Keywords: learning environment, e-learning course, methods of teaching, flipped learning


     The article is devoted to issues of implementation of the flipped learning technology in the practice of higher education institutions. The article defines the principles of technology and a model of the educational process, it notes the need to establish an information support system.The article defines online platforms and resources; it describes recommendations for the design of electronic training courses and organization of the students in the process of implementing the proposed model, as well as tools for assessing its effectiveness. The article provides a description of flipped learning implementation scenario and formulates suggestions regarding the use of this model as a mechanism to improve the efficiency of the learning process in the ICT-rich environment of high school: use of learning management systems (LMS) and personal learning environments (PLE) of participants in a learning process. The article provides an example of implementation of the flipped learning model as a part of the Information Technologies course in the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULES). The article gives examples of tasks, resources and services, results of students’ research activity, as well as an example of the personal learning network, established in the course of implementation of the flipped learning model and elements of digital student portfolios. It presents the results of the monitoring of learning activities and students’ feedback. The author describes cautions against the mass introduction of the flipped learning model without monitoring of readiness of the participants of the educational process for its implementation;


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Dias, Sofia Balula, and José Alves Diniz. "Towards An Enhanced Learning Management System For Blended Learning In Higher Education Incorporating Distinct Learners' Profiles." Journal Of Educational Technology & Society 17.1 (2014): 307-319.Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 June 2014. – URL:http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN= 94937820&lang=ru&site=ehost-live (5.03.2015).

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Things you should know about…™ flipped classrooms – URL: https://net.educause.edu /ir/library/pdf/ELI7081.pdf (5.03.2015).

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How to Cite
KuzminskaO. (2016). FLIPPED LEARNING: PRACTICAL ASPECTS. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (26), 86-98. https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000574