Focus and Scope

ITE publishes original high quality articles on scientific, methodological, organizational, and technological aspects of the development, adoption, and application of ICT for the management of higher and secondary educational institutions. The journal also solicits papers elaborating the solutions of the scientific, didactic, organizational and technological challenges aiming at creating, transferring to, and exploiting ICT and relevant software in teaching and learning.

The publication covers the following fields of research in the sphere of Information and Communication Technologies (ІCТ) in education and science:

  1. Scientific, methodical, organizational and technological problems of ICT development and use in the management of higher and secondary educational institutions.
  2. Scientific, methodical, organizational and technological problems of educational software development and use in the higher and secondary educational institutions.
  3. Scientific, methodical, organizational and technological problems of creating and use of distant learning systems.
  4. Scientific, methodical and organizational problems of permanent training and retraining of specialists in computer science.
  5. Scientific, methodical, organizational and technological problems of vocational-oriented ICT usage in the teaching systems.
  6. Scientific, methodical and organizational problems of computer science future teachers training for secondary and higher school.
  7. Methodical systems of particular subjects teaching at higher and secondary school using ICT.
  8. Advanced experience of ICT use in the process of teaching and in the management of educational institutions.
  9. Scientific, methodical, organizational and technological problems of creating and use of computer-oriented teaching systems for handicapped people.
  10. Informational aspects of the integration problem of Ukrainian educational system into the educational outer space.
  11. Advanced experience in the international cooperation of Ukrainian educational institutions in the ICT sphere.
  12. Advanced experience in the organization of research work of students and pupils in the ICT sphere.
  13. Scientific, methodical, organizational and technological problems of ICT specialists training system adaptation to requirements of the modern labor market.