Keywords: information society, competence, ICT learning tools, evaluation, demands


     The article describes the problems of improvement of quality of implementation and use of e-learning tools which arise in terms of increasing quality and accessibility of education. It is determined that those issues are closely linked to specific scientific and methodological approaches to evaluation of quality, selection and use of ICT-based tools in view of emergence of promising information technological platforms of these resources implementation and delivery.


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11. Shahid Al Noor. A Proposed Architecture of Cloud Computing for Education System in Bangladesh and the Impact on Current Education System / Shahid Al Noor, Golam M., Chowdhury S., Zakir Hossain Md., Tasmin Jaigirdar F. // IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. - vol.10. - no.10. - 2010. - p.7-13.
12. Shyshkina M. Factors of e-learning access realization in modern school / M. Shyshkina // Information Technologies and Learning Tools. - n.4 (24). - 2011,
13. Subramanian K.: How Cloud Computing Can Help School Education? [electronic resource]. - July 30, 2009. -
14. Sultan N. Cloud Computing for Education: A New Dawn? / N. Sultan // International Journal of Information Management. - n.30. – 2010. - pp. 109–116.
15. Zhang J. A Framework of User-Driven Data Analytics in the Cloud for Course Management / J.Zhang, C W.handra, Sung Bu, Khoon Kee, J.Vassileva, Looi Chee Kit // Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education. – Wong S. L. et al., Eds., Putrajaya, Malaysia: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, 2010. - pp. 698-702.

1. Armbrust M. Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing / M.Armbrust, A.Fox, R.Griffith // Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California at Berkeley. - Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2009-28, February 10. – 2009.
2. Bittman T. Cloud Computing and K-12 Education [Electronic resource] / T.Bittman - November 26, 2008. -
3. A bridge to the future. European policy for vocational education and training 2002-10. – Luxemburg: Publication Office of the European Union, 2010. - 128 pp.
4. Bykov, V. Models of Oganizational Systems of Open Education / V.Bykov. - Kyiv: Atika, 2009. (in Ukrainian).
5. Bykov V. Cloud computing technologies, ICT autsoursing, and new functions of ICT departments of educational and research institutions / V.Bykov // Information Technologies in Education. - n.10. – 2011. - pp.8-23. (in Ukrainian).
6. Brusilovsky P. Adaptive and Intelligent Web-based Educational Systems / P.Brusilovsky, Ch.Peylo // International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. – 2003. - n.13. - p.156-169.
7. Cha J. ICTs for new Engineering Education / J.Cha, B.Koo // Policy Brief, UNESCO. – February, 2011. - 11 p.
8. Dawson C. The Cloud Finally Comes to Education [electronic resource] / C.Dawson, Dec. 27, 2008. -;&LF
9. Donnelly R. Applied E-Learning and E-Teaching in Higher Education / R.Donnelly, F.McSweeney. - Hershey, New York. – 2009.
10. Sanz-Santamaría S. Mixing Standards, IRT and Pedagogy for Quality e-Assessment / S.Sanz-Santamaría, Á.Vadillo Zorita José, J. Gutiérrez Serrano // Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education. – FORMATEX, 2006. - pp.926-929.
11. Shahid Al Noor. A Proposed Architecture of Cloud Computing for Education System in Bangladesh and the Impact on Current Education System / Shahid Al Noor, Golam M., Chowdhury S., Zakir Hossain Md., Tasmin Jaigirdar F. // IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. - vol.10. - no.10. - 2010. - p.7-13.
12. Shyshkina M. Factors of e-learning access realization in modern school / M. Shyshkina // Information Technologies and Learning Tools. - n.4 (24). - 2011,
13. Subramanian K.: How Cloud Computing Can Help School Education? [electronic resource]. - July 30, 2009. -
14. Sultan N. Cloud Computing for Education: A New Dawn? / N. Sultan // International Journal of Information Management. - n.30. – 2010. - pp. 109–116.
15. Zhang J. A Framework of User-Driven Data Analytics in the Cloud for Course Management / J.Zhang, C W.handra, Sung Bu, Khoon Kee, J.Vassileva, Looi Chee Kit // Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education. – Wong S. L. et al., Eds., Putrajaya, Malaysia: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, 2010. - pp. 698-702.
How to Cite
ShyshkinaM. (2012). PROBLEMS OF ICT-BASED TOOLS ESTIMATION IN THE CONTEXT OF INFORMATION SOCIETY FORMATION. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (11), 060-067.