• K.Y. Yordzhev South-West University ''N. Rilsky'', Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Keywords: stimulation of students' interest, motivation to study, education in programming, binary matrix, S-permutation matrices, combinatorial algorithms


     The study proves the existence of an algorithm to receive all elements of a class of binary matrices without obtaining redundant elements, e. g. without obtaining binary matrices that do not belong to the class. This makes it possible to avoid checking whether each of the objects received possesses the necessary properties. This significantly improves the efficiency of the algorithm in terms of the criterion of time. Certain useful educational effects related to the analysis of such problems in programming classes are also pointed out.


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How to Cite
YordzhevK. (2012). SOME COMBINATORIAL PROBLEMS ON BINARY MATRICES IN PROGRAMMING COURSES. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (12), 039-043.