• І.А. Хижняк Слов'янський державний педагогічний університет, Слов'янськ
Ключові слова: електронні посібники, електронна лінгводидактика, комунікаційні технології, методика навчання української мови, молодші школярі


     У статті розкрито необхідність підготовки майбутніх учителів до застосування інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у професійній діяльності, висвітлено сутність освітнього феномену «лінгводидактична компетентність учителя початкових класів», указано його складники, обґрунтовано актуальність проблеми навчання майбутніх учителів початкових класів основ електронної лінгводидактики як галузі методичної науки.


Дані завантаження ще не доступні.




1. Bigych, O. B.: Information-Communicative Portfolio of a Teacher as a Means of his Professional Independence. In: Bulletin of the Vasyl Karazin Kharkiv National University. vol. 897, pp. 164 – 168. Kharkiv (2010) (in Ukrainian).
2. Bovtenko, M. A.: Computer Means of Language Teaching: Modern Opportunities/ In: Case Studies. vol. 5, pp. 25 – 37. (2011) (in Russian).
3. Bogdanova, I. M.: Professional Teacher Training of Future Teachers by Means of Innovative Technologies: Author’s Abstract of Dissertation of a Doctor of Educational Sciences. Kyiv (2003) (in Ukrainian).
4. Hartsov, A. D.: Electronic Language Education in the System of Innovative Language Teaching: Author’s Abstract of Dissertation of a Doctor of Educational Sciences. The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow (2009) (in Russian).
5. Imber, V. I.: Educational Conditions of Applying Multimedia Means of Teaching in the Training of a Future Primary-School Teacher: Dissertation of Candidate of Educational Sciences. Vinnitsa State Teacher Training University, Vinnitsa (2008) (in Ukrainian).
6. Kolomiyets, A. M.: Theoretic and Methodical Foundations of Information Culture of a Future Primary-School Teacher: Author’s Abstract of Dissertation of Doctor of Educational sciences. Kyiv (2008) (in Ukrainian).
7. Morska, L. I.: Theoretic-Methodical Foundations of Training of Future Foreign Language Teachers for Applying of Information Technologies in Professional Activity: Author’s Abstract of Dissertation of a Doctor of Educational Sciences. Ternopil (2008) (in Ukrainian).
8. Petukhova, L. E.:Theoretic-Methodical Foundations Computer Science Competence of Future Primary School Teachers: Dissertation of Doctor of Educational Sciences. Kherson (2009) (in Ukrainian).
9. Resource centre “Information technologies in the language teaching”, http://www.itlt.edu.nstu.ru/itltcourse.php (in Ukrainian).

1. Bigych, O. B.: Information-Communicative Portfolio of a Teacher as a Means of his Professional Independence. In: Bulletin of the Vasyl Karazin Kharkiv National University. vol. 897, pp. 164 – 168. Kharkiv (2010) (in Ukrainian).
2. Bovtenko, M. A.: Computer Means of Language Teaching: Modern Opportunities/ In: Case Studies. vol. 5, pp. 25 – 37. (2011) (in Russian).
3. Bogdanova, I. M.: Professional Teacher Training of Future Teachers by Means of Innovative Technologies: Author’s Abstract of Dissertation of a Doctor of Educational Sciences. Kyiv (2003) (in Ukrainian).
4. Hartsov, A. D.: Electronic Language Education in the System of Innovative Language Teaching: Author’s Abstract of Dissertation of a Doctor of Educational Sciences. The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow (2009) (in Russian).
5. Imber, V. I.: Educational Conditions of Applying Multimedia Means of Teaching in the Training of a Future Primary-School Teacher: Dissertation of Candidate of Educational Sciences. Vinnitsa State Teacher Training University, Vinnitsa (2008) (in Ukrainian).
6. Kolomiyets, A. M.: Theoretic and Methodical Foundations of Information Culture of a Future Primary-School Teacher: Author’s Abstract of Dissertation of Doctor of Educational sciences. Kyiv (2008) (in Ukrainian).
7. Morska, L. I.: Theoretic-Methodical Foundations of Training of Future Foreign Language Teachers for Applying of Information Technologies in Professional Activity: Author’s Abstract of Dissertation of a Doctor of Educational Sciences. Ternopil (2008) (in Ukrainian).
8. Petukhova, L. E.:Theoretic-Methodical Foundations Computer Science Competence of Future Primary School Teachers: Dissertation of Doctor of Educational Sciences. Kherson (2009) (in Ukrainian).
9. Resource centre “Information technologies in the language teaching”, http://www.itlt.edu.nstu.ru/itltcourse.php (in Ukrainian).
Як цитувати
ХижнякІ. (2012). ПІДГОТОВКА МАЙБУТНІХ УЧИТЕЛІВ ПОЧАТКОВИХ КЛАСІВ ДО ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНО-КОМУНІКАЦІЙНИХ ТЕХНОЛОГІЙ НА УРОКАХ МОВИ. Збірник наукових праць "Information Technologies in Education" (ITE), (11), 053-059. https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000300