• V. Ermolayev Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhia
  • O. Tatarintseva Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhia
Keywords: cooperation, industry, model of knowledge representation, ontology


     Cooperation with the industrial enterprises today becomes a much more attractive way of guaranteing the advancement of the basic and applied research and development at the Universities. Besides the industrial partners are an important source of new scientific ideas and up-to-date industrial technologies in their industrial branches. Successful cooperation with industrial partners allows the universities not only to improve their advancement in the respective research fields but also to raise the quality of and the industrial demand for their own product: new technologies and individuals qualified for knowledge work. The paper presents the five year experience and the major outcomes of the cooperation of a research group at Zaporizhzha National University with their European industrial partners using three different projects as examples.


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1. Sohnius R. Holonic Simulation of a Design System for Performance Analysis / R. Sohnius, E. Jentzsch, W. Matzke // HoloMAS '07: the 3rd international conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems, 2007: proc. – Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007. – S. 447–454.
2. Ermolayev V. An Agent-Oriented Model of a Dynamic Engineering Design Process / V. Ermolayev, E. Jentzsch, O. Karsayev, N. Keberle, W.-E. Matzke, V. Samoylov, R. Sohnius // Agent-Oriented Information Systems III: 7th International Bi-Conference Workshop, July 26, 2005, October 27, 2005. – Utrecht, Netherlands, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2006. – Р. 168–183.
3. Ermolayev V. Towards Industrial Strength Business Performance Management / V. Ermolayev, W.-E. Matzke // Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS 2007): 3d Int. Conf., Sept. 3-5, 2007: proc. – Regensburg, Germany, 2007. – Р. 387–400
4. Ermolayev V. An Upper-Level Ontological Model for Engineering Design Performance Domain / V. Ermolayev, N. Keberle, W.-E. Matzke // Conceptual Modeling (ER 2008): 27-th Int. Conf., Oct. 20-23, 2008: proc. – Barcelona, Spain: LNCS 5231, 2008. – Р. 98–113.
5. Ermolayev V. Modeling Actions in Dynamic Engineering Design Processes / V. Ermolayev, N. Keberle, E. Jentzsch, R. Sohnius, W.-E. Matzke // UNISCON 2009: 3d Int. Conf., Apr. 21–24, 2009: proc. – Sydney, Australia: LNBIP 20, 2009. – Р. 127–141.
6. Warren P. Improving Knowledge Worker Productivity – the ACTIVE Integrated Approach / P. Warren, N. Kings, I. Thurlow, J. Davies, T. Burger, E. Simperl, C. Ruiz, J.M. Gomez-Perez, V. Ermolayev, R. Ghani, M. Tilly, T. Bosser, A. Imiaz // BT Technology Journal. – 2009. – Vol. 26, № 2, April. – P. 165–176.
7. Ermolayev V. Active Technologies for Knowledge Management in Microelectronic Engineering Design / V. Ermolayev, E. Jentzsch, F. Dengler, P. Warren, W.- E. Matzke // EDACentrum Newsletter. – 2010. – May.
8. Dengler F. Collaborative Process Development using Semantic MediaWiki / F. Dengler, S. Lamparter, M. Hefke, A. Abecker // Conference of Professional Knowledge Management: the 5th сonf., 2009.: proceedings. – Solothurn, Switzerland, 2009.
9. Krötzsch M. Semantic Wikipedia / M. Krötzsch, D. Vrandecic, M. Völkel, H. Haller, R. Studer // Journal of Web Semantics. – 2007. – Vol. 5, Sep. – S. 251–261.
10. Кеберле Н. Применение логических средств к анализу изменений в онтологиях / Н. Кеберле, В. Ермолаев, В.-Э. Мацке // Системы управления, навигации и коммуникации. – 2009. – Vol. 11, № 3, ноябрь. – С. 105–110
11. Vladimirov V. Semi-Automated Instance Migration between Evolving Ontologies / V. Vladimirov, R. Sohnius, V. Ermolayev, W.-E. Matzke // Вестник НТУ ХПИ. Спец. выпуск “Системный анализ, управление и ИТб”. – 2007. – № 7. – С. 130–144
12. Davidovsky M. V. A Problem Statement for Semi-Automated Ontology Instance Migration / M. V. Davidovsky, V. A. Ermolayev, W.-E. Matzke, V. A. Tolok // Вісник Запорізького національного університету. Фізико-математичні науки. –2010. – май.
13. Ermolayev V. Performance Simulation Initiative. The Suite of Ontologies v.2.3. Reference Specification / V. Ermolayev, E. Jentzsch, N. Keberle, R. Sohnius // Technical Report PSI-ONTO-TR-2009-1, 23.09.2009, VCAD EMEA Cadence Design Systems, GmbH, 2009. – 173 p.
14. Ermolayev V. Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Engineering Design Processes / V. Ermolayev, V. Gorodetski, E. Jentzsch, W.-E. Matzke // Tutorial at ER 2005, October 24-28, 2005: ER Workshops. – Klagenfurt, Austria: Springer LNCS 3770, 2005. – Р. 470–472.
15. Ermolayev V. Performance Simulation Initiative. Upper-Level Ontology v.2.3. Reference Specification / V. Ermolayev, E. Jentzsch, N. Keberle, R. Sohnius // Technical Report PSI-ONTO-TR-2009-2, 04.10.2009, VCAD EMEA Cadence Design Systems, GmbH, 2009. – 75 p.

1. Sohnius R. Holonic Simulation of a Design System for Performance Analysis / R. Sohnius, E. Jentzsch, W. Matzke // HoloMAS '07: the 3rd international conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems, 2007: proc. – Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007. – S. 447–454.
2. Ermolayev V. An Agent-Oriented Model of a Dynamic Engineering Design Process / V. Ermolayev, E. Jentzsch, O. Karsayev, N. Keberle, W.-E. Matzke, V. Samoylov, R. Sohnius // Agent-Oriented Information Systems III: 7th International Bi-Conference Workshop, July 26, 2005, October 27, 2005. – Utrecht, Netherlands, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2006. – R. 168–183.
3. Ermolayev V. Towards Industrial Strength Business Performance Management / V. Ermolayev, W.-E. Matzke // Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS 2007): 3d Int. Conf., Sept. 3-5, 2007: proc. – Regensburg, Germany, 2007. – R. 387–400
4. Ermolayev V. An Upper-Level Ontological Model for Engineering Design Performance Domain / V. Ermolayev, N. Keberle, W.-E. Matzke // Conceptual Modeling (ER 2008): 27-th Int. Conf., Oct. 20-23, 2008: proc. – Barcelona, Spain: LNCS 5231, 2008. – R. 98–113.
5. Ermolayev V. Modeling Actions in Dynamic Engineering Design Processes / V. Ermolayev, N. Keberle, E. Jentzsch, R. Sohnius, W.-E. Matzke // UNISCON 2009: 3d Int. Conf., Apr. 21–24, 2009: proc. – Sydney, Australia: LNBIP 20, 2009. – R. 127–141.
6. Warren P. Improving Knowledge Worker Productivity – the ACTIVE Integrated Approach / P. Warren, N. Kings, I. Thurlow, J. Davies, T. Burger, E. Simperl, C. Ruiz, J.M. Gomez-Perez, V. Ermolayev, R. Ghani, M. Tilly, T. Bosser, A. Imiaz // BT Technology Journal. – 2009. – Vol. 26, № 2, April. – P. 165–176.
7. Ermolayev V. Active Technologies for Knowledge Management in Microelectronic Engineering Design / V. Ermolayev, E. Jentzsch, F. Dengler, P. Warren, W.- E. Matzke // EDACentrum Newsletter. – 2010. – May.
8. Dengler F. Collaborative Process Development using Semantic MediaWiki / F. Dengler, S. Lamparter, M. Hefke, A. Abecker // Conference of Professional Knowledge Management: the 5th sonf., 2009.: proceedings. – Solothurn, Switzerland, 2009.
9. Krötzsch M. Semantic Wikipedia / M. Krötzsch, D. Vrandecic, M. Völkel, H. Haller, R. Studer // Journal of Web Semantics. – 2007. – Vol. 5, Sep. – S. 251–261.
10. Keberle N. Prymenenye logycheskyh sredstv k analyzu yzmenenyj v ontologyjah / N. Keberle, V. Ermolaev, V.-Je. Macke // Systemy upravlenija, navigayii i kommunikacyi. – 2009. – Vol. 11, № 3, nojabr'. – S. 105–110
11. Vladimirov V. Semi-Automated Instance Migration between Evolving Ontologies / V. Vladimirov, R. Sohnius, V. Ermolayev, W.-E. Matzke // Vestnyk NTU HPY. Spec. vypusk “Systemnyj analiz, upravlenie i ITb”. – 2007. – № 7. – S. 130–144
12. Davidovsky M. V. A Problem Statement for Semi-Automated Ontology Instance Migration / M. V. Davidovsky, V. A. Ermolayev, W.-E. Matzke, V. A. Tolok // Visnyk Zaporiz'kogo nacional'nogo universytetu. Fizyko-matematychni nauky. –2010. – maj.
13. Ermolayev V. Performance Simulation Initiative. The Suite of Ontologies v.2.3. Reference Specification / V. Ermolayev, E. Jentzsch, N. Keberle, R. Sohnius // Technical Report PSI-ONTO-TR-2009-1, 23.09.2009, VCAD EMEA Cadence Design Systems, GmbH, 2009. – 173 p.
14. Ermolayev V. Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Engineering Design Processes / V. Ermolayev, V. Gorodetski, E. Jentzsch, W.-E. Matzke // Tutorial at ER 2005, October 24-28, 2005: ER Workshops. – Klagenfurt, Austria: Springer LNCS 3770, 2005. – R. 470–472.
15. Ermolayev V. Performance Simulation Initiative. Upper-Level Ontology v.2.3. Reference Specification / V. Ermolayev, E. Jentzsch, N. Keberle, R. Sohnius // Technical Report PSI-ONTO-TR-2009-2, 04.10.2009, VCAD EMEA Cadence Design Systems, GmbH, 2009. – 75 p.
How to Cite
ErmolayevV., & TatarintsevaO. (2010). APPLIED RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN COOPERATION WITH INDUSTRY. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (5), 016-026.