• L.I. Bilousova Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G. S. Skovoroda. Kharkiv
  • O.G. Kolgatin Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G. S. Skovoroda. Kharkiv https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8423-2359
  • L.S. Kolgatina Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G. S. Skovoroda. Kharkiv
Keywords: independent work, management, information and communication technologies


     The method of questioning was used in students' groups to diagnose features of the implementation of independent work in the learning process of pedagogical university. Analysis of the data makes it possible to confirm the usefulness of systematic self-study, identify some causes of difficulties. In particular, students, who often work independently, have higher success in learning,love their future profession; independent work does not replace the classroom ONE, but rather complements it, students, who often work independently, more often attend lectures. Some statistically significant factors that hinder independent work can be distinguished: an overload on other subjects; inertia, laziness; living conditions; the availability of a hobby, which does not coincide with the learning task; family circumstances. Students widely use Internet resources during independent work, but they do it spontaneously and do not obtain proper effect on the success of learning. So management of independent work should be provided special means in
information and communication environment, aimed at improving the efficiency of the use of Internet resources during independent work of students.


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7. Mitryasova O. P. Modern information technology in the practice of teaching in high school / O. P. Mitryasova // Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, and innovative technologies. – 2013. No. 6 (32). – P. 375-383.
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1. Malykhin O.V. Management of the independent learning activity of students of pedagogical higher educational institutions: theoretical-methodological aspect : Monograph / O. V. Malykhin. – Kriviy Rig : Publishing house, 2009. – 307 p.
2. Bykov V. Yu. Models of the open education organizational systems : Monograph. – Kyiv : Atika, 2009. – 684 p.
3. Spivakovsky O.V, Lvov M.S., Kravtsov G.M. Innovative methods of management of information assets of the University // The computer in the school and the family. Issue 3. – Kyiv. – 2013. – p. 3-7.
4. Definition of the essence and principle of organization of independent work in a foreign language / A. V. Kotova // Kharkov University bulletin. – Kharkiv, 2011. – No. 18. – P. 109-116. – Mode of access : http://dspace.univer.kharkov.ua/bitstream/123456789/3408/2/11kotvuz.pdf.
5. Shimko I. M. Didactic conditions of organization of independent academic work of students of the university : abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of Pedagogical science on spec. 13.00.04 – Theory and methods of professional education / I. M. Shimko. – Kyiv, 2002. – 20 C.
6. Sherbak Yu. A. Organisation of independent work of future economists in universities / Yu. A. Sherbak // Scientific bulletin of Kremenets regional humanitarian-pedagogical Institute named after Taras Shevchenko. Series: Pedagogics. – Kremenets : PC KRHPI named after Taras Shevchenko, 2013. – V.2. – P. 44-52.
7. Mitryasova O. P. Modern information technology in the practice of teaching in high school / O. P. Mitryasova // Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, and innovative technologies. – 2013. No. 6 (32). – P. 375-383.
8. Ponchikova M.M. Problems of organization of independent work of philological directions for students – future teachers of primary school [Electronic resource] / M. M. Ponchikova // Scientific bulletin of the Donbas. Pedagogical science. – 2013. – № 2 (22). – Mode of access : http://nvd.luguniv.edu.ua/archiv/NN22/13pmmupk.pdf.
How to Cite
Bilousova L., Kolgatin O., & KolgatinaL. (2015). DIAGNOSIS OF PROBLEMS OF MANAGEMENT OF THE STUDENTS’ INDEPENDENT WORK IN THE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION PEDAGOGICAL ENVIRONMENT. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (20), 007-012. https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000492