Keywords: information and communication learning environment, pedagogical diagnostics, didactical demands, ethics


      Didactical demands for pedagogical diagnostics and its realisation specific characters in information and communication learning environment of university are analysed. The questions of ethics and information security of pedagogical diagnostics are considered. Ethic aspects, connected with using of the automated pedagogical diagnostic systems, are underlined. Results of survey of students about their view points on issues of security of pedagogical diagnostics data are discussed.


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Podlasiy I. P. Pedagogy: New Course: In 2 books / I. P. Podlasie – Moscow : Gumanitarniy Izdatelskiy Tsentr VLADOS, 2002. – Book 1: General principles. The process of learning. - 576 p. (Russian)

Lectures in pedagogy of higher school: Tutorial / Under the editorship of V. I. Lozova. – Kharkiv: "OVS", 2006. – 496 p. (Ukrainian)

Lozova V. I. Some ways of improving the efficiency of testing for literature in school / V. I. Lozova – Kharkiv, 1974. – 28 p. (Russian)

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Kolgatin O. G. Present-Day Views on Ethics of Automated Pedagogical Diagnostics / O. G. Kolgatin // Information Technologies and Learning Tools. – 2009. – № 4(12). – Access on¬ http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/old_jrn/e-journals/ITZN/em12/content/09kogdpa.htm. (Ukrainian)

Babanskiy Yu. K. Selected Pedagogical Works / Sost. M. Yu. Babanskiy. - Moscow: Pedagogika, 1989. - 560 p. (Russian)

Ingenkamp K. Pedagogical Diagnostics / Inhenkamp K. - Moscow : Pedagogika, 1991. - 240 p. (Russian)

Pidlasiy I.P. How to prepare an effective lesson: Book for a Teacher / I.P. Pidlasiy – Kyiv : Radjanska Shkola, 1989. – 204 p. (Ukrainian)

Maksimov V.G. Pedagogical diagnostics in the school / Maksimov V.G. - Moscow : Akademija, 2002. - 270 p. (Russian)

Pedagogical Diagnostics in the school / [A. I. Kochetov, Y. L. Kolominsky, I. Prokop'ev etc.]; under the editorship of A. I. Kochetov. – Minsk: Narodnaya Asveta, 1987. – 223 p. (Russian)

Podlasiy I. P. Pedagogy: New Course: In 2 books / I. P. Podlasie – Moscow : Gumanitarniy Izdatelskiy Tsentr VLADOS, 2002. – Book 1: General principles. The process of learning. - 576 p. (Russian)

Lectures in pedagogy of higher school: Tutorial / Under the editorship of V. I. Lozova. – Kharkiv: "OVS", 2006. – 496 p. (Ukrainian)

Lozova V. I. Some ways of improving the efficiency of testing for literature in school / V. I. Lozova – Kharkiv, 1974. – 28 p. (Russian)

Kolgatin O. G. Didactic and ethical requirements for automated pedagogical diagnostics / O. G. Kolgatin // Informational Technologies in Education. – Kherson : KSU Publishing house, 2009. – Issue 3. – P. 128-134. (Ukrainian)

Kolgatin O. G. Present-Day Views on Ethics of Automated Pedagogical Diagnostics / O. G. Kolgatin // Information Technologies and Learning Tools. – 2009. – № 4(12). – Access on¬ http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/old_jrn/e-journals/ITZN/em12/content/09kogdpa.htm. (Ukrainian)

How to Cite
KolgatinO. (2016). DYNAMICS OF VIEWS ON ETHICS OF PEDAGOGICAL DIAGNOSTICS IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (29), 007-014. https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000608