• L. Cheremisina National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv,
Keywords: artificial intelligence, knowledge base, ontology, tutoring system


     This paper deals with the use of ontology for the use and development of intelligent tutoring systems. We consider the shortcomings of educational software and distance learning systems and the advantages of using ontology’s in their design. Actuality creates educational computer systems based on systematic knowledge. We consider classification of properties, use and benefits of ontology’s. Characterized approaches to the problem of ontology mapping, the first of which – manual mapping, the second – a comparison of the names of concepts based on their lexical similarity and using special dictionaries. The analysis of languages available for the formal description of ontology. Considered a formal mathematical model of ontology’s and ontology consistency problem, which is that different developers for the same domain ontology can be created, syntactically or semantically heterogeneous, and their use requires a compatible broadcast or display. An algorithm combining ontology’s. The characteristic of the practical value of developing an ontology for electronic educational resources and recommendations for further research and development, such as implementation of other components of the system integration,formalization of the processes of integration and development of a universal expansion algorithms ontology’s software.


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How to Cite
CheremisinaL. (2015). USE OF ONTOLOGIES FOR KNOWLEDGE BASES CREATION TUTORING COMPUTER SYSTEMS. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (21), 096-101.