• I.O. Блинов Херсонський державний університет, м. Херсон
Ключові слова: IMS, констрейнтне програмування, констрейнтний розв’язувач


     У статті розглядаються основні ідеї створення констрейнтного розв’язувача заснованого на пропагаторах, теоретичні відомості констрейнтного програмування та його реалізацію в IMS;


Дані завантаження ще не доступні.




1. Guido Tak. Constraint Propagation. Models, Techniques, Implementation. Saarbrucken, 2009.
2. Alexander Letichevsky, Olexander Letichevskyi, Vladimir Peschanenko, Igor Blinov and Dmitriy Klionov: (en) Insertion Modeling System And Constraint Programming. In: Ermolayev, V. et al. (eds.) Proc. 7-th Int. Conf. ICTERI 2011, Kherson, Ukraine, May 4-7, 2011, CEUR-WS.org/Vol-716, ISSN 1613-0073, <51-64>, online CEUR-WS.org/Vol-716/
3. D.R. Gilbert, A.A. Letichevsky: A universal interpreter for nondeterministic concurrent programming languages.In M. Gabbrielli (eds.), Fifth Compulog network area meeting on language design and semantic analysis methods (1996).
4. A. Letichevsky and D. Gilbert: A general theory of action languages.Cybernetics and System Analyses, vol. 1, 16–36 (1998).
5. A. Letichevsky and D. Gilbert: A Model for Interaction of Agents and Environments. In D. Bert, C. Choppy, P. Moses, (eds.). Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques. LNCS, vol. 1827, pp.311–328. Springer (1999).
6. A. Letichevsky: Algebra of behavior transformations and its applications. In V.B.Kudryavtsev and I.G.Rosenberg (eds). Structural theory of Automata, Semigroups, and Universal Algebra, NATO Science Series II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, vol. 207, pp. 241–272. Springer (2005).
7. G. Martin, and B.Selic, (eds.). UML for Real: Design of Embedded Real-Time Systems. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Amsterdam (2003).
8. A. Letichevsky, J. Kapitonova, A. Letichevsky Jr., V. Volkov, S. Baranov,V.Kotlyarov, T. Weigert: Basic Protocols, Message Sequence Charts, and the Verification of Requirements Specifications. Computer Networks, vol. 47, 662–675 (2005).
9. J. Kapitonova, A. Letichevsky, V. Volkov, and T.Weigert: Validation of Embedded Systems. In R. Zurawski, (eds.). The Embedded Systems Handbook, CRC Press, Miami (2005).
10. A. Letichevsky, J. Kapitonova, V. Volkov, A. Letichevsky, jr., S. Baranov, V. Kotlyarov, and T. Weigert: System Specification with Basic Protocols. Cybernetics and System Analyses, vol. 4, 479–493 (2005).

1. Guido Tak. Constraint Propagation. Models, Techniques, Implementation. Saarbrucken, 2009.
2. Alexander Letichevsky, Olexander Letichevskyi, Vladimir Peschanenko, Igor Blinov and Dmitriy Klionov: (en) Insertion Modeling System And Constraint Programming. In: Ermolayev, V. et al. (eds.) Proc. 7-th Int. Conf. ICTERI 2011, Kherson, Ukraine, May 4-7, 2011, CEUR-WS.org/Vol-716, ISSN 1613-0073, <51-64>, online CEUR-WS.org/Vol-716/
3. D.R. Gilbert, A.A. Letichevsky: A universal interpreter for nondeterministic concurrent programming languages.In M. Gabbrielli (eds.), Fifth Compulog network area meeting on language design and semantic analysis methods (1996).
4. A. Letichevsky and D. Gilbert: A general theory of action languages.Cybernetics and System Analyses, vol. 1, 16–36 (1998).
5. A. Letichevsky and D. Gilbert: A Model for Interaction of Agents and Environments. In D. Bert, C. Choppy, P. Moses, (eds.). Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques. LNCS, vol. 1827, pp.311–328. Springer (1999).
6. A. Letichevsky: Algebra of behavior transformations and its applications. In V.B.Kudryavtsev and I.G.Rosenberg (eds). Structural theory of Automata, Semigroups, and Universal Algebra, NATO Science Series II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, vol. 207, pp. 241–272. Springer (2005).
7. G. Martin, and B.Selic, (eds.). UML for Real: Design of Embedded Real-Time Systems. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Amsterdam (2003).
8. A. Letichevsky, J. Kapitonova, A. Letichevsky Jr., V. Volkov, S. Baranov,V.Kotlyarov, T. Weigert: Basic Protocols, Message Sequence Charts, and the Verification of Requirements Specifications. Computer Networks, vol. 47, 662–675 (2005).
9. J. Kapitonova, A. Letichevsky, V. Volkov, and T.Weigert: Validation of Embedded Systems. In R. Zurawski, (eds.). The Embedded Systems Handbook, CRC Press, Miami (2005).
10. A. Letichevsky, J. Kapitonova, V. Volkov, A. Letichevsky, jr., S. Baranov, V. Kotlyarov, and T. Weigert: System Specification with Basic Protocols. Cybernetics and System Analyses, vol. 4, 479–493 (2005).
Як цитувати
БлиновI. (2012). КОНСТРЕЙНТНИЙ РОЗВ’ЯЗУВАЧ, ЗОСНОВАННИЙ НА ПРОПАГАТОРАХ В IMS. Збірник наукових праць "Information Technologies in Education&quot; (ITE), (11), 078-082. https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000304