The formation of educationaly-informational RESOURCES for people with sight defects
audio-book, blind, DAISY, digital talking book, ІТAbstract
In this article main problems of the people with sight defects education with the help of information technologies is outlined. Technologies and algorithms which are used for DAISY books creation are described in this article. The actual state of providing and development of technologies for blind people is stressed.
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1. NISO. File Specifications for the Digital Talking Book: ANSI/NISO Z39.86-200X.
2. M. T. Hakkinen and G. Kerscher. Applying a Navigation Layer to Digital Talking Books: SMIL, XML and NCX. The Web and Multimedia Workshop – WWW9 Amsterdam, May 2000.
3. Видавнича група BHV
4. Cylke F. К., Dixon J. M., Moodie M, M. Tlie National library service for the blind and physically handicapped, Library of Congress // Alexandria. – 2000. – Vol. 12, N 2. – P. 81 – 98.
5. DAISY: Digital Accessible Information System.
6. В. Калинин „Дойти до точки: новые сферы применения азбуки Брайля”, 04.01.2009,
7. Диянская Г. Незрячие и Интернет, или как избежать одиночества // Библиотека. – 1999. – N 2. – С. 70 – 72
8. Анисимова Т.Е. „Перспективы и направления развития форматов для незрячих в аспекте формирования фондов”, 03.01.2009
1. NISO. File Specifications for the Digital Talking Book: ANSI/NISO Z39.86-200X.
2. M. T. Hakkinen and G. Kerscher. Applying a Navigation Layer to Digital Talking Books: SMIL, XML and NCX. The Web and Multimedia Workshop – WWW9 Amsterdam, May 2000.
3. Vidavnicha grupa BHV
4. Cylke F. K., Dixon J. M., Moodie M, M. Tlie National library service for the blind and physically handicapped, Library of Congress // Alexandria. – 2000. – Vol. 12, N 2. – P. 81 – 98.
5. DAISY: Digital Accessible Information System.
6. V. Kalinin „Dojti do tochki: novye sfery primenenija azbuki Brajlja”, 04.01.2009,
7. Dijanskaja G. Nezrjachie i Internet, ili kak izbezhat' odinochestva // Biblioteka. – 1999. – N 2. – S. 70 – 72
8. Anisimova T.E. „Perspektivy i napravlenija razvitija formatov dlja nezrjachih v aspekte formirovanija fondov”, 03.01.2009
1. NISO. File Specifications for the Digital Talking Book: ANSI/NISO Z39.86-200X.
2. M. T. Hakkinen and G. Kerscher. Applying a Navigation Layer to Digital Talking Books: SMIL, XML and NCX. The Web and Multimedia Workshop – WWW9 Amsterdam, May 2000.
3. Видавнича група BHV
4. Cylke F. К., Dixon J. M., Moodie M, M. Tlie National library service for the blind and physically handicapped, Library of Congress // Alexandria. – 2000. – Vol. 12, N 2. – P. 81 – 98.
5. DAISY: Digital Accessible Information System.
6. В. Калинин „Дойти до точки: новые сферы применения азбуки Брайля”, 04.01.2009,
7. Диянская Г. Незрячие и Интернет, или как избежать одиночества // Библиотека. – 1999. – N 2. – С. 70 – 72
8. Анисимова Т.Е. „Перспективы и направления развития форматов для незрячих в аспекте формирования фондов”, 03.01.2009
1. NISO. File Specifications for the Digital Talking Book: ANSI/NISO Z39.86-200X.
2. M. T. Hakkinen and G. Kerscher. Applying a Navigation Layer to Digital Talking Books: SMIL, XML and NCX. The Web and Multimedia Workshop – WWW9 Amsterdam, May 2000.
3. Vidavnicha grupa BHV
4. Cylke F. K., Dixon J. M., Moodie M, M. Tlie National library service for the blind and physically handicapped, Library of Congress // Alexandria. – 2000. – Vol. 12, N 2. – P. 81 – 98.
5. DAISY: Digital Accessible Information System.
6. V. Kalinin „Dojti do tochki: novye sfery primenenija azbuki Brajlja”, 04.01.2009,
7. Dijanskaja G. Nezrjachie i Internet, ili kak izbezhat' odinochestva // Biblioteka. – 1999. – N 2. – S. 70 – 72
8. Anisimova T.E. „Perspektivy i napravlenija razvitija formatov dlja nezrjachih v aspekte formirovanija fondov”, 03.01.2009
How to Cite
Lozytskyy, O., & Pasichnyk, O. (2009). The formation of educationaly-informational RESOURCES for people with sight defects. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (3), 243–250.
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