Keywords: DL systems, LLDL (longlife learning), quality assurance, Arab world


     A brief analysis of the social and economic aspects of the development of DL systems in the Arab world has been offered. Three key elements in the provision of educational services has been considered. The problems of development and sustainable growth of distance learning systems have been discussed.


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1. Vikipedija , URL http://assalam.ru/content/story/3068
2. UNESCO (2003). Higher education in the Arab Region 1998-2003, Meeting of higher education partners. A document prepared by UNESCO regional bureau for education in the Arab States, 23-25 June 2003 . Paris : UNESCO.
3. UNESCO (2002b). Open and distance learning, trends, policy and strategy considerations . division of higher education. Paris : UNESCO
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5. M. Aminova, A. Rossodivita, A.A. Tikhomirov, A.I. Trufanov, Comprehensive network lace (How to govern the world), Proceedings of Free Economic Society of Russia 148 (2011), p. 190-207, URL: www.iuecon.org/%202011/148%20VEOR_PRINT.pdf
6. V.A. Lefebvre, Mentalism and behaviorism: Merging? Reflexive Processes and Control 2 (2003), p. 56-76.
7. Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, URL: http://www.smi.uib.no/pao/zineldin2.html
How to Cite
TikhomirovA., TrufanovA., AbduN., KinashN., UmerovR., & UmerovaZ. (2014). DL SYSTEMS IN THE ARAB WORLD: SOME ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ISSUES. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (16), 178-183. https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000444