Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) <p>The journal is <a href="">included</a> in the&nbsp;<strong>"List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine"</strong>&nbsp;(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 409, March 17, 2020). The scientific edition is assigned the Category "B" in the field of&nbsp;<strong>pedagogical sciences</strong> (13.00.02-13.00.10), in specialty 011 – Education Sciences.</p> <h3>Mission</h3> <p>ITE promotes a dissemination and knowledge transfer channel where academics, practitioners, and researchers can discuss, analyze, criticize, synthesize, communicate, and elaborate the developments and related impacts of IT in all aspects of their use in education.</p> <h3>Languages</h3> <p>ITE publishes articles written in English or Ukrainian. The abstracts are published in all two languages.</p> <h3>Scope</h3> <p>ITE publishes original high quality articles on scientific, methodological, organizational, and technological aspects of the development, adoption, and application of ICT for the management of higher and secondary educational institutions. The journal also solicits papers elaborating the solutions of the scientific, didactic, organizational and technological challenges aiming at creating, transferring to, and exploiting ICT and relevant software in teaching and learning.</p> en-US (JournalITE) (JournalITE) Fri, 09 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0200 OJS 60 MODERN METHODS, MODELS AND SOFTWARE TOOLS FOR IMPLEMENTATION AND OPTIMIZATION OF IOT SYSTEMS (INTERNET OF THINGS) <p><em>This article presents an analysis of modern methods, models, and tools used to create and optimize Internet of Things (IoT) systems. It examines in detail the variety of approaches and software solutions, reflecting the dynamic growth in the field of automation, which is being actively developed by both leading international IT companies such as Google, Apple and Xiaomi, and domestic firms, in particular AJAX, which are gaining popularity in the market. The article highlights the importance of IoT in various aspects of modern life, including energy efficiency, security, and business process optimization. The author focuses on the continuous development of technologies that open up new opportunities for users and improve their quality of life. The author also considers the integration of IoT into various fields of activity, which can lead to a significant positive impact on society and the economy. In addition, the article provides an overview of the history of the Internet of Things, presenting the evolution and key milestones in this area. Modern communication technologies that are the basis for IoT devices are also considered. The author identifies the basic criteria that modern reliable systems must meet, analyzing them in terms of efficiency, scalability, and security.</em> <em>The article also contains an analysis of several popular off-the-shelf system solutions on the market. Each of them is characterized by characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and unique features. This provides a deeper understanding of the variety of options available and helps in choosing the right system for their individual needs and budget. The article is a useful resource for those looking for updated and comprehensive information on modern IoT systems and their implementation.</em></p> Yevheniy Khomenko Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Fri, 09 Feb 2024 21:50:41 +0200 APPLICATION OF BICLUSTERING ANALYSIS FOR FORMING COHERENT DATA SUBSETS <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This paper introduces a new approach to data analysis using biclustering, which significantly differs from traditional clustering methods. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Available scientific works were analyzed, which characterized the method of bicluster analysis and the features of its application. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The authors focus on identifying coherent subsets within complex data, extending beyond typical data such as gene expression. They emphasize exploring how biclustering analysis can uncover hidden connections in data, often overlooked by conventional methods. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Quality criteria for biclustering of gene expression data were formed and the effectiveness of internal criteria was evaluated. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The quality of biclusters is thoroughly examined using mean squared error (MSE) and mutual information, ensuring the reliability and objectivity of the results. A distinctive feature of biclustering analysis is its ability to identify biclusters of various sizes and shapes, crucial for understanding complex and heterogeneous data. This approach not only highlights local patterns in data subsets but also reveals more intricate interrelations. The article also stresses the importance of optimizing hyperparameters and using quality criteria to achieve the most accurate results. The research aims not only to identify coherent data subsets but also to gain a deeper understanding of structural features and interconnections revealed by biclustering analysis. This work opens new prospects for analyzing complex data, offering a deeper insight into their structure and dynamics. Particularly valuable is the method’s ability to detect overlapping biclusters, aiding in uncovering more complex and profound dependencies in the data.</span></em></p> Сергій Бабічев, Tetiana Goncharenko Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Fri, 09 Feb 2024 21:33:35 +0200 EMPIRICAL EVALUATION OF GAMING SOFTWARE OF THE GAMIFICATION ENVIRONMENT FOR THE PREPARATION OF FUTURE BACHELORS OF INFORMATICS <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article presents a model of introducing a gamification environment into the educational process for the preparation of future bachelors of informatics. We have analyzed the domestic and foreign experience in selecting criteria for software and hardware, determined the criteria for selecting the components of the gamification environment and the indicators of each criterion, selected the components of the gamification environment, conducted an experimental evaluation of some software samples according to the defined criteria. Design, cloud-oriented, content and information and communication criteria were selected for the selected platforms and their components were outlined. A table of evaluation by experts was developed and the results were analyzed. A ranking of the received data was also made and conclusions were drawn based on the evaluation results. According to experts' assessments, the environment most suitable and least suitable for the selected criteria was determined, as it scored the highest and lowest number of points. The purpose of the article is to design a model of a gamification environment for training future bachelors of computer science in higher education institutions. We see the design of other components of the gamification environment, the creation of tasks using gamification technologies, the analysis of feedback, the development of technological infrastructure and the creation of methodological recommendations for the implementation and use of the environment as further perspectives of the research.</span></em></p> Dmytro Verbovetskyi, Vasyl Oleksiuk Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Fri, 09 Feb 2024 21:27:34 +0200 THE CASE METHOD AS A TECHNOLOGY FOR ENSURING THE QUALITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION DURING DISTANCE LEARNING USING ICT TOOLS: WORK EXPERIENCE <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Current socio-ecological and socio-political challenges dictate the implementation of a complex of information and communication (digital) technologies into the organization of the educational process. This makes it possible to implement the process of distance learning in educational institutions in situations of natural and </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">technogenic</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;"> uncertainty. The organization of the educational process is directed not only to the assimilation of individual blocks of theoretical information but also to the ability of students to make independent decisions and act in various situations, practically using the accumulated knowledge. To achieve such results, it is necessary to apply new approaches to the organization of the educational process, focusing on personal and professional individuality of each student, relying on a differential and creative approach in the learning process, and using variability of interactive forms and training methods. This approach not only increases the likelihood of knowledge assimilation but also allows going beyond them in the area of development of students' analytical skills and self-awareness, communication and leadership skills, and formation of decision-making in conditions of uncertainty.</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">In this context, it is worth considering the problem of using the case method in professional training with an emphasis on the essence of the case method as an interactive learning method and as a form of organization of educational and cognitive activities of students; as a pedagogical technology used in the process of professional training; on the potential of the case-method as a powerful tool for interactive, personality-oriented student learning strategy aimed at developing their critical thinking, communication skills and interpersonal communication skills.</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The most powerful are cases that make it possible to obtain a number of reasonable estimates, which leads to variable, but equally plausible and proven conclusions. Also, an effective means of professional training in the system of continuous and open education is the use of case triggers, which are presented in the form of unresolved or provocative issues that require further searches and discussions. Particular attention is paid to developing cases specifically focused on the development of students' scientific skills (interrupted case).</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The results of using the case method, as one of the most promising interactive methods of organizing vocational training, to ensure the quality of education during distance learning using ICT tools on the example of professional training of future specialists in the field of special and clinical psychology are analyzed.</span></em></p> Valentyna Krotenko, Hanna Afuzova, Ganna Naydonova Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Fri, 09 Feb 2024 21:22:33 +0200 KAHOOT! AS A TOOL TO GAMIFY LEARNING PROCESS AT MARITIME HIGHER EDUCATION <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article is devoted to the use of Kahoot! as a game-based learning platform at a higher education institution. This paper has analyzed the influence of Kahoot! on learning outcomes of future maritime professionals. The process of the “Feedback” tool use in the educational process at a higher maritime education institution is described.&nbsp;</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article reviews the scientific literature on gamification in learning, e.g., the study of other researchers and their approaches to using the tools such as Kahoot!. The paper emphasizes the fact of limited opportunities for the Kahoot! free use despite the company’s commercial interests.&nbsp;</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The paper describes the usage of Kahoot! as an interactive tool in both synchronous and asynchronous modes. The synchronous mode enables teachers to conduct quizzes in real time, and students to take part in them using their devices, which promotes active participation and healthy competition. In asynchronous mode, teachers can assign independent study tasks to students, who can perform them with Kahoot! at their own convenience, allowing for flexibility in learning.</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The study presents the results of an experiment conducted at Kherson State Maritime Academy, where Kahoot! has been used in teaching Maritime English and humanities. The data analysis has identified positive changes in the level of students' professional competence, which confirms the improvement of the learning material understanding.</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The research analyzed the role of Kahoot! in the organization of feedback between teacher and students during classes. Its specifics and features are determined precisely as a pedagogical toolkit for quickly conducting a section of students’ acquired knowledge during any form of education and various forms of educational classes. In general, the research and implementation of novel approaches in gamification and game-based learning give access to creating an effective learning environment.</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Further research prospects include the study of the use of other gamification tools and game-based learning at maritime higher education institutions (e.g., Mentimeter, Miro).</span></em></p> Olena Diahyleva, Alona Leshchenko, Alla Paziak, Alona Yurzhenko Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Fri, 09 Feb 2024 21:16:11 +0200 INTRODUCTION OF AN INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL TRAJECTORY IN A HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A CATALOG OF ELECTIVE DISCIPLINES <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Institutions of higher education are increasingly faced with the diversity of needs and expectations of students, which calls into question traditional educational curricula. In this context, there is a need to introduce new approaches that provide students with greater flexibility in learning and the opportunity to independently shape their educational path. One of these approaches is an individual educational trajectory, which allows students to actively participate in the formation of their individual learning paths, increasing their motivation and interest in the learning process. The urgency of introducing an individual educational trajectory in universities reflects the need to adapt the educational system to modern realities and individual needs of students. It is also a response to the challenge of ensuring flexibility, differentiation and personalization of training, which is becoming increasingly important in light of the rapidly changing labor market and the requirements for the competencies of future professionals. The article examines the possibility of introducing an individual educational trajectory for students of higher education institutions through the implementation of the “catalog of elective disciplines” module in the e-learning system, evaluation and planning of the educational process, determination of success criteria and support of students in the process of selection and advancement along an individual trajectory. The relevance of this issue is due to changes in the modern educational environment, which requires a more flexible approach to learning to take into account the individual needs and interests of students. An analysis of research related to the implementation of an individual educational trajectory and the implementation of the catalog of selective disciplines was carried out.</span></em></p> Oksana Buinytska, Liliia Varchenko-Trotsenko, Valeriia Smirnova, Anastasiia Tiutiunnyk, Bohdan Hrytseliak, Yevhen Matasar Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Fri, 09 Feb 2024 21:11:25 +0200 ЗАСОБИ ВПЛИВУ НА МОТИВАЦІЙНУ СФЕРУ ЗДОБУВАЧІВ ВИЩОЇ ОСВІТИ В УМОВАХ СИНХРОННОГО НАВЧАННЯ <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">У сучасній освітній парадигмі зорієнтованої на задоволення запитів особистості, особливого значення набувають проблеми професійного становлення майбутніх фахівців.</span></em> <em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Соціальні проблеми, військовий час змушують освітян постійно удосконалювати свої практичні фахові навички. Багато закладів перейшло на дистанційний формат навчання, а це призвело необхідність удосконалювати навички роботи зі застосуванням інноваційних технологій викладання. В цьому є як позитивні, так і негативні складові. До позитива можна віднести визначення і обґрунтування засобів активного навчання в режимі синхронного (асинхронного) навчання з чим викладачі успішно справляються. Однак, у зв’язку з віддаленим навчанням виникає проблема з мотивацією, прояву самостійності, сформованістю якостей самоменеджменту здобувачів вищої освіти. Постає проблема позитивного впливу на мотиваційну сферу сучасного здобувача, що забезпечує його успішність як в навчанні, так і успіхи у майбутній професійній діяльності. Засоби мотивації на успіх мають бути дидактично і методично узгоджені з потребами, індивідуальними якостями тих, хто навчається. Інформатизація, цифровізація освітнього процесу надає широкі можливості для творчості викладачів. Сучасні ІТ-технології, особливо хмарні технології, надають педагогам досить зручний, безкоштовний набір інструментів для активізації навчально-пізнавальної діяльності здобувачів, зокрема це віртуальні дошки, мультимедійні презентації, засоби організації групової роботи, сервіси для створення тестів, інтелект-картки, доповнена та віртуальна реальність, перевернуте навчання. Слід зазначити, що якість сприйняття інформації, вмотивованість на діяльність, підвищується при перегляді відео, прослуховуванні текстів та музикальних творів. Мотивація підвищується, коли здобувачі самі приймають активну участь у створенні малюнків, мультимедійні презентацій тощо.&nbsp; Вплив на розвиток мотиваційної сфери здобувачів вищої освіти складний і вимагає багато часу та зусиль викладачів.&nbsp;</span></em></p> Людмила Пермінова Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Fri, 09 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0200 DYNAMIC VISUALIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL USING THE TIMELINEJS MULTIMEDIA TOOL <p><em>The article discusses the features of using the Timeline.JS multimedia tool for visualizing educational material. The influence of information and communication technologies on the education sector leads to the fact that the visual way of presenting information becomes more popular and in demand, as a result of which there is a need to look for interactive approaches to the effective transfer of knowledge, skills and experience to consumers of educational services.</em></p> <p><em>Attention is focused on the possibilities of using the timeline as a new tool for presenting different types of content. In the course of the study, the main areas of use of timelines were analyzed: in the media, in the field of art, and in education. Active software tools for creating timelines were identified, which include: Timeline.JS, Timetoast, Рreceden, TIKI-TOKI, Timeline Maker, BEEDOCSTimeline, and as an additional tool, they are used by Canva and Prezi as part of cloud services.</em></p> <p><em>It is noted that Timeline.JS is software, a ready-made information product, thanks to which interactive, multimedia content is presented. An attempt was made to research the timeline as a "product" for use in the following categories: "Historical and Social Sciences", "Literary Analysis", "Science and Technology", "Biographies and Personalities", "Geography", "Natural Sciences", "Culture" , "Social changes and reforms".</em></p> <p><em>The rules for developing an effective timeline that can be used by educators as part of work on dynamic visualization of educational material are proposed.</em></p> Tetiana Bondarenko Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE INFORMATION AND DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT OF GENERAL SECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: THE GREAT BRITAIN EXPERIENCE <p><em>The article is devoted to the system of assessment of the school's information and digital environment (IDE) on the example of the Great Britain experience. In order to maintain and develop a modern IDE, it is necessary to assess its state, which will help determine: the effectiveness of technology use; strengths and weaknesses of the school's digitalisation policy; further ways of its effective digitalisation. The article presents the Naace SRF (Self Review Framework) self-assessment tool, which has been created and used by Great Britain educators for over 20 years, as well as its structural elements, which were developed by various educational organisations (the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills; education agencies; educational institutions; the Trust, etc.) The National Digital Strategies and the views of the education community were taken into account during development. Control questions are provided to help schools prepare in advance for the SRF self-assessment process. The author describes the assessment process carried out on the Naace online platform, which consists of four levels, presents general questions asked to school representatives covering the following areas: leadership and management; teaching and learning with technology; assessment of digital potential; protection of digital data; professional development; resources and technologies. The ease of use of the tool has been determined, given that the assessment data is stored in the system, so schools can independently monitor the development of digitalisation of their educational institution and formulate further digital plans. In addition, the System has developed the NaaceMark quality mark, which motivates schools to increase their level of technological development. An analysis of existing systems for assessing the effectiveness of the school's information and digital environment will help to create the own tool that will meet the requirements and needs of Ukrainian educators.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p> Iryna Malytska Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 THE USE OF CAD SYSTEM IN THE INNOVATIVE METHOD OF TEACHING GRAPHIC DISCIPLINES <p><em>The experience of online engineering and computer graphics education at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas for engineering majors is considered. The problems of achieving project-oriented learning competencies in online mode are analyzed. The use of CAD systems is considered to ensure the graphic competencies provided by the "Engineering and Computer Graphics" course program in the online conditions of the organization of the educational process. As an example, "Sketching" (the IKG course topic) -&nbsp; is considered, which is one of the most vulnerable to the achievement of graphic competencies in online learning. The result of this topic should be acquiring skills for creating a sketch from a part made of metal, gaining experience in measuring it, and determining the roughness of surfaces. This topic includes graphic works for sketching several details (cover, union nut, fitting, etc.). During off-line training in the classroom, each student is given a part made of metal, from which he determines all the parameters and attributes necessary for creating a sketch using the methods of measurement and visual inspection. The problems that arise during online training are not related to the creation of technical drawings but to the ability to obtain information from parts made of metal. The considered material gives reasons to assert that the development of CAD systems requires methodical material improvement to ensure students' acquisition of competencies related to their use. Also, the development of these systems makes it possible to use them not only as a subject of study by students but also to create methodological support for engineering graphics, which in turn expands the skills of their use by students.</em></p> Iryna Taras, Vasyl Vytvytskyi Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 AN ALGEBRAIC APPROACH TO THE VERIFICATION OF SMART CONTRACTS IN TEAL <p><em>Blockchain and smart contracts have transformed the modern world. They help ensure security and trust in transactions, revolutionize finance, logistics, healthcare, and many other industries. Smart contracts are based on software code, so they can contain errors that lead to incorrect execution of the contract. Since the area of use of smart contracts is often related to finance, the cost of such errors can be quite high. Also, errors in smart contracts that have already been sent to the network cannot be corrected due to the immutable nature of the blockchain. This problem can be solved through smart contract code analysis, which allows developers to check the correctness of their code and protect it from possible errors and vulnerabilities.</em></p> <p><em>This article proposes the use of insertional modeling to analyze smart contract code for the Algorand blockchain. This blockchain is one of the fastest, </em><em>low-cost, carbon-negative blockchains that has advanced smart contract capabilities with low transaction fees. The language used to create smart contracts in Algorand is called Transaction Execution Approval Language (TEAL).</em></p> <p><em>In this work, we review existing tools for TEAL code verification and describe the capabilities that each of them provides. Among these tools are Graviton, Tealer, Algo Builder/runtime. In this paper</em><em> we describe the features of the TEAL language, as well as give examples of writing a smart contract using it.</em></p> <p><em>We offer our method for verification created smart contract. It consists in using the algebraic approach, which is implemented in the scope of the insertion modeling system to verify the smart contract code. This approach will allow us to check the smart contract code for some state reachability and deadlocks.</em></p> Oleksandr Letychevskyi, Volodymyr Peschanenko, Maksym Poltoratskyi, Olga Konnova Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 THE QUALITY OF DISTANCE EDUCATION WITH ICT: SIMULATION OF THE UKRAINIAN SCENARIO <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article scientifically researches the theoretical, methodological, and analytical aspects of the quality of education in distance learning using ICT. </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Attention was drawn to such aspects as the low level of awareness of ICT, the transition to mixed learning, the availability of distance courses on distance learning platforms in Ukraine, the unsatisfactory quality of distance courses. </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The essence of distance learning is summarized, and the features of distance learning of students in the field of knowledge "Information Technologies" are given. The problems arising during distance learning in the knowledge "Information technologies" field have been identified. The quality of distance education and the role of ICT in providing it are described. A descriptive model of the quality of distance education using ICT in the field of knowledge "Information Technologies" is proposed. An expert study was conducted on the quality of education at the university on the example of the Lutsk National Technical University, the use of learning platforms, and types of ICT, a comparison was made with all-Ukrainian trends. </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The results of the survey and their analysis are presented. </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">It is proposed to use mixed and distance (synchronous) forms of education. It has been established that the key component of quality distance education is the constant monitoring of processes and the development of NPPs, which are ready to convey explicit and implicit knowledge to students. This will be facilitated by a descriptive model of the quality of distance learning using ICT, which has three stages: description and characterization of the external environment, implementation of the model itself, and constant monitoring of goal achievement.</span></em></p> Oksana Polinkevych, Olena Kuzmak Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Prospects of using a convolutional neural network to prevent road accidents in a populated area <p>This article examines the possibilities of artificial neural networks for the probable avoidance of motor vehicle drivers from traffic accidents, testing was carried out in a populated area. Just as unpredictable road conditions for the driver of a vehicle such as these require maximum concentration. In order to improve safety and comfort, drivers can get vehicles even more efficiently<br>certain technical support from their vehicles. Software<br>BDR (road safety) is a component of national security tasks<br>personal security, solving demographic, social and economic problems, and<br>as well as improving the quality of life and promoting the development of cities and villages.<br>After analyzing similar software products, it was found that the number of foreign and Ukrainian companies engaged in development with different architecture of communication network for road transport is constantly growing. Based on the generalized analysis of the current state programs to avoid road accidents, it can be noted that the perspective of creating new methods of coordinating it with the priority tasks and programs of the socio-economic development of Ukraine in the long term is in the field of ensuring global road safety.<br>This work recommends the use of a system complex of measures, determined by a comprehensive program approach, and a competent analysis of the obtained results shows the development of standards and performance indicators for use in the field of road safety, as well as the use of modern technologies for road users to support road safety, the organization of training level drivers and the international exchange of experience plays an important role in overcoming these problems.<br>The application of the method of building a convolutional neural network specified in the study for the prevention of road accidents can be applied in the activities of state structures (such as the State Special Transport Service, the Patrol Police of Ukraine, units of the National Security Service of Ukraine, and other central bodies of the state executive power, enterprises, their unions, institutions and organizations)</p> Serhii Yevdokymov Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Mon, 17 Jul 2023 19:08:51 +0300 USING OF DIGITAL EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT FOR TEACHING MARITIME ENGLISH TO FUTURE SHIP MECHANICS <p>The article is devoted to the organization of the process of teaching General English to future ship – engineers as an important and compulsory part in the digital environment of maritime educational institutions. Such virtual environment is a combination of the usage of digital technologies and tools in teaching and learning that can improve the efficiency of the English language learning process. Since the digital environment is not limited to time or attached to a place, it is more flexible, more individualized and more mobile than traditional forms of education. An example of a digital environment is presented on the LMS Moodle. The advantages of using this platform are listed in the work. The research uses several methodological tools, namely: analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction and deduction. The Maritime English course is one of the first steps for cadets of the ship -engineering department on the way for building communicative competence. Today, the labor market requires a competent graduator who is able to perform his duties in the engine room. Qualified ship - engineers must have adequate knowledge of English language for a specific purpose, for communication in an international crew. A variety of e-course tools are used to make their communication clear and understandable. The article also provides examples of H5P tasks (advent calendars, audio recordings, flipping text cards, instant feedback dictation, drag-and-drop text tasks, word highlighting, etc.). The types of content that can be created in the H5P format are listed in the article. The study was conducted on the basis of the third course of the ship – engineering department of Kherson State Maritime Academy. The main goal of the experiment was the formation of communicative competence of future ship – engineers using the digital environment of a maritime educational institution. The results of the experiment confirmed the positive impact of using the digital environment on the communicative competence of future ship – engineers. As a result, it was established that an interactive approach to the organization the learning process is the most effective compared to other methods, the process of learning a foreign language and increases its effectiveness. Further research is also planned to be devoted to the use of the flipped classroom when teaching maritime English to future ship - engineers in modern maritime higher education institutions.</p> Olena Diahyleva, Alona Yurzhenko, Olena Kononova Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Mon, 17 Jul 2023 19:08:22 +0300 GOOGLE WORKSPACE CLOUD SERVICE AS A MEANS OF FORMING PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES OF FUTURE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS <p>The article is dedicated to exploring the role of Google Workspace cloud service in shaping the professional competencies of future mathematics teachers. Modern education increasingly relies on the use of technology in the learning process, including cloud services that provide access to various tools and resources on the Internet, and mathematics teachers need to possess professional competencies that include not only knowledge of mathematics, but also the ability to effectively use modern technologies in the educational process. Google Workspace is one of the leading cloud services that provides a wide range of tools for collaboration, creativity, and organization of work with documents, presentations, archiving, and other tasks that can be useful in the educational activities of mathematics teachers. The key goal is to study the role of Google Workspace cloud service in shaping the professional competencies of future mathematics teachers. Research methods used include analytical analysis of scientific sources, analysis of pedagogical experience, experimental methods, and statistical analysis. Scientific sources related to the concepts of "competence", "professional competence", and "cloud service" were analyzed. The possibilities of using the Google Workspace cloud service in the training of future mathematics teachers were characterized. New opportunities of the set of Internet tools of the Google Workspace cloud service, such as Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Drive, and others, which can be effectively used in the learning process, were highlighted.</p> Maryna Grynova, Liubov Khomenko Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Mon, 17 Jul 2023 19:08:04 +0300 THE APPLICATION OF IСT IN THE ASSESSMENT OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS IN ENGLISH OF HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article analyzes the place and role of pedagogical assessment in the organization of the educational process in higher education institutions. It highlights that the objective results of assessment are an important component in the formation of a competence approach to the professional training of modern specialists. Generalized theoretical developments of domestic and foreign scientists on the given problem are considered, the analysis of which proves that pedagogical assessment has always ranked high in providing educational services. It is noted that although placement, diagnostic, progress, achievement, and proficiency tests have been the main forms of assessment in higher education institutions for quite some time, with the beginning of digitalization of educational system, objective conditions have led to implementation of pedagogical assessment using information and communication technologies. A global pandemic as well as the war in Ukraine urge the expansion of possibilities and improvement of the quality of pedagogical assessment of students’ learning outcomes using distance learning technologies. Therefore, the state and potential of educational assessment are analyzed; results of measuring learning outcomes using distance learning technologies in higher education institutions are investigated. It was found that there are adequate conditions for distance learning of students via various Language Management Systems LMS (Moodle, Brightspace, Docebo, Edmondo, Schoology) in Ukrainian institutions of higher education. At the same time, the survey taken by the educational process stakeholders confirmed the hypothesis that faculty and students are not quite ready to accept pedagogical assessment carried out through the medium of distance learning technologies which considerably complicates objective assessment and evaluation of learning outcomes in the absence of face-to-face communication. In order to meet the present day requirements, a set of measures is proposed regarding the preparation and conduct of pedagogical assessment of students’ learning outcomes using digital technologies.</span></p> Oksana Sovhar Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Mon, 17 Jul 2023 19:07:40 +0300 АPPLICATION OF IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND RE-TRAINING OF MILITARY SPECIALISTS <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article presents the author's vision of the possibilities of using immersive technologies in the training and retraining of military specialists, formed during a systematic review of scientific sources, the study of modern educational technological trends, the analysis of successful practices in the use of such technologies in education, supported by own experience of working with students of a military education institution and the the author's research results author's study of the most relevant areas and areas of development of digital competences of military specialists. The study of educational issues takes into account the tasks defined by the Strategic Defense Bulletin of Ukraine, the orders of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, a number of laws of Ukraine regarding military security in Ukraine. Attention is drawn to the expediency of introducing immersive technologies into the military education system.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As a result of the survey, a generalization of domestic and foreign experience in the formation of digital competence of military specialists is presented, as well as the attitude towards&nbsp; and needs for increasing the professional level of readiness to apply modern educational technological trends are investigated. A comparative analysis of the obtained results was carried out to determine the need of military specialists for additional knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies, in particular mixed reality technologies.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">According to the author, the use of immersive technologies, that is, immersion in the digital world, can become the main tool in the formation of a modern ecosystem of military education, which should combine the intellectual, scientific, professional, educational, technological potential of the subjects of the educational environment, on the basis of openness, distribution and adaptability. and fundamentally change approaches to building the educational process in the military education system.</span></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">Immersive technologies, digital competence, digital tools, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military education, ICT, educational ecosystem.</span></p> Alla Prokopenko Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Fri, 30 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0300 THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BASICS OF GAMIFICATION IN EDUCATION <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article is devoted to the analysis, comprehensive assessment and characteristics of the theoretical and practical principles of gamification in education. The relevance of the study is caused by the urgent need to find effective means of distance education in the context of external challenges of recent years (distance education in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale russian invasion of&nbsp; Ukraine), as well as the general trend of the transition of developed countries from traditional established forms of education to new, digitalized forms. The key goal of the research is to analyze the potential of gamification of the educational environment as an innovative learning technology. Research methods used: analysis of literary sources, analysis and synthesis, comparison, dialectical method, abstraction and concretization, generalization, system analysis, method of considering psychological phenomena. As a result of the conducted research, the definition of the term "gamification in education" is given, which means the use in the educational process of game tools, approaches and practices inherent in modern games using information and computer technologies (computer, mobile, online games) with the aim of motivating and strengthening the cognitive activity of students and ensuring their greater involvement into the educational process. The positive aspects of gamification of the educational environment (impact on the motivational sphere and interest in learning) and negative consequences (restriction of direct communication between students of education, excessive use of computers) are characterized. The main components of gamification are defined: dynamics, mechanics, aesthetics and social interaction. The most effective gamification mechanics in the educational environment are characterized: achievement, appointment dynamic, bonuses, community, countdown, discovery, ownership, levels, their advantages and </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">disadvantages are highlighted. The psychological context of gamification of the educational environment has been established. The cognitive, emotional and social components of the psychological potential of gamification in education are characterized.</span></p> Kateryna Hnedina, Pavlo Nahornyi Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 02 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0200 MARKOV PROCESSES IN RESEARCHING THE PROBABILITY OF CYBER ATTACKS ON MARINE VESSELS <p>Shipping is increasingly relying on digital solutions for everyday tasks. There are constant updates in the field of information technology, data availability, speed of processing and transfer of data with advanced possibilities to optimize work, save costs, increase security and sustainability of business. Along with the growing dependence on automation, the risk of external interference and disruption of key systems significantly increases; hackers can interfere with the operation of the ship or navigation systems, cut off all external communications of the ship or obtain confidential data.<br>Research on cyber security of maritime sector facilities is quite acute today and requires constant attention and improvement.<br>According to cyber security experts in the maritime sector, ground and space equipment systems are most vulnerable to cyberattacks; global positioning systems, electronic cartographic and navigational information systems; flight data registration systems; cargo operations systems; engine, machine and power management systems; access control systems; ship's public internet networks; administrative systems and networks; communication systems and port infrastructure.<br>Analyzing the above, it can be concluded that the more data is collected, the more accurate reports and response actions to cyber threats will be performed by the ship's security management system.<br>A careful analysis of the sources of cyberattacks, which occur most often, allows us to assume that this is a random process that obeys the laws that are called Markov processes in the theory of probabilities (or, more precisely, stochastic processes).<br>The subject of the study is the construction of a model based on the properties of Markov processes, which allows for a more detailed study of the process, analysis and forecasting of the development of a cyberincident in order to make a management decision regarding further constructive actions.</p> Tetyana Zaytseva, Lyudmyla Kravtsova, Natalia Kaminskaya Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE) Thu, 02 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0200 DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE MOTIVATION OF FUTURE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE THREE-SUBJECT DIDACTIC MODEL (IN WARTIME CONDITIONS) <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article examines the peculiarities of the development of sustainable motivation of future primary school teachers in the model of three-subject didactics in wartime. Features of distance learning in institutions of higher education as a security measure in war conditions are highlighted. The focus is on the difficulties students and teachers face during online learning. The leading motives of online education are analyzed, the results of research on demotivating factors, ways to eliminate or reduce them are highlighted. The specified study of demotivating factors was conducted in 2 stages: in 2020-2022 in the pre-war period and in April 2022 during the war on the basis of the Kherson State University among applicants of the specialty 013 Primary education. Within the framework of the study, a questionnaire was conducted among students of 1-4 courses of the first (bachelor) level of higher education. On the basis of the analysis of existing trends and changes, conclusions were made and practical advice was given to eliminate demotivating factors in the educational process of the institution of higher education. The article defines the real role of the pedagogue (teacher of a higher education institution / school teacher, etc.) in the information society. The necessary conditions for the existence of an environment that contributes to the achievement of learning outcomes are highlighted. The role of the information and communication pedagogical environment in the conditions of war in the context of increasing the level of sustainable motivation is characterized. The article focuses on the reconstruction of the psychological and pedagogical structure of the teacher's activity in the process of implementing information and communication technologies. The results of the analysis of the compliance of the key principles of the Agile methodology in education and the priorities of the information and communication pedagogical environment in the model of three-subject didactics are highlighted. The influence of self-regulated and project-oriented learning on the development of the student's motives, the possibility of their implementation, guided by the model of three-subject didactics, is characterized.</span></p> Liubov Petukhova, Anastasiia Volianiuk Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 02 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0200