https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000218Ключові слова:
Semantic Web, e-learning, освітня платформа, агентні технологіїАнотація
У даній роботі розглядаються перспективи використання технології Semantic Web в електронному навчанні. Аналізуються потреби сучасного електронного навчання та пояснюється вплив Semantic Web на дану сферу.
Дані завантаження ще не доступні.
Показники метрики:
1. Allert, H. (2004). Coherent Social Systems for Learning: An Approach for Contextualized and Community-Centred Metadata. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004 (2) [www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/2]
2. Anderson, T. and Whitelock, D. (2004). The Educational Semantic Web: Visioning and Practicing the Future of Education. (Special Issue) Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004 (1). [www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/1].
3. Aroyo, L., & Dicheva, D. (2004). The New Challenges for E-learning: The Educational Semantic Web. Educational Technology & Society, 7 (4), 59-69. [www.ifets.info/journals/7_4/8.pdf]
4. Глибовець А.М., Шабінський А.С. Один підхід до побудови інтелектуальної пошукової системи.// Наукові записки НаУКМА. Т.112: Комп/ютерні науки. −К., 2010. −С. 26−30.
5. Пантелеев М.Г., Пузанков Д.В., Татаринов Ю.С. Перспективы использования технологий Семантического Web в образовательных порталах. [http://www.ict.edu.ru/ft/005511//portal3-18.pdf]
6. Ljiljana Stojanovic, Steffen Staab, Rudi Studer. “E-Learning based on the Semantic Web.”, - (2001). In Proceedings of the World Conference on the WWW and Internet WebNet2001.
7. [www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/WBS/Publ/2001/WebNet_lstsstrst_2001.pdf]
8. McCalla, G. (2004). The Ecological Approach to the Design of E-Learning Environments: Purpose-based Capture and Use of Information About Learners. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004 (7). Special Issue on the Educational Semantic Web [www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/7].
9. Maria Vargas-Vera and Enrico Motta. AQUA: A Question Answering System for Heterogeneous Sources. Knowledge Media Institute The Open University [kmi.open.ac.uk/publications/pdf/kmi-04-20.pdf]
10. Emanuela Moreale and Maria Vargas-Vera. Semantic Services in e-Learning: an Argumentation Case Study. Knowledge Media Institute The Open University - [kmi.open.ac.uk/publications/pdf/kmi-03-12.pdf]
1. Allert, H. (2004). Coherent Social Systems for Learning: An Approach for Contextualized and Community-Centred Metadata. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004 (2) [www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/2]
2. Anderson, T. and Whitelock, D. (2004). The Educational Semantic Web: Visioning and Practicing the Future of Education. (Special Issue) Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004 (1). [www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/1].
3. Aroyo, L., & Dicheva, D. (2004). The New Challenges for E-learning: The Educational Semantic Web. Educational Technology & Society, 7 (4), 59-69. [www.ifets.info/journals/7_4/8.pdf]
4. Glibovec' A.M., Shabins'kij A.S. Odin pidxid do pobudovi intelektual'noji poshukovoji sistemi.// Naukovi zapiski NaUKMA. T.112: Komp/juterni nauki. −K., 2010. −S. 26−30.
5. Panteleev M.G., Puzankov D.V., Tatarinov Ju.S. Perspektivy ispol'zovanija texnologij Semanticheskogo Web v obrazovatel'nyx portalax. [http://www.ict.edu.ru/ft/005511//portal3-18.pdf]
6. Ljiljana Stojanovic, Steffen Staab, Rudi Studer. “E-Learning based on the Semantic Web.”, - (2001). In Proceedings of the World Conference on the WWW and Internet WebNet2001.
7. [www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/WBS/Publ/2001/WebNet_lstsstrst_2001.pdf]
8. McCalla, G. (2004). The Ecological Approach to the Design of E-Learning Environments: Purpose-based Capture and Use of Information About Learners. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004 (7). Special Issue on the Educational Semantic Web [www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/7].
9. Maria Vargas-Vera and Enrico Motta. AQUA: A Question Answering System for Heterogeneous Sources. Knowledge Media Institute The Open University [kmi.open.ac.uk/publications/pdf/kmi-04-20.pdf]
10. Emanuela Moreale and Maria Vargas-Vera. Semantic Services in e-Learning: an Argumentation Case Study. Knowledge Media Institute The Open University - [kmi.open.ac.uk/publications/pdf/kmi-03-12.pdf]
1. Allert, H. (2004). Coherent Social Systems for Learning: An Approach for Contextualized and Community-Centred Metadata. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004 (2) [www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/2]
2. Anderson, T. and Whitelock, D. (2004). The Educational Semantic Web: Visioning and Practicing the Future of Education. (Special Issue) Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004 (1). [www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/1].
3. Aroyo, L., & Dicheva, D. (2004). The New Challenges for E-learning: The Educational Semantic Web. Educational Technology & Society, 7 (4), 59-69. [www.ifets.info/journals/7_4/8.pdf]
4. Глибовець А.М., Шабінський А.С. Один підхід до побудови інтелектуальної пошукової системи.// Наукові записки НаУКМА. Т.112: Комп/ютерні науки. −К., 2010. −С. 26−30.
5. Пантелеев М.Г., Пузанков Д.В., Татаринов Ю.С. Перспективы использования технологий Семантического Web в образовательных порталах. [http://www.ict.edu.ru/ft/005511//portal3-18.pdf]
6. Ljiljana Stojanovic, Steffen Staab, Rudi Studer. “E-Learning based on the Semantic Web.”, - (2001). In Proceedings of the World Conference on the WWW and Internet WebNet2001.
7. [www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/WBS/Publ/2001/WebNet_lstsstrst_2001.pdf]
8. McCalla, G. (2004). The Ecological Approach to the Design of E-Learning Environments: Purpose-based Capture and Use of Information About Learners. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004 (7). Special Issue on the Educational Semantic Web [www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/7].
9. Maria Vargas-Vera and Enrico Motta. AQUA: A Question Answering System for Heterogeneous Sources. Knowledge Media Institute The Open University [kmi.open.ac.uk/publications/pdf/kmi-04-20.pdf]
10. Emanuela Moreale and Maria Vargas-Vera. Semantic Services in e-Learning: an Argumentation Case Study. Knowledge Media Institute The Open University - [kmi.open.ac.uk/publications/pdf/kmi-03-12.pdf]
1. Allert, H. (2004). Coherent Social Systems for Learning: An Approach for Contextualized and Community-Centred Metadata. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004 (2) [www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/2]
2. Anderson, T. and Whitelock, D. (2004). The Educational Semantic Web: Visioning and Practicing the Future of Education. (Special Issue) Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004 (1). [www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/1].
3. Aroyo, L., & Dicheva, D. (2004). The New Challenges for E-learning: The Educational Semantic Web. Educational Technology & Society, 7 (4), 59-69. [www.ifets.info/journals/7_4/8.pdf]
4. Glibovec' A.M., Shabins'kij A.S. Odin pidxid do pobudovi intelektual'noji poshukovoji sistemi.// Naukovi zapiski NaUKMA. T.112: Komp/juterni nauki. −K., 2010. −S. 26−30.
5. Panteleev M.G., Puzankov D.V., Tatarinov Ju.S. Perspektivy ispol'zovanija texnologij Semanticheskogo Web v obrazovatel'nyx portalax. [http://www.ict.edu.ru/ft/005511//portal3-18.pdf]
6. Ljiljana Stojanovic, Steffen Staab, Rudi Studer. “E-Learning based on the Semantic Web.”, - (2001). In Proceedings of the World Conference on the WWW and Internet WebNet2001.
7. [www.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/WBS/Publ/2001/WebNet_lstsstrst_2001.pdf]
8. McCalla, G. (2004). The Ecological Approach to the Design of E-Learning Environments: Purpose-based Capture and Use of Information About Learners. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2004 (7). Special Issue on the Educational Semantic Web [www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/7].
9. Maria Vargas-Vera and Enrico Motta. AQUA: A Question Answering System for Heterogeneous Sources. Knowledge Media Institute The Open University [kmi.open.ac.uk/publications/pdf/kmi-04-20.pdf]
10. Emanuela Moreale and Maria Vargas-Vera. Semantic Services in e-Learning: an Argumentation Case Study. Knowledge Media Institute The Open University - [kmi.open.ac.uk/publications/pdf/kmi-03-12.pdf]
Як цитувати
Глибовець M., Гороховський C., & Лаврович T. (2010). ПРОЕКТ ОСВІТНЬОЇ ПЛАТФОРМИ, ЩО ВИКОРИСТОВУЄ ПЕРЕВАГИ SEMANTIC WEB. Збірник наукових праць "Information Technologies in Education" (ITE), (8), 149–154. https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000218
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