Keywords: cognitive activity, learning, learning (academic) environment, digital transformation, competencies, ICT


Technological changes in science, economics and society lead to social, political and cultural changes. Changes in education, among other things, cause some contradictions: between the emergence of the latest technology, technology and the new generation of means for training, management and scientific research and late response of education managers to the choice, implementation and spread of innovation; between the need to develop a modern educational environment and the conservatism of leaders and pedagogical staff in the period of innovation transformations.
Based on the computer-technology platform of modern education, which acquires characteristics of open, there is a transformation of traditional learning environment into the environment of computer-mediate communication. This environment is characterized by use of distributed educational resources and infrastructures to support educational communities of different types.
We consider cognitive activity as an element of the overall learning process, which is a targeted, systematically organized, managed externally or students’ individual interaction with the surrounding reality, the result of which is the mastery of scholarly knowledge and work methods at the level of reproduction or creativity. In the process of learning, cognition gets clear form in a special and unique to the person educational and cognitive activity, or learning.
The effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity of students in particular is determined by the new paradigm of education of the information society. The entire toolkit is changed, that allow evaluating and controlling educational and cognitive activity. ICT and ICN form new solutions that can influence basic processes in the educational system: formation and development of competencies, recording achievements, learning quality assessment, creating a positive motivation and promoting individual educational and cognitive activities. The article deals with research results of problems of organization of educational and cognitive students’ activity and formation of their competencies in the context of transformational changes in the educational process caused by presentation of new technologies.


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15. Raytskaia, L.K. (2013). Optimization of educational and cognitive activity of students in the Internet environment. Vestnik of Moscow State Institute of International Relations, 1, 18-21.
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1. Ericsson Comp. (2018). 10 Hot Consumer Trends 2018. Retrieved from
2. Vchasno, «Instant messaging service», Retrieved from
3. Sokolyuk, O.M. (2017). Information and educational environment in the conditions of transformation of education. Science Notes. Series: Problems of Methodology of Physical-Mathematical and Technological Education, 12, 3, 48-55.
4. Pinchuk, O.P. & Sokolyuk, O.M. (2013). Individualization of the student's learning environment by means of the Internet. Collection of scientific works of the Kamyanets-Podilsky National University named after Ivan Ogienko. Series: Pedagogical, 19, 35-37.
5. Zhuk, Ju.O. (Ed.) (2014). Internet Oriented Educational Technologies in School Teaching Experiment. Kyiv: Atika.
6. Sokolyuk, O.M. (2016). Inclusion of social networking services in the existing model of organization of students’ learning. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 55, 5, 55-66. Retrieved from
7. Pinchuk, O. (2018). Formation of subject competencies of primary school students in the process of teaching physics through multimedia technologies. PhD diss. (educat. sci.), National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv.
8. Pinchuk, O. (2016). Perspective analysis of use of electronic social networks in learning environment. Proc. of 1st Workshop 3L-Person’16, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 21-24, 2016. Retrieved from
9. Pinchuk, O. (2016). Perspective analysis of use of social networks as learning tools in learning environment. Information Technologies and Learning Tools,. 54, 4, 83-98.
10. Pinchuk, O. (2017). Developing of information and educational learning environment of senior students' training on the base of e-social networks (final report). Kyiv: Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the NAES of Ukraine. Retrieved from
11. Сabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2018). On Approval of the Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018-2020. Retrieved from
12. European Commission (2018). Proposal for a Council recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning. Brussels. Retrieved from files/recommendation-key-competences-lifelong-learning.pdf.
13. European Commission (2018). Annex to the Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning. Brussels. Retrieved from education/files/annex-recommendation-key-competences-lifelong-learning.pdf.
14. Rozyna, Y.N. (2005). Pedagogical computer-mediated communication as an applied area of commutative research. Educational Technology & Society, 8, 2, 257–264.
15. Raytskaia, L.K. (2013). Optimization of educational and cognitive activity of students in the Internet environment. Vestnik of Moscow State Institute of International Relations, 1, 18-21.
16. Global Education Futures (2013). Global Education Futures: Agenda. Retrieved from
How to Cite
PinchukO., & SokolyukO. (2018). COGNITIVE ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS UNDER CONDITIONS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (36), 071-081.