• A. Tikhomirov International Informatization Academy (Russia)
  • A. Trufanov Irkutsk State Technical University (Russia)
  • A. Caruso Court of Auditors, Regional Chamber of Control
  • А. Rossodivita San Raffaele Hospital Scientific Foundation, Segrate
  • R. Umerov NGO “Terra Tavrida
  • Z. Umerova Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University (Simferopol)
Keywords: complex networks, mapping, graphical representations, counteract disasters, emergency management


     In the paper are considered the need for build cooperation and collaboration among all entities and actors. Comprehensive Network Lace is based on an end-to-end description of major categories of interactions for sets of entities using a multilayer (multi-level) variety of complex networks.


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6. Tikhomirov A.A., Trufanov A.I. Hyper-complex networks: new models for socio – economic and bio-social processes interpretation,

1. M.Aminova, A.Caruso, A.Rossodivita, A.Tikhomirov, A.Trufanov, R.Umerov. State Failure as a Factor in International Global Counteracting Medical Opeations: Network Modelling / World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Beijing, China, 2011.
2. A.Rossodivita, A.Trufanov, R.Umerov / Novye aspekty primenenija IT-rychagov (doktrin, modelej, instrumentov) v protivodejstvii global'nym ugrozam. – K.: Informacio Konsorcium, 2010. – 64 s.
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4. A.-L. Barabási, R. Albert, H. Jeong. Mean-field theory for scale-free random networks. Physica A 272, 1999, p. 173–187.
5. F.Galindo, M.Guidotti,V.Gulevich,E. Gursky, S.Kolesnikov, S. Koptilov, R. Laporte, F.Linkov, M. Ranghieri,A. Rossodivita, E. Shubnikov, E. Stikova, A. Trufanov, and N.Vinograd. Information Sharing in Knowledge Society. Collection of Absracts, ASI “Preparing Regional Leaders with the Knowledge, Training and Instruments for Information Sharing and Decision-Making against Biological Threats and Pandemics”, November, 30 – December 8, 2008, Milan, ITALY, p.12-15.
6. Tikhomirov A.A., Trufanov A.I. Hyper-complex networks: new models for socio – economic and bio-social processes interpretation,
How to Cite
TikhomirovA., TrufanovA., CarusoA., RossodivitaА., UmerovR., & UmerovaZ. (2012). STATE FAILURE AS A FACTOR IN INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL COUNTERACTING OPERATIONS: NETWORK MODELING. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (13), 077-083.