• V. Kontsedailo Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, Zhytomyr
Keywords: professional competencies, software engineers


     This article deals with scientific approaches to professional competencies development of future software engineers, described in the local and foreign literature. It was found, that software development process usually occurs in the context of software project management. According to various papers, the major challenge in the area of software project management is the high failure rate of software development projects. One of the main factors contributing to the failure of software development projects is that people, involved in the process, including software engineers, do not possess certain soft competencies, essential to the project success. Conducted a literature review of studies, published on the topic of professional competencies development of future software engineers. Found that for now there are plenty of papers on and scientific approaches to professional soft competencies development of future software engineers. As per the analysis in the article, present scientific approaches can be divided into three groups: ones, based on the correspondent extracurricular activities; ones, based on project-oriented learning, and ones, based on the use of Information and Communication Technologies, for example, game simulators in combination with lectures and educational projects. The above-mentioned groups of approaches are described in more details, broken down by papers of particular authors.


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Mtsweni, E. S., Hörne, T., & van der Poll, J. A. (2016). Soft Skills for Software Project Team Members. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 8(2), 150.

Liu, J. Y. C., Chen, H. G., Chen, C. C., & Sheu, T. S. (2011). Relationships among interpersonal conflict, requirements uncertainty, and software project performance. International Journal of Project Management, 29(5), 547-556.

McLeod, L., & MacDonell, S. G. (2011). Factors that affect software systems development project outcomes: A survey of research. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 43(4), 24.

Ahmed, F., Capretz, L. F., Bouktif, S., & Campbell, P. (2015). Soft skills and software development: A reflection from the software industry. arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.06873.

El Emam, K., & Koru, A. G. (2008). A replicated survey of IT software project failures. IEEE software, 25(5).

Sankhwar, S., & Pandey, D. (2014). Software project risk analysis and assessment: A survey. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(5). Retrieved from

Purna Sudhakar, G., Farooq, A., & Patnaik, S. (2011). Soft factors affecting the performance of software development teams. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 17(3/4), 187-205.

Clarke, P., & O’Connor, R. V. (2012). The situational factors that affect the software development process: Towards a comprehensive reference framework. Information and Software Technology, 54(5), 433-447.

May, L. J. (1998). Major causes of software project failures. CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, 11(6), 9-12.

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Bronfenbrenner, U. (2009). The ecology of human development. Harvard university press.

Silva, A. (2007). Developing Soft Skills in Engineering Studies-The Experience of Students’ Personal Portfolio.

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Laur, D. (2013). Authentic learning experiences: A real-world approach to project-based learning. Routledge.

Noguez, J., & Espinosa, E. (2004, August). Improving learning and soft skills using Project Oriented Learning in software engineering courses. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Designing Computational Models of Collaborative Learning Interaction (pp. 83-88).

Powell, P., & Weenk, W. (2000). Characteristics of project work. Dinkel Institute, University of Twente, Netherland.

Espinosa, E., & Noguez, J. (2002). Assisting Students with POL using XML-Aglet Federation. 47. World Assembly. Teacher Education and the Achievement Agenda.

Morgan, M., & O'Gorman, P. (2011). Enhancing the employability skills of undergraduate engineering students. Innovations, 239-248.

Navarro, E. (2006). SimSE: A Software Engineering Simulation Environment for Software Process Education DISSERTATION (Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Irvine).

Caulfield, C., Xia, J. C., Veal, D., & Maj, S. (2011). A systematic survey of games used for software engineering education. Modern Applied Science, 5(6), 28-43.

Atal, R., & Sureka, A. (2015, July). Anukarna: A Software Engineering Simulation Game for Teaching Practical Decision Making in Peer Code Review. In QuASoQ/WAWSE/CMCE@ APSEC ( 63-70).

Mtsweni, E. S., Hörne, T., & van der Poll, J. A. (2016). Soft Skills for Software Project Team Members. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 8(2), 150.

Liu, J. Y. C., Chen, H. G., Chen, C. C., & Sheu, T. S. (2011). Relationships among interpersonal conflict, requirements uncertainty, and software project performance. International Journal of Project Management, 29(5), 547-556.

McLeod, L., & MacDonell, S. G. (2011). Factors that affect software systems development project outcomes: A survey of research. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 43(4), 24.

Ahmed, F., Capretz, L. F., Bouktif, S., & Campbell, P. (2015). Soft skills and software development: A reflection from the software industry. arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.06873.

El Emam, K., & Koru, A. G. (2008). A replicated survey of IT software project failures. IEEE software, 25(5).

Sankhwar, S., & Pandey, D. (2014). Software project risk analysis and assessment: A survey. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(5). Retrieved from

Purna Sudhakar, G., Farooq, A., & Patnaik, S. (2011). Soft factors affecting the performance of software development teams. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 17(3/4), 187-205.

Clarke, P., & O’Connor, R. V. (2012). The situational factors that affect the software development process: Towards a comprehensive reference framework. Information and Software Technology, 54(5), 433-447.

May, L. J. (1998). Major causes of software project failures. CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, 11(6), 9-12.

Starkweather, J. A., & Stevenson, D. H. (2011) IT hiring criteria vs. valued IT competencies. In Managing IT Human Resources: Considerations for Organizations and Personnel, 66-81. IGI Global.

Pant, I., & Baroudi, B. (2008) Project management education: The human skills imperative. International journal of project management, 26(2), 124-128.

Vinnik, M. O. (2016) Development of the model of formation of research competence of the future software engineers. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (8 (4)), 69-74.

Noudoostbeni, A., Yasin, N. M., & Jenatabadi, H. S. (2009, April). To investigate the success and failure factors of ERP implementation within Malaysian small and medium enterprises. In Information Management and Engineering. ICIME'09. International Conference on 157-160. IEEE.

Polanyi, M. (2009) The tacit dimension. University of Chicago press.

Nonaka, I. (2008). The Knowledge-Creating Company (Harvard Business Review Classics)(Harvard Business Review Classics).

Schön, D. A. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner: Toward a new design for teaching and learning in the professions. Jossey-Bass.

Levasseur, R. E. (2013). People skills: Developing soft skills—A change management perspective. Interfaces, 43(6), 566-571.

Lewin, K. (1951). Field theory in social science.

Bronfenbrenner, U. (2009). The ecology of human development. Harvard university press.

Silva, A. (2007). Developing Soft Skills in Engineering Studies-The Experience of Students’ Personal Portfolio.

Arat, M. (2014). Acquiring soft skills at university. Journal of Education and Industrial Studies in the World.

Laur, D. (2013). Authentic learning experiences: A real-world approach to project-based learning. Routledge.

Noguez, J., & Espinosa, E. (2004, August). Improving learning and soft skills using Project Oriented Learning in software engineering courses. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Designing Computational Models of Collaborative Learning Interaction (pp. 83-88).

Powell, P., & Weenk, W. (2000). Characteristics of project work. Dinkel Institute, University of Twente, Netherland.

Espinosa, E., & Noguez, J. (2002). Assisting Students with POL using XML-Aglet Federation. 47. World Assembly. Teacher Education and the Achievement Agenda.

Morgan, M., & O'Gorman, P. (2011). Enhancing the employability skills of undergraduate engineering students. Innovations, 239-248.

Navarro, E. (2006). SimSE: A Software Engineering Simulation Environment for Software Process Education DISSERTATION (Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Irvine).

Caulfield, C., Xia, J. C., Veal, D., & Maj, S. (2011). A systematic survey of games used for software engineering education. Modern Applied Science, 5(6), 28-43.

Atal, R., & Sureka, A. (2015, July). Anukarna: A Software Engineering Simulation Game for Teaching Practical Decision Making in Peer Code Review. In QuASoQ/WAWSE/CMCE@ APSEC (pp. 63-70).

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