• M. Popel Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyi
Keywords: cloud technologies, cloud computing, SCM, Web-SCM, SageMath Cloud


     The quality of mathematics education depends largely on the quality of education in general. The main idea may be summarized as follows: in order to educate the younger generation of people to be able to meet adequately the demands of the time, it is necessary to create conditions for the high-quality mathematics education. Improving the quality of mathematics education of pupils in secondary school is one of the most pressing problems.
     Contents of the school course of mathematics and its teaching method has always been the subject of undammed and sometimes stormy scientific debates. There are especially true methods of teaching algebra and the analisis in the high secondary school. Still in the study process the algebraic concepts and principles of analysis are given in such an abstract and generalized form that the student may has considerable difficulties to map these general abstract concepts to the certain concrete images, they are generalizations of.
     Improving education quality indicators can be achieved by using the appropriate computer technology.
     The article deals with the use of the cloud-oriented systems of computer mathematics (SCM). The prospects of development of the Web-SCM in terms of cloud-based learning environment are considered. The pedagogical features of the SageMath Cloud use as a tool for mathematics learning are revealed. The methodological aspects of algebra and elementary analysis teaching in a high profile school using the cloud-oriented the SCM SageMath Cloud are revealed.


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3. Merzlyak A. G Alhebra. 11 klas: pidruch. dlya zahalnoosvit. navch. zakladiv : akadem. riven, prof. riven [Algebra. 11 class: textbook for secondary schools: academic level, profile level] / A. G. Merzlyak, D. A. Nomirovskyy, V. B. Polonsky, M. S. Yakir – H.: Gymnasium, 2011. – 431 p. (in Ukrainian).
4. Popel M. V. Prohramni zasoby navchalnoho modelyuvannya [Educational software simulation] / M. V. Popel, S. V. Shokalyuk // Innovative information and communication technology education in mathematics, physics, computer science in secondary and higher education: a collection of research papers on the materials of Ukrainian of scientific-methodical conference of Young Scientists, 17-18 February 2011 – Kryvyi Rig: Kryvyi Rig State Pedagogical University, 2011. – P. 364-367 (in Ukrainian).
5. Rashevska N. V. Mobilni informatsiyno-komunikatsiyni tekhnolohiyi navchannya vyshchoyi matematyky studentiv vyshchykh tekhnichnykh navchalnykh zakladiv: dys. … k. ped. nauk: 13.00.10 [Mobile Information and Communication Technology Learning of Mathematics students of technical schools: dis. k ... ped. sciences: 13.00.10] / Natalya Vasylivna Rashevska; Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. – K., 2011. – 244 p. (in Ukrainian)
6. Semerikov S. O. Teoriya i metodyka zastosuvannya mobilnyh matematychnyh seredovyshch u protsesi navchannya vyshchoyi matematyky studentiv ekonomichnyh spetsialnostey [Theory and methods of use of mobile media in the mathematical study of higher mathematics students of economic specialties] / S. O. Semerikov, K. I. Slovak // Information technology and learning tools – 2011. – № 1 (21). – Available from: (in Ukrainian).
7. Slovak K. I. ICT intensification of teaching and learning of students [Information and communication technologies intensify teaching and learning of students] / Kateryna Ivanivna Slovak // Electronic scientific specialized edition of "Scientific Bulletin of Donbass". – 2011. – №3 (15). – Available from: (in Ukrainian).
8. Slovak K. I. Lecture demonstration course in higher mathematics [Lecture demonstration course in higher mathematics] / K. I. Slovak, M. V. Popiel // The latest computer technology materials VIII International Scientific Conference: Kyiv, Sevastopol, 14-17 September 2010 – Kyiv: Ministry of Regional development and Construction of Ukraine, 2010. – P. 142-144 (in Ukrainian).
9. Slovak K. I. Metodyka vykorystannya mobilʹnykh matematychnykh seredovyshch u protsesi navchannya vyshchoyi matematyky studentiv ekonomichnykh spetsialnostey: dys. … k. ped. nauk: 13.00.10 [Methods of mathematical use of mobile media in teaching higher mathematics students of economic specialties: dis. k ... ped. sciences: 13.00.10] / Kateryna Ivanivna Slovak; Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. – K., 2010. – 290 p. (in Ukrainian)
10. Shyshkina M. P. Khmaro oriyentovane seredovyshche navchalnoho zakladu: suchasnyy stan i perspektyvy rozvytku doslidzhen [Cloud based learning environment of educational institutions: the current state and research prospects] / M. P. Shyshkina, M. V. Popel // Informatsiyni tekhnolohiyi i zasoby navchannya [Elektronnyy resurs]. – 5(37). – 2013. Available from: (in Ukrainian)

1. Bondarenko T. V. Informatsiyni tekhnolohiyi na urotsi matematyky [Information technology in math class] / T. V. Bondarenko, I. I. Dmitrenco // Theory and methods of teaching mathematics, physics, computer science: Collection of scientific works: in 3 vols. – Kryvyi Rig: Publishing Department KDPU, 2001. – Vol 1: Theory and methods of teaching mathematics. – P. 29-31 (in Ukrainian).
2. Kobylnyk T. P. Rozvyazuvannya zadach z parametramy z vykorystannyam kompyutera [Solving problems with parameters using a computer] / T. P. Kobylnyk // Teoriya ta metodyka navchannya matematyky, fizyky, informatyky: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats. Vypusk V: V 3-kh tomah. – Kryvyy Rih: Vydavnychyy viddil NMetAU, 2005. – T. 1: Teoriya ta metodyka navchannya matematyky. – P. 134-139 (in Ukrainian).
3. Merzlyak A. G Alhebra. 11 klas: pidruch. dlya zahalnoosvit. navch. zakladiv : akadem. riven, prof. riven [Algebra. 11 class: textbook for secondary schools: academic level, profile level] / A. G. Merzlyak, D. A. Nomirovskyy, V. B. Polonsky, M. S. Yakir – H.: Gymnasium, 2011. – 431 p. (in Ukrainian).
4. Popel M. V. Prohramni zasoby navchalnoho modelyuvannya [Educational software simulation] / M. V. Popel, S. V. Shokalyuk // Innovative information and communication technology education in mathematics, physics, computer science in secondary and higher education: a collection of research papers on the materials of Ukrainian of scientific-methodical conference of Young Scientists, 17-18 February 2011 – Kryvyi Rig: Kryvyi Rig State Pedagogical University, 2011. – P. 364-367 (in Ukrainian).
5. Rashevska N. V. Mobilni informatsiyno-komunikatsiyni tekhnolohiyi navchannya vyshchoyi matematyky studentiv vyshchykh tekhnichnykh navchalnykh zakladiv: dys. … k. ped. nauk: 13.00.10 [Mobile Information and Communication Technology Learning of Mathematics students of technical schools: dis. k ... ped. sciences: 13.00.10] / Natalya Vasylivna Rashevska; Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. – K., 2011. – 244 p. (in Ukrainian)
6. Semerikov S. O. Teoriya i metodyka zastosuvannya mobilnyh matematychnyh seredovyshch u protsesi navchannya vyshchoyi matematyky studentiv ekonomichnyh spetsialnostey [Theory and methods of use of mobile media in the mathematical study of higher mathematics students of economic specialties] / S. O. Semerikov, K. I. Slovak // Information technology and learning tools – 2011. – № 1 (21). – Available from: (in Ukrainian).
7. Slovak K. I. ICT intensification of teaching and learning of students [Information and communication technologies intensify teaching and learning of students] / Kateryna Ivanivna Slovak // Electronic scientific specialized edition of "Scientific Bulletin of Donbass". – 2011. – №3 (15). – Available from: (in Ukrainian).
8. Slovak K. I. Lecture demonstration course in higher mathematics [Lecture demonstration course in higher mathematics] / K. I. Slovak, M. V. Popiel // The latest computer technology materials VIII International Scientific Conference: Kyiv, Sevastopol, 14-17 September 2010 – Kyiv: Ministry of Regional development and Construction of Ukraine, 2010. – P. 142-144 (in Ukrainian).
9. Slovak K. I. Metodyka vykorystannya mobilʹnykh matematychnykh seredovyshch u protsesi navchannya vyshchoyi matematyky studentiv ekonomichnykh spetsialnostey: dys. … k. ped. nauk: 13.00.10 [Methods of mathematical use of mobile media in teaching higher mathematics students of economic specialties: dis. k ... ped. sciences: 13.00.10] / Kateryna Ivanivna Slovak; Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. – K., 2010. – 290 p. (in Ukrainian)
10. Shyshkina M. P. Khmaro oriyentovane seredovyshche navchalnoho zakladu: suchasnyy stan i perspektyvy rozvytku doslidzhen [Cloud based learning environment of educational institutions: the current state and research prospects] / M. P. Shyshkina, M. V. Popel // Informatsiyni tekhnolohiyi i zasoby navchannya [Elektronnyy resurs]. – 5(37). – 2013. Available from: (in Ukrainian)
How to Cite
PopelM. (2015). THE METHODICAL ASPECTS OF THE ALGEBRA AND THE MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS STUDY USING THE SAGEMATH CLOUD. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (19), 093-100.