Peculiarities of IT Management at Institutions of Higher Education

  • A.V. Spivakovskiy Kherson State University, Kherson
Keywords: інформаційні технології, ІТ-управління


     The article deals with relevant questions of managing informational technologies in higher educational establishments. Much attention is paid to covering problems of management matrix for such assets at universities. Kherson State University is examined as a live example of realization of general strategy of managing informational assets during the period of 1997 – 2007.
     The work may be interesting for rectors, vice-rectors, deans, heads of departments, and chiefs of subdivisions that are responsible for realization and development of certain business processes of higher educational establishments.


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1. Peter Weill, Jeanne Ross. IT Governance: How Top Performers Manage IT. Decision Rights for Superior Results. M.: Alpine Business Books, 2005. – 293 p.
2. A. Spivakovskiy, D. Shchedrolosyev, Y. Fedorova, N. Chalovskaya, O. Glushchenko, N. Kudas. IT Management at Institutions of Higher Education: How informational technologies aid to achieve effective management: Methodic recomendations. – Kherson: Ailantus, 2006 – 356p.

1. Peter Weill, Jeanne Ross. IT Governance: How Top Performers Manage IT. Decision Rights for Superior Results. M.: Alpine Business Books, 2005. – 293 p.
2. A. Spivakovskiy, D. Shchedrolosyev, Y. Fedorova, N. Chalovskaya, O. Glushchenko, N. Kudas. IT Management at Institutions of Higher Education: How informational technologies aid to achieve effective management: Methodic recomendations. – Kherson: Ailantus, 2006 – 356p.
How to Cite
SpivakovskiyA. (2008). Peculiarities of IT Management at Institutions of Higher Education. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (2), 009-015.