Teaching Theory of Programming: Methodology and Basic Notions

  • N.S. Nikitchenko Department of Theory and Technology of Programming,National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Kyiv


      An idea of including into computing curricula an integral course “Theory of Programming” is proposed. Its main methodological aspects and basic notions are discussed. Such an approach leads to a simple structure of the course, its integrity with such programming related courses as mathematical logic and computability theory.


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1. Computing Curricula 2001, Computer Science.– IEEE Computer Society Press and ACM Press, December 15, 2001.– 236 p.
2. Nikitchenko N.S. A Composition Nominative Approach to Program Semantics.– Technical Report IT-TR: 1998-020.– Technical University of Denmark.– 1998.– 103 p.
3. Nikitchenko N.S. Abstract Computability of Non-deterministic Programs over Various Data Structures // Perspectives of System Informatics (Proc. of Andrei Ershov Fourth Int. Conf.).– Novosibirsk: A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, 2001.– P. 246–251.
4. Nikitchenko N.S., Shkilniak S.S. Basics of Mathematical Logic.– Kiev university¬, 2006. – 246 p. (In Ukrainian)

1. Computing Curricula 2001, Computer Science.– IEEE Computer Society Press and ACM Press, December 15, 2001.– 236 p.
2. Nikitchenko N.S. A Composition Nominative Approach to Program Semantics.– Technical Report IT-TR: 1998-020.– Technical University of Denmark.– 1998.– 103 p.
3. Nikitchenko N.S. Abstract Computability of Non-deterministic Programs over Various Data Structures // Perspectives of System Informatics (Proc. of Andrei Ershov Fourth Int. Conf.).– Novosibirsk: A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, 2001.– P. 246–251.
4. Nikitchenko N.S., Shkilniak S.S. Basics of Mathematical Logic.– Kiev university¬, 2006. – 246 p. (In Ukrainian)
How to Cite
NikitchenkoN. (2008). Teaching Theory of Programming: Methodology and Basic Notions. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (2), 016-021. https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000026