Creation of National Grid infrastructure for scientific research providing


  • M.Z. Zgurovsky The National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv
  • A.I. Petrenko The National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv
  • G.D. Kyselov The National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv



Certification body, cluster, infrastructure, portlets


     Review of works on creating the educational segment of National Grid infrastructure for the use in educational and scientific goals, in particular, for Grid users training, is given.


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1. M. Z. Zgurovsky. Development of Educational and Research Segment of Information Society in Ukraine. – //Proc. WSIS .-Tunis.- 2004.-P.103-107.
2. M. Z. Zgurovsky. Development of Educational and Research Segment of Information Society in Ukraine. – //Системні дослідження та інформаційні технології.-Київ.-2006.=№1.-С.7-17.
3. Петренко А.І. Національна Grid – інфраструктура для забезпечення наукових досліджень і освіти.- // Системні дослідження і інформаційні технологіі, – Київ. – №1. – 2008. – C.79-92.
4. Zgurovsky M. Impact of the Information Societ5y on Sustainable Development: Global and Regional Aspects.- Data Science Journal, Volume 6, Supplement, 11 March 2007
5. Petrenko A.I.”Development of GRID-infrastructure\for Educational and Research segment of Information Society in Ukraine with focus on Ecological monitoring and Telemedicine”. – Data Science Journal, Volume 6, Supplement, 14 April 2007
6. Петренко А.І. Вступ до Grid технологій в науці і освіті (навчальний посібник).-Київ.-Політехніка.-2008.-124
7. Zagorodny A., Zgurovsky M. , Zinovjev G. , Petrenko A. , Martynov E. Integrating Ukraine into European Grid Infrastructure.- // Proc. of the 21-ST codata Conference.-Kiev.-3-8 Octomber 2008
8. Zinovjev G., Martynov E., Svistunov S. Academic segment of Ukrainian Grid infrastructure,- // Proc. of the 21-ST codata Conference.-Kiev.-3-8 Octomber 2008
9. Згуровський М.З., Петренко А.І. Grid технології для е-науки і освіти.-// “Наукові вісті НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ТЕХНІЧНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ УКРАЇНИ» , №2, 2009.- с.10-17.
10. Petrenko A., Velichkevich S., Alenin O. Educational segment of Ukrainian Grid infrastructure.- // Proc. of the 21-ST codata Conference.-Kiev.-3-8 Octomber 2008
1. M. Z. Zgurovsky. Development of Educational and Research Segment of Information Society in Ukraine. – //Proc. WSIS .-Tunis.- 2004.-P.103-107.
2. M. Z. Zgurovsky. Development of Educational and Research Segment of Information Society in Ukraine. – //Systemni doslidzhennja ta informacijni tehnologii'.-Kyi'v.-2006.=№1.-S.7-17.
3. Petrenko A.I. Nacional'na Grid – infrastruktura dlja zabezpechennja naukovyh doslidzhen' i osvity.- // Systemni doslidzhennja i informacijni tehnologii, – Kyi'v. – №1. – 2008. – C.79-92.
4. Zgurovsky M. Impact of the Information Societ5y on Sustainable Development: Global and Regional Aspects.- Data Science Journal, Volume 6, Supplement, 11 March 2007
5. Petrenko A.I.”Development of GRID-infrastructure\for Educational and Research segment of Information Society in Ukraine with focus on Ecological monitoring and Telemedicine”. – Data Science Journal, Volume 6, Supplement, 14 April 2007
6. Petrenko A.I. Vstup do Grid tehnologij v nauci i osviti (navchal'nyj posibnyk).-Kyi'v.-Politehnika.-2008.-124
7. Zagorodny A., Zgurovsky M. , Zinovjev G. , Petrenko A. , Martynov E. Integrating Ukraine into European Grid Infrastructure.- // Proc. of the 21-ST codata Conference.-Kiev.-3-8 Octomber 2008
8. Zinovjev G., Martynov E., Svistunov S. Academic segment of Ukrainian Grid infrastructure,- // Proc. of the 21-ST codata Conference.-Kiev.-3-8 Octomber 2008
9. Zgurovs'kyj M.Z., Petrenko A.I. Grid tehnologii' dlja e-nauky i osvity.-// “Naukovi visti NACIONAL''NOGO TEHNIChNOGO UNIVERSYTETU UKRAI'NY» , №2, 2009.- s.10-17.
10. Petrenko A., Velichkevich S., Alenin O. Educational segment of Ukrainian Grid infrastructure.- // Proc. of the 21-ST codata Conference.-Kiev.-3-8 Octomber 2008



How to Cite

Zgurovsky М., Petrenko, A., & Kyselov Г. (2009). Creation of National Grid infrastructure for scientific research providing. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (4), 012–017.