of ICT, a comparison was made with all-Ukrainian trends. </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The results of the survey and their analysis are presented. </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">It is proposed to use mixed and distance (synchronous) forms of education. It has been established that the key component of quality distance education is the constant monitoring of processes and the development of NPPs, which are ready to convey explicit and implicit knowledge to students. This will be facilitated by a descriptive model of the quality of distance learning using ICT, which has three stages: description and characterization of the external environment, implementation of the model itself, and constant monitoring of goal achievement.</span></em></p>2023-12-29T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE)АPPLICATION OF IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND RE-TRAINING OF MILITARY SPECIALISTS2024-09-24T13:30:32+03:00Alla<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article presents the author's vision of the possibilities of using immersive technologies in the training and retraining of military specialists, formed during a systematic review of scientific sources, the study of modern educational technological trends, the analysis of successful practices in the use of such technologies in education, supported by own experience of working with students of a military education institution and the the author's research results author's study of the most relevant areas and areas of development of digital competences of military specialists. The study of educational issues takes into account the tasks defined by the Strategic Defense Bulletin of Ukraine, the orders of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, a number of laws of Ukraine regarding military security in Ukraine. Attention is drawn to the expediency of introducing immersive technologies into the military education system.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a result of the survey, a generalization of domestic and foreign experience in the formation of digital competence of military specialists is presented, as well as the attitude towards and needs for increasing the professional level of readiness to apply modern educational technological trends are investigated. A comparative analysis of the obtained results was carried out to determine the need of military specialists for additional knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies, in particular mixed reality technologies.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">According to the author, the use of immersive technologies, that is, immersion in the digital world, can become the main tool in the formation of a modern ecosystem of military education, which should combine the intellectual, scientific, professional, educational, technological potential of the subjects of the educational environment, on the basis of openness, distribution and adaptability. and fundamentally change approaches to building the educational process in the military education system.</span></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">Immersive technologies, digital competence, digital tools, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military education, ICT, educational ecosystem.</span></p>2023-06-30T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) OF VULNERABILITIES IN SMART CONTRACTS WRITTEN IN SOLIDITY2024-06-03T15:27:02+03:00Volodymyr Peschanenkovladim@ksu.ks.uaViktor<p class="p1"><em>The increasing interest in blockchain and smart contract technologies has brought attention to the security challenges associated with these innovative solutions. Smart contracts, which are written in the Solidity programming language and executed on the Ethereum platform, offer new opportunities for automating legal and financial transactions. However, they also pose risks related to code and data security.</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>The article discusses the fundamental principles of smart contracts, with a focus on the Solidity language and the vulnerabilities that commonly arise during development. The authors provide a concise overview of academic research on smart-contract security, highlighting the significance of each paper. This review provides readers with an understanding of the current state of research in smart contract cybersecurity and emphasizes the importance of enhancing the security of blockchain technologies.</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>Given the increasing complexity and expanding applications of blockchain technologies, studying smart contract vulnerabilities is crucial. This study highlights the significance of conducting a systematic analysis of cyberattacks, including a detailed examination of each type and incident of attack. This approach can prevent potential vulnerabilities and effectively minimize the risks of attacks. Such an approach is crucial to ensure the further development and popularization of blockchain technology.</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>The paper provides examples that illustrate real-life cases of smart contract vulnerabilities and discusses the consequences of such vulnerabilities. Analyzing these examples provides insight into the importance of careful code development and auditing, as well as the significance of ongoing cybersecurity education and training for developers. Recommendations for future research are provided and vectors for future work are outlined.</em></p> <p class="p1"><em>This paper may interest individuals involved in smart contract development, blockchain and cybersecurity research, and those interested in blockchain technology.</em></p>2024-12-02T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Viktor Rud