Keywords: Cloud computing, cloudy technologies, cloudy services


     To improve the training process is necessary to use such powerful technologies, as ‘cloud computing’. Supporting traditional training forms, it’s the new epoch of education development. It’s also economic, effective and flexible way to satisfy the needs of taught in new knowledge getting.


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1. Decree of the Ukrainian President ‘About Measures of Priority Education Ukrainian Development Providing’ №926/2010, adopted on 30th September, 2010 // Official messenger of the President No 27, Kiev (2010). (in Ukraine)
2. Voronkin О. S. To basis of use of information and computer technologies at modern higher school. Educational manual, Publishing department of LDKIM, Lugansk (2011). (in Ukraine)
3. Voronkin О. S. Cloud computing as a basis of formation of personal training environments // Collection of scientific works. Materials of the second international scientific and practical conference FOSS on April, 26-28 in 2012, Lviv (2012).–p. 143-146. (in Ukraine)
4. ArkhipovaT.L., Zaytseva T.V. Technologies of cloud computing in educational institutions // Cloudy technologies in training. Materials of the Ukraine scientific and methodical Internet-seminar on December, 21 in 2012, Publishing department of KMI, Krivoj Rog (2012).-p.72. (in Ukraine)
5. Operational news and analytical materials of the world of high technologies, http://www.cnews.ru/mag/2011/CloudTechnology.pdf
6. News about the IT companies, http://www.itcontent.ru/archives/blog/cloud_computing.

1. Decree of the Ukrainian President ‘About Measures of Priority Education Ukrainian Development Providing’ №926/2010, adopted on 30th September, 2010 // Official messenger of the President No 27, Kiev (2010). (in Ukraine)
2. Voronkin О. S. To basis of use of information and computer technologies at modern higher school. Educational manual, Publishing department of LDKIM, Lugansk (2011). (in Ukraine)
3. Voronkin О. S. Cloud computing as a basis of formation of personal training environments // Collection of scientific works. Materials of the second international scientific and practical conference FOSS on April, 26-28 in 2012, Lviv (2012).–p. 143-146. (in Ukraine)
4. ArkhipovaT.L., Zaytseva T.V. Technologies of cloud computing in educational institutions // Cloudy technologies in training. Materials of the Ukraine scientific and methodical Internet-seminar on December, 21 in 2012, Publishing department of KMI, Krivoj Rog (2012).-p.72. (in Ukraine)
5. Operational news and analytical materials of the world of high technologies, http://www.cnews.ru/mag/2011/CloudTechnology.pdf
6. News about the IT companies, http://www.itcontent.ru/archives/blog/cloud_computing.
How to Cite
ZaytsevaT., & ArkhipovaT. (2014). ‘CLOUD COMPUTING’ INTEGRATION INTO THE TRAINING PROCESS OF HIGHER SCHOOL. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (16), 068-074. https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000429