Keywords: art, art integrative technologies, computer programs, concert performance, integration, museum pedagogy, polyart education, quest, vocal art


Тhe article deals with the modernization of higher pedagogical education, the introduction of innovative approaches, the development of artistic integrative technologies, changes in the classical forms of teaching future teachers. It has been established that poly-artistic education is a poly-artistic upbringing and development, a poly-artistic approach to the implementation of the educational process. Polyart education is based on the universal possibilities of art, its multifunctional nature. The concept of "integration of the arts" in poly-art education is analyzed.
The characteristic levels and types of integration. The features of integration as an innovative educational technology are considered. The explication of integrative art technologies developed on the basis of immersion in the artistic heritage, live communication with works of art, dialogue with the museum subject is presented. The quest is considered as an integrative game art-pedagogical technology, interesting for children and adults. It has been proven that the development of quest art integrative technologies makes it possible to successfully use the possibilities and advantages of computer audio-visual technologies in educational work with students and young people; motivates to obtain new artistic knowledge, improve performing skills, creative search, self-improvement and self-realization. A number of special programs for creating web quests, animation, video presentations, phonogram writing, working with a microphone have been described. Further research requires studying the experience of introducing integrative art technologies in the educational process of secondary and higher schools in Europe, Asia, America, improving the mechanisms of poly-artistic integrative impact on different age categories of students and young people, developing integrative art technologies for poly-artistic education of children of preschool and primary school age.


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1. Andrushchenko, V.P. (2010). The problem of forming a new teacher for a united Europe of the XXI century. Problems and prospects of the formation of the national humanitarian elite, 27 (31), Part 1, 45-53. Retrieved from
2. Baranovskaya, I. G., Mozgalova, N. G. & Baranovsky, D. M. (2015). Problems of interactive communication technologies in the modern system of education. Information and communication technologies in modern education: experience, problems, perspectives, Part 2, 76-81. 3. Blonsky, P. (1979). Selected psychological compositions in 2 parts. Moscow: Pedagogics. 4. Davydov, V. V. (2005). Lectures on general psychology (textbook for students of higher educational institutions). Moscow: Publishing Center ―Academy‖
5. Lazarenko, N. I. (2018). New requirements for teacher’s professionalism with taking into account the processes of European integration. Scientific notes of the Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after Mikhail Kotsyubinsky, 54, 100-106.
6. Masol, L. M. (2003). Integration in the system of school art education and poly-arts teacher training. Psychological and pedagogical problems of the rural school, 4, 7-15.
7. Masol, LM (2001). Concept of artistic and aesthetic education of students in general educational institutions. Pedagogical newspaper, 12, 2-4.
8. Masol, L. M. (2002). Conceptual basis for the formation of the content of general artistic education in the context of state standards. Psychological and pedagogical problems of rural school, 1, 3-5.
9. Chako (2015). Microphone direction. Retrieved from
10. Sokol, I. M. (2014). Introduction of quest-technology in the educational process. Zaporizhzhia: Aktsent Invest-treid.
11. Statkevych A. H. (n.d.). Web quest as an innovative project methodology for teaching a foreign
language. Retrieved from
12. Shulgina, Ye. M. (2014). Methodology of formation of foreign language communicative competence of students through the technology of web quests (Dissertation of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences).
Tomsk, National Research Institute of Tomsk State University.
13. Scholokova O.P (1996). Fundamentals of professional artistic and aesthetic training of the future teacher. Kiev: VIPOL.
14. Yusov B. (2001). Principles of constructing integrated poly-arts programs in fine arts. Art and Education, 3, 40-41.
15. Yusov B.P. (1995). On the interaction of arts in the development of children in integrated occupations. When all the art together. Poly-artistic development of students of different age groups. Teacher’s Guide. Moscow-Murmansk: ITsEV RAO.
How to Cite
BaranovskaI. (2018). ARTISTIC INTEGRATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN POLYART EDUCATION. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (39), 42-53.