Ключові слова: хмарні технології, віртуалізація, простір лабораторій, гіпервізор


     У статті запропоновано зміст і способи організації викладання навчальної дисципліни «Хмарні технології / Cloud Computing» для підготовки успішних інженерів-програмістів.Пропонується схема віртуалізації навчальних лабораторій, яка може бути використана в навчанні не тільки хмарним технологіям, але і в інших дисциплінах, які припускають використання широкого спектру програмного забезпечення різних виробників.


Дані завантаження ще не доступні.




1. Computer Science Curricula CS2013 / Ironman Draft (version 1.0). – ACM/IEEE-CS SIGPLAN Education Board, February, 2013 – 376 p. – [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://ai.stanford.edu/users/sahami/CS2013/ironman-draft/cs2013-ironman-...
2. Сейдаметова З.С. Облачные технологии и образование / З.С. Сейдаметова, Э.И. Аблялимова, Л.М. Меджитова, С.Н. Сейтвелиева, В.А. Темненко. – Симферополь: «ДИАЙПИ», 2012. – 204 с.
3. Gillam L. Teaching Clouds: Lessons Taught and Lessons Learnt / L. Gillam, B. Li, J. O'Loughlin // Cloud Computing for teaching and learning: strategies for design and implementation. [Electronic resource] – URL: http://www.cs.surrey.ac.uk/BIMA/People/L.Gillam/downloads/publications/t...
4. Behrend T.S. Cloud computing adoption and usage in community colleges / T.S. Behrend, E.N. Wiebe, J.E. London, E.C. Johnson. // Behaviour & Information Technology, 30 (2), 2011. – P. 231-240.
5. Grossniklaus M. The curriculum forecast for Portland: cloudy with a chance of data / M. Grossniklaus, D. Maier // ACM SIGMOD Record, Volume 41 Issue 1, March 2012. – ACM New York, NY, USA. – P. 74-77.
6. Malan D.J. Moving CS50 into the cloud / D.J. Malan // Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 25 Issue 6, June 2010. – P. 111-120.
7. Rabkin A. Using clouds for MapReduce measurement assignments / A. Rabkin, C. Reiss, R. Katz, D. Patterson // ACM Transactions on Computing Education, Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2013. Article No. 2. – ACM New York, NY, USA. – 17 p.
8. Jansen M. Cloud services for learning scenarios: widening the perspective / M. Jansen, N. Baloian, L. Bollen, H.U. Hoppe // International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments (WCLOUD 2012). – Antigua, Guatemala, 2012. – P. 33-37.
9. Lennon R. Bring your own device (BYOD) with cloud 4 education / R. Lennon // Proceedings of the 3rd annual conference on Systems, programming, and applications: software for humanity. – ACM New York, NY, USA, 2012. – P. 171-180.
10. Hollingsworth J. Requiring web-based cloud and mobile computing in a computer science undergraduate curriculum / J. Hollingsworth, D.J. Powell // Proceedings of the 49th Annual Southeast Regional Conference. – ACM New York, NY, USA, 2012. – P. 19-24.
11. Sasikala S. Massive Centralized Cloud Computing (MCCC) Exploration in Higher Education / S. Sasikala, S. Prema. // Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology, 3 (2), 2010. – P. 111-118.
12. Online Learning in Computing / The ACM Education Board and Council. [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://www.acm.org/education/online_learning_white_paper.pdf
13. Sommerville I. Teaching cloud computing: a software engineering perspective / Ian Sommerville // arXiv:1209.0948 [cs.DC]. Submitted on 5 Sep 2012. [Electronic resource] – URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1209.0948

1. Computer Science Curricula CS2013 / Ironman Draft (version 1.0). – ACM/IEEE-CS SIGPLAN Education Board, February, 2013 – 376 p. – [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://ai.stanford.edu/users/sahami/CS2013/ironman-draft/cs2013-ironman-...
2. Sejdametova Z.S. Oblachnye texnologii i obrazovanie / Z.S. Sejdametova, E.I. Abljalimova, L.M. Medzhitova, S.N. Sejtvelieva, V.A. Temnenko. – Simferopol': «DIAJPI», 2012. – 204 s.
3. Gillam L. Teaching Clouds: Lessons Taught and Lessons Learnt / L. Gillam, B. Li, J. O'Loughlin // Cloud Computing for teaching and learning: strategies for design and implementation. [Electronic resource] – URL: http://www.cs.surrey.ac.uk/BIMA/People/L.Gillam/downloads/publications/t...
4. Behrend T.S. Cloud computing adoption and usage in community colleges / T.S. Behrend, E.N. Wiebe, J.E. London, E.C. Johnson. // Behaviour & Information Technology, 30 (2), 2011. – P. 231-240.
5. Grossniklaus M. The curriculum forecast for Portland: cloudy with a chance of data / M. Grossniklaus, D. Maier // ACM SIGMOD Record, Volume 41 Issue 1, March 2012. – ACM New York, NY, USA. – P. 74-77.
6. Malan D.J. Moving CS50 into the cloud / D.J. Malan // Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 25 Issue 6, June 2010. – P. 111-120.
7. Rabkin A. Using clouds for MapReduce measurement assignments / A. Rabkin, C. Reiss, R. Katz, D. Patterson // ACM Transactions on Computing Education, Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2013. Article No. 2. – ACM New York, NY, USA. – 17 p.
8. Jansen M. Cloud services for learning scenarios: widening the perspective / M. Jansen, N. Baloian, L. Bollen, H.U. Hoppe // International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments (WCLOUD 2012). – Antigua, Guatemala, 2012. – P. 33-37.
9. Lennon R. Bring your own device (BYOD) with cloud 4 education / R. Lennon // Proceedings of the 3rd annual conference on Systems, programming, and applications: software for humanity. – ACM New York, NY, USA, 2012. – P. 171-180.
10. Hollingsworth J. Requiring web-based cloud and mobile computing in a computer science undergraduate curriculum / J. Hollingsworth, D.J. Powell // Proceedings of the 49th Annual Southeast Regional Conference. – ACM New York, NY, USA, 2012. – P. 19-24.
11. Sasikala S. Massive Centralized Cloud Computing (MCCC) Exploration in Higher Education / S. Sasikala, S. Prema. // Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology, 3 (2), 2010. – P. 111-118.
12. Online Learning in Computing / The ACM Education Board and Council. [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://www.acm.org/education/online_learning_white_paper.pdf
13. Sommerville I. Teaching cloud computing: a software engineering perspective / Ian Sommerville // arXiv:1209.0948 [cs.DC]. Submitted on 5 Sep 2012. [Electronic resource] – URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/1209.0948
Як цитувати
СейдаметоваЗ., & СейдаметовГ. (2013). НАВЧАННЯ ХМАРНИМ ТЕХНОЛОГІЯМ ІНЖЕНЕРІВ-ПРОГРАМІСТІВ. Збірник наукових праць "Information Technologies in Education" (ITE), (15), 074-082. https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000393