• M. Davidovsky Communal institution "Zaporizhzhya Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education" of Zaporizhzhya Regional Council, Zaporizhia
  • I. Sokol Communal institution "Zaporizhzhya Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education" of Zaporizhzhya Regional Council, Zaporizhia
Keywords: system of postgraduate pedagogical education, educational process, virtual platform, Moodle, information and communication technologies


Organization of a virtual educational process in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education facilitates more productive interaction between postgraduate pedagogical institutions (PPI) and respective subjects of regional education. In order to address this problem, the Moodle learning management platform was deployed as part of the «Educational Environment of Zaporizhzhya Region» ( on the basis of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education. By means of the platform, during the period of September 2017 – October 2018, the following activities were carried out: 220 advanced training courses were organized; a number of distance trainings were organized and conducted; the regional stage of the “Teacher of the Year-2018 Contest” was held; a number of webinars and online conferences were conducted; the interaction between the educational department of Zaporizhzhya Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education and its structural divisions is organized; a monitoring study was conducted in order to assess the level of formation of the ability to read, understand and interpret various texts by students of the 9th grade of general secondary education institutions in Zaporizhzhya region. The article covers the organizational, educational and methodological, as well as software and technical aspects of virtual educational process organization on the basis of the deployed learning management platform of educational environment of Zaporizhzhya region.
However, it is necessary to mention a number of problems that require further solving. So, a large percentage of CPC listeners have a low level of IT competence, which complicates and slows down the work of the platform: low overall PC performance; lack of understanding of the concepts “browser”, “e-mail”, “login”, etc.; inability to work with e-mail; ignorance of your login and password for login to e-mail; psychological fear of the computer.
The directions of further research are seen in the continuation of the implementation of the regional project “Development of IT competence of teachers”; the connection of new functions to the organization of the virtual educational process and the further development of a single information space in the Zaporizhzhya region.


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How to Cite
DavidovskyM., & SokolI. (2018). ORGANIZATION OF THE VIRTUAL EDUCATIONAL PROCESS AS AN INTEGRAL COMPONENT OF MODERN EDUCATION SYSTEM. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (37), 040-050.