cloud computing, cloud services, cloud-oriented learning and scientific environment, professional training of programmers, programming inAbstract
In the article the state of the art and the main tendencies of cloud computing development are analyzed. The importance of cloud technologies application in education is grounded. The directions of their appliance are examined in higher education, in particular as for the creation of the cloud-oriented learning scientific environment at educational institutions. The advantages of transfer of IT-infrastructure of higher educational institutions into the cloud form are shown (the economy of funds for purchase of software and renovation of computer database; the reduction of the need for specially equipped premises; the creation of an open educational environment). The main directions of the research study of cloud technologies application in the process of professional training of programmers are characterized, among them there are: 1) formation of
skills of the cloud services use for the professional tasks solving; 2) formation of skills of the development of cloud applications, deployment of cloud infrastructure, cloud applications and data bases security support. The description of cloud services that can be used in the process of programming learning and usage of training projects (Ideone, Codenvy, DbDesigner) are provided.The brief description of the possibilities of the Amazon platform usage for formation of cloud software development skills is provided.
Alkhansa, A., Shakeabubakor, A., Sundararajan, E. & Hamdan, A.R. (2015) Cloud Computing Services and Applications to Improve Productivity of University Researchers. Inter-national Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, 5(2), 153–157.
Bykov, V. Yu. (2013) Cloud computer-technological platform of open education and corresponding development of organizational-technological structure of IT units of educational institutions. The theory and practice of social systems management. NTU "KhPI".1, 81-98.
Bykov, V. Yu. & Shishkina, M. P. (2016) Cloud technologies as an imperative for the modernization of the educational and scientific environment of a higher educational institution. The theory and practice of social systems management. NTU "KhPI", 4, 55-70.
Bykov, V. Yu., Spirin, O.M.& Shishkina, M. P. (2015) Corporate Information Systems of the Scientific and Educational Activity Support on the Base of Cloud-Oriented Services. Problems and Prospects of the Formation of the National Humanitarian and Technical Elite: col. of scientif. works. NTU "KhPI", 43 (47), 93-121.
Cloud computing (world market) (2014) Retrieved from Cloud_computing_(world_market).
Seidametova, Z. S., Ablyalimova, E. I., Medjitova, L. M., Seitvelieva, S. N.& Temnenko, V. A. (2012) Cloud technologies and education. Simferopol: DIAIPI. 204. Retrieved from
Gorbatyuk, R. & Potapchuk, O. (2016) Organization of remote education of future teachers of elementary education based on cloud technologies. Bulletin of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Series: Pedagogy, 6. Retrieved from cgi-bin/ irbis_nbuv/ cgiirbis_64.exe? C21COM=2&I21DBN=UJRN&P21DBN= UJRN&IMAGE _FILE_DOWNLOAD=1&Image_file_name=PDF/Vnadped_2016_6_5.pdf .
Kirillov, I. (2017) Ukrainian market of cloud services-2016: foreigners tread? Networks and business, 3 (94), 24-32. Retrieved from
Khmil, N. A. (2015) Foreign and domestic experience of integration of cloud technologies in the pedagogical process of the higher educational institution. Information technologies and means of teaching, 50(6), 128-138. Retrieved from
Lakshminarayanan, R., Kumar, B. & Raju, M. (2013) Cloud Computing Benefits for Educational Institutions. Second International Conference of the Omani Society for Educational Technology, Muscat, Oman. Retrieved from
Mell, P. & Grance, T. (2011, September). The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing. Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. NIST Special Publication 800-145. NIST, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8930. Retrieved from
Kopnyak, N., Korytska, G., Litvinova, S., Nosenko, Yu., Pojda, S., Sedoj, V., … Shishkina, M. (2015) Modeling and integration of cloud-oriented educational environment services: monograph. Kiev, PC "Komprint".
Kremen, V.G. (2016) National report about the state and prospects of development of education in Ukraine. Kiev, Pedagogical thought.
National Institute of Strategic Studies (2013) Prospects of the cloud computing market development in Ukraine: benefits and risks. Analytical note. Retrieved from
Rybakova,L.V. (2014) Cloud computing and ways of their usage in the educational process of modern higher educational institution. Kirovograd: KNTU. 15, 109-116.
Seidametova, Z. S. & Seitvelieva S. N. (2011) Cloud services in education. Information technologies in education, 9,105-111.
Sergienko, V. P. & Vojtovych, I. S. Prospects of the usage of "cloud computing" in the educational activity of pedagogical universities. Scientific journal of NPU named after M. P. Drahomanov. 10, 58-63. Retrieved from
Seydametova, Z. S. & Seydametov, G.S. (2013) Teaching of cloud technologies of program engineers. Information technologies in education, 15,74-82.
Shishkina, M. P. (2015) Formation and development of the cloud-oriented educational and scientific environment of a higher educational institution. Kyiv: UkrISTEI.
Shyshkina, M. (2015) The Hybrid Service Model of Electronic Resources Access in the Cloud-Based Learning Environment. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1356, 295-310.
Smith, A., Bhogal, J. & Sharma M.(2014) Cloud computing: adoption considerations for business and education. 2014 International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud). 302-307.
Spirin, O. M & Vakalyuk, T.A. (2017) Criteria for the choice of open web-oriented technologies of the education of the programming bases of future teachers of informatics. Information technologies and means of teaching, 60(4), 275-287. Retrieved from¬itlt/article/view/1815.
Spirin, O. M & Vakalyuk, T.A. (2017) Web-oriented technologies of teaching of the programming bases of future teachers of informatics. Mathematics and Informatics in Higher School: Challenges of Modernity: col. of scientif. works on materials of Allukr. scientif-pract. conf., 18-19th of May 2017. 61-65.
Vakalyuk, T. A. (2015) Advantages of usage of cloud LMS NEO in comparison with other analogues in the design of a cloud-oriented educational environment for the training of bachelors of informatics. Collection of materials of the XII International Conference "Quality Strategy in Industry and Education" (30th of May – 2nd of June, 2016, Varna, Bulgaria). International scientific journal Acta Universitatis Pontica Euxinus. Special edition. 505-510.
Vakalyuk, T. A. (2017) Model representation of cloud architecture for universities: the view of foreign scientists. Scientific Announcer of Melitopol State Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogy, 18(1), 18-25.
Vakalyuk, T. A. (2017) Structural-functional model of the cloud-oriented educational environment for the training of bachelors of informatics. Information technologies and means of teaching, 59(3), 51-61. Retrieved from
Vakalyuk, T. A. (2016) The model of the cloud-oriented system of support of the education of bachelors of informatics. Information technologies and means of teaching, 56(6), 64-76. Retrieved from
Alkhansa, A., Shakeabubakor, A., Sundararajan, E. & Hamdan, A.R. (2015) Cloud Computing Services and Applications to Improve Productivity of University Researchers. Inter-national Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, 5(2), 153–157.
Bykov, V. Yu. (2013) Cloud computer-technological platform of open education and corresponding development of organizational-technological structure of IT units of educational institutions. The theory and practice of social systems management. NTU "KhPI".1, 81-98.
Bykov, V. Yu. & Shishkina, M. P. (2016) Cloud technologies as an imperative for the modernization of the educational and scientific environment of a higher educational institution. The theory and practice of social systems management. NTU "KhPI", 4, 55-70.
Bykov, V. Yu., Spirin, O.M.& Shishkina, M. P. (2015) Corporate Information Systems of the Scientific and Educational Activity Support on the Base of Cloud-Oriented Services. Problems and Prospects of the Formation of the National Humanitarian and Technical Elite: col. of scientif. works. NTU "KhPI", 43 (47), 93-121.
Cloud computing (world market) (2014) Retrieved from Cloud_computing_(world_market).
Seidametova, Z. S., Ablyalimova, E. I., Medjitova, L. M., Seitvelieva, S. N.& Temnenko, V. A. (2012) Cloud technologies and education. Simferopol: DIAIPI. 204. Retrieved from
Gorbatyuk, R. & Potapchuk, O. (2016) Organization of remote education of future teachers of elementary education based on cloud technologies. Bulletin of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Series: Pedagogy, 6. Retrieved from cgi-bin/ irbis_nbuv/ cgiirbis_64.exe? C21COM=2&I21DBN=UJRN&P21DBN= UJRN&IMAGE _FILE_DOWNLOAD=1&Image_file_name=PDF/Vnadped_2016_6_5.pdf .
Kirillov, I. (2017) Ukrainian market of cloud services-2016: foreigners tread? Networks and business, 3 (94), 24-32. Retrieved from
Khmil, N. A. (2015) Foreign and domestic experience of integration of cloud technologies in the pedagogical process of the higher educational institution. Information technologies and means of teaching, 50(6), 128-138. Retrieved from
Lakshminarayanan, R., Kumar, B. & Raju, M. (2013) Cloud Computing Benefits for Educational Institutions. Second International Conference of the Omani Society for Educational Technology, Muscat, Oman. Retrieved from
Mell, P. & Grance, T. (2011, September). The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing. Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. NIST Special Publication 800-145. NIST, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8930. Retrieved from
Kopnyak, N., Korytska, G., Litvinova, S., Nosenko, Yu., Pojda, S., Sedoj, V., … Shishkina, M. (2015) Modeling and integration of cloud-oriented educational environment services: monograph. Kiev, PC "Komprint".
Kremen, V.G. (2016) National report about the state and prospects of development of education in Ukraine. Kiev, Pedagogical thought.
National Institute of Strategic Studies (2013) Prospects of the cloud computing market development in Ukraine: benefits and risks. Analytical note. Retrieved from
Rybakova,L.V. (2014) Cloud computing and ways of their usage in the educational process of modern higher educational institution. Kirovograd: KNTU. 15, 109-116.
Seidametova, Z. S. & Seitvelieva S. N. (2011) Cloud services in education. Information technologies in education, 9,105-111.
Sergienko, V. P. & Vojtovych, I. S. Prospects of the usage of "cloud computing" in the educational activity of pedagogical universities. Scientific journal of NPU named after M. P. Drahomanov. 10, 58-63. Retrieved from
Seydametova, Z. S. & Seydametov, G.S. (2013) Teaching of cloud technologies of program engineers. Information technologies in education, 15,74-82.
Shishkina, M. P. (2015) Formation and development of the cloud-oriented educational and scientific environment of a higher educational institution. Kyiv: UkrISTEI.
Shyshkina, M. (2015) The Hybrid Service Model of Electronic Resources Access in the Cloud-Based Learning Environment. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1356, 295-310.
Smith, A., Bhogal, J. & Sharma M.(2014) Cloud computing: adoption considerations for business and education. 2014 International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud). 302-307.
Spirin, O. M & Vakalyuk, T.A. (2017) Criteria for the choice of open web-oriented technologies of the education of the programming bases of future teachers of informatics. Information technologies and means of teaching, 60(4), 275-287. Retrieved from¬itlt/article/view/1815.
Spirin, O. M & Vakalyuk, T.A. (2017) Web-oriented technologies of teaching of the programming bases of future teachers of informatics. Mathematics and Informatics in Higher School: Challenges of Modernity: col. of scientif. works on materials of Allukr. scientif-pract. conf., 18-19th of May 2017. 61-65.
Vakalyuk, T. A. (2015) Advantages of usage of cloud LMS NEO in comparison with other analogues in the design of a cloud-oriented educational environment for the training of bachelors of informatics. Collection of materials of the XII International Conference "Quality Strategy in Industry and Education" (30th of May – 2nd of June, 2016, Varna, Bulgaria). International scientific journal Acta Universitatis Pontica Euxinus. Special edition. 505-510.
Vakalyuk, T. A. (2017) Model representation of cloud architecture for universities: the view of foreign scientists. Scientific Announcer of Melitopol State Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogy, 18(1), 18-25.
Vakalyuk, T. A. (2017) Structural-functional model of the cloud-oriented educational environment for the training of bachelors of informatics. Information technologies and means of teaching, 59(3), 51-61. Retrieved from
Vakalyuk, T. A. (2016) The model of the cloud-oriented system of support of the education of bachelors of informatics. Information technologies and means of teaching, 56(6), 64-76. Retrieved from
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