• V. Kruhlyk Melitopol State Pedagogical University named afterBohdan Khmelnytskyj,Melitopol
Keywords: higher professional education, engineer-programmer, diploma project, industrial practice, professional olympiads, independent educational activity


The article is devoted to the issue of the organization of independent educational activity of future engineer-programmers while studies at universities. The organization of students' independent activity is an effective mean of improving the quality of the professional training of future engineers-programmers at higher education institutions. Such activity foresees handling of the complex creative tasks, connected with the real practice of programmers’ work at the enterprises. It is aimed at forming professional competences in students, readiness for further selfimprovement, ability of making decisions and accepting the responsibility for their consequences, identifying of mistakes, finding the ways of their fixing and minimizing negative consequences,reacting adequately to professional problems. The teachers face the task of choosing the directions,means and content of independent work in such a way that it would be effective and would encourage students for professional activity.In the article, such methods of organization of independent work for students are analyzed:execution of diploma projects, scientific-research activity, participation in professional olympiadsand contests, going through industrial practices. The description of the stages of execution of the diploma projects and the content of the teacher’s and students’ activity on each of them is provided. Special attention is paid to teamwork on the project and the usage of information technology for organization of such interaction. The effects of usage of students' independent work is characterized during industrial practices, participation in olympiads and contests, conducting research work.


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Osadchyj V. V. The certification of professional knowledge and skills of students in the field of database as the necessary condition of further successful employment / V. V. Osadchyj, S. V. Sharov // Problemy inzhenerno-pedagogichnoj osvity. – 2015. – No. 46. – pp. 49-56. [in Ukrainian]

Kruhlyk V. Diploma Project Team Work Management / V. Kruhlyk // Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE). – 2014. – No. 18. – pp. 90-95. [in Ukrainian]

Overview – Redmine, [Online]. – Available: [in English]

RusGuide – Redmine, [Online]. – Available:

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Features For collaborative coding – developers work better, together | GitHub, GitHub [Online]. – Available: [in English]

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Highsmith J. Agile Software Development Ecosystems / J. Highsmith. – AddisonWesley Professional, 2002. – 448 p. [in English]

Krayvanova V. Olympiad Programming as an Effective Tool of the Training of Professional Programmers / V. Krayvanova, E. Kruchkova // Vestnik NGU. Seriya: Informatsionnyie tehnologii. – 2012. – Vol. 10, no. 4. – pp. 51-56. [in Russian]

Salenieks P. Professional skills assesment in programming competition / P. Salenieks, J. Naylor // SIGCSE Bulletin. – 1987. – Vol. 4. – pp. 9-14. [in English]

Shilov N. Engaging students with theory through ACM collegiate programming contests / N. Shilov, Y. Kwangkeun // Communications of the ACM. – 2002. – Vol. 9. – pp. 98-101. [in English]

Gavra D. Programming Contest as the Discourse Practice of the Professional Community / D. Gavra, N. Ipatova // Vestnik SPbGU. Seriya 12. Sotsiologiya. – 2008. – Num. 4. – pp. 498-503. [in Russian]

Osadchyi V. The program of the pre-diploma practice of students of the specialty "Informatics" (educationally qualifictional level: specialist) / V. Osadchyi, К. Osadcha. – Melitopol: MDPU im. B. Khmelnytskoho, 2015. [in Ukrainian]

Osadchyj V. V. The analysis of the problem of the professional training of the programmer and the ways to solve it [Online] / V. V. Osadchyj, E. P. Osadchaja // The international electronic magazine “Obrazovatel'nye Tehnologii I Obshhestvo (Educational Technology & Society)”. – 2014. – Vol. 17, no. 3. – pp. 378-392. – Available: [in Russian]

Osadchyj V. V. The certification of professional knowledge and skills of students in the field of database as the necessary condition of further successful employment / V. V. Osadchyj, S. V. Sharov // Problemy inzhenerno-pedagogichnoj osvity. – 2015. – No. 46. – pp. 49-56. [in Ukrainian]

Kruhlyk V. Diploma Project Team Work Management / V. Kruhlyk // Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE). – 2014. – No. 18. – pp. 90-95. [in Ukrainian]

Overview – Redmine, [Online]. – Available: [in English]

RusGuide – Redmine, [Online]. – Available:

redmine/wiki/rusguide. [in Russian]

Barvenov S. The experience of using Git and GitHub in conducting classes with students / S. Barvenov, А. Stankevich // Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific-practical Conferece "Web-programming and Internet-technologies WebConf 2015", Minsk, May 12-14, 2015. – pp. 44-46. [in Russian]

Shaltunovich А. The organization of joint development of web applications within the frmes of social network github / А. Shaltunovich // Vestnik Nizhnevartovskogo gos. universiteta. – 2011. – No. 3. – pp. 86-89. [in Russian]

Features For collaborative coding – developers work better, together | GitHub, GitHub [Online]. – Available: [in English]

Plokha О. The Agile methodology introduction in the learning process for students of IT specialties using project-based method / О. Plokha, O. Scherbakov, К. Liman // Actual scientific research in the modern world: XII Intern. Scientific. Conf., April 26-27, 2016. – 2016. – No. 12, p. 3. – pp. 65-71. [in Ukrainian]

Lavrishcheva К. Software Engineering / К. Lavrishcheva. – К., 2008. – 319 p. [in Ukrainian]

Danchuk V. The specifics of implemention of Agile methodologies for software development projects / V. Danchuk, D. Lutsyuk // Visnyk Natsionalnoho transportnoho universytetu. – 2011. – Vol. 24, no. 2. – pp. 346-350. [in Ukrainian]

Highsmith J. Agile Software Development Ecosystems / J. Highsmith. – AddisonWesley Professional, 2002. – 448 p. [in English]

Krayvanova V. Olympiad Programming as an Effective Tool of the Training of Professional Programmers / V. Krayvanova, E. Kruchkova // Vestnik NGU. Seriya: Informatsionnyie tehnologii. – 2012. – Vol. 10, no. 4. – pp. 51-56. [in Russian]

Salenieks P. Professional skills assesment in programming competition / P. Salenieks, J. Naylor // SIGCSE Bulletin. – 1987. – Vol. 4. – pp. 9-14. [in English]

Shilov N. Engaging students with theory through ACM collegiate programming contests / N. Shilov, Y. Kwangkeun // Communications of the ACM. – 2002. – Vol. 9. – pp. 98-101. [in English]

Gavra D. Programming Contest as the Discourse Practice of the Professional Community / D. Gavra, N. Ipatova // Vestnik SPbGU. Seriya 12. Sotsiologiya. – 2008. – Num. 4. – pp. 498-503. [in Russian]

Osadchyi V. The program of the pre-diploma practice of students of the specialty "Informatics" (educationally qualifictional level: specialist) / V. Osadchyi, К. Osadcha. – Melitopol: MDPU im. B. Khmelnytskoho, 2015. [in Ukrainian]

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