• A. Gurzhiy National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (NAES of Ukraine), Kyiv
  • O. Ovcharuk Institute of Information Technologies and Teaching Aids of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Kyiv, Kyiv
Keywords: competence, the information and communication competence, education policy, key competence, e-competence, education reform


     The article deals with the discussion questions analysis on the information and communication competence in the international and domestic educational environment. The approaches to the information and communication competence notion are revealed. The terms in ICT area are described with the aim to understand the place and role of the information and communication competence. The discussion context in terms of IT-competence is described. The analysis of EU strategic documents and other international education policy papers is done.


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7. Laura H. Salganik, Dominique S. Rychen, Urs Moser, John W. Konstant (1999), Projects on Competencies in the OECD Context: Analysis of Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations, SFSO, OECD, ESSI, Neuchatel.
8. Romani, J. Strategies to Promote the Development of E-competencies in the Next Generation of Professionals: European and International Trends. – Monograph No. 13 November 2009. – Communication and Information Technology Department. – Latin-American Faculty of Social Sciences, Campus Mexico (FLACSO-Mexico). – 57 r.
How to Cite
GurzhiyA., & OvcharukO. (2013). DISCUSSION ASPECTS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES COMPETENCIES: SNTERNATIONAL APPROACHES AND UKRAINIAN PROSPCTS. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (15), 038-043. https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000389