• E. Карташова Університету Дж. Кеплера, Австрія
  • M.C. Львов Херсонський державний університет, м. Херсон
Ключові слова: інформаційні та комунікаційні технології, міжнародне наукове співробітництво, наукова діяльність


     У даній роботі розглянуто проблему інформаційної підтримки наукової діяльності і міжнародного співробітництва декількох науково-дослідницьких груп, які працюють у одній науковій області. Кожна така група включає наукового керівника, співробітників, аспірантів та магістрантів. Проблема полягає у ефективному забезпеченні співробітництва. Як приклад середовища підтримки спільної наукової діяльності ми наводимо портал CENREC, що розроблюється у рамках спільного науково-дослідницького проекту науково-дослідного інституту символьних досліджень (RISC) університету ім. Й.Кеплера (г. Лінц, Австрія) http://risc.uni-linz.ac.at/ та НДІ ІТ ХДУ. Проект ініційований у 2008 р. Починаючи з 2009 р. проект фінансується міністерствами освіти і науки Австрії і Україны.


Дані завантаження ще не доступні.




1. E. Kartashova. “Model of laminated turbulence”. JETP Lett. 83 (7): 341-345 (2006)
2. E. Kartashova. “Fast computation algorithm for discrete resonances among gravity waves”. JLTP 145 (1): 287-295 (2006)
3. E. Kartashova, A. Kartashov. “Laminated wave turbulence: generic algorithms I”. Int. J. Modern Phys. C 17 (11): 1579-1596 (2006)
4. E. Kartashova, A. Kartashov. “Laminated wave turbulence: generic algorithms II”. Comm. Comp. Phys. 2 (4): 783-794 (2007)
5. E. Kartashova, A. Kartashov. “Laminated wave turbulence: generic algorithms III”. Phys. A: Stat. Mech. Appl. 380: 66-74 (2007)
6. E. Kartashova, V. L’vov. “A model of intra-seasonal oscillations in the Earth atmosphere”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (19): 198501 (2007)
7. E. Kartashova, G. Mayrhofer. “Cluster formation in mesoscopic systems”. Phys. A: Stat. Mech. Appl. 385: 527-542 (2007)
8. E. Kartashova. “Exact and quasi-resonances in discrete water-wave turbulence”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (21): 214502 (2007)
9. E. Kartashova, C. Raab, Ch. Feurer, G. Mayrhofer, W. Schreiner. “Symbolic Computations for Nonlinear Resonances”, Chapter of the book, in.: E. Pelinovsky, Ch. Kharif (Eds.), Extreme Ocean Waves (Springer, to appear in June 2008). E-print: http://arxiv.org/abs/0706.3789, http://www.springer.com/geosciences/oceanography/book/978-1-4020-8313-6
10. R. Baraka, O. Caprotti, W. Schreiner. “A Web Registry for Publishing and Discovering Mathematical Services”. Proc. EEE-05 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce, and e-Service, Hong Kong, April 29 – March 1, 2005. IEEE Computer Society Press (2005)
11. R. Baraka, W. Schreiner. “Querying Registry-Published Mathematical Web Services”. Proc. AINA 2006 (IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications), Vienna, Austria, Roland Wagner, Jianhua Ma, Arjan Durresi (ed.), pp. 767-772. April 18 – 20 2006. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, ISBN-13: 978-0-7695-2466-4 (2006)
12. W. Schreiner, Ch. Mittermaier, K. Bósa. “Distributed Maple: Parallel Computer Algebra in Networked Environments”. J. Symb. Comp. 45 (3): 305-347 (2003)
13. W. Schreiner. “The RISC ProofNavigator: A Proving Assistant for Program Verification in the Classroom”. Formal Aspects of Computing (April 2008). Springer, London, ISSN 0934-5043, http://www.springerlink.com/content/g15722174817m7m8/ (2008)
14. G. Guta, B. Szasz, W. Schreiner. A Lightweight Model Driven Development Process based on XML Technology Technical Report 08-01, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, (March 2008)
15. W. Schreiner. In book: Modellierung und Theorie verteilter Systeme (Models and Theory of Distributed Systems, in German) Chapter A7, Peter Rechenberg and Gustav Pomberger (eds.), Informatik-Handbuch, 4th edition, pp. 167-186, Hanser (2006)
16. Lvov M.S. “Design of Logical Deduction as Step by step Task Solution in Pedagogical Mathematical Software”. J. Control Systems and Machines 6: 14-23 (2007)
17. Lvov M.S. “About one algorithm of program polynomial invariants generation”. Eds.: M. Giese, T. Jebelean. Proc. WING 2007 (Workshop on Invariant Generation), pp.85-99. RISC, University of Linz, Austria. 06.2007
18. Lvov M.S. “Basic Principles of Construction of Pedagogical Software Tools of Practical Studies Maintenance”. J. Control Systems and Machines 6: 85-97 (2006)
19. Lvov M. “Automation Algorithms of Rightness Validation of Solution Process of Algebraic Problems”. In book: Information Structure of Institution of Higher Education (Collection of research papers, Vol. 2), pp. 165 – 177. Kherson: Press KSU. (2000)
20. Lvov M., Spivakovsky A. “Methods of Designing Computer Support Systems of Mathematical Activity”. In book: Mathematical Models and Modern Information Technologies (Collection of research papers), pp. 101 – 111. .NAS Ukraine – Kyiv (1998)
21. Kapitonova J., Letichevsky A., Lvov M., Volkov V. “Tools for Solving Problems in the Scope of Algebraic Programming”. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 958: 31-46 (1995)
22. Letichevsky A., Lvov M. “Discovery of Invariant Equalities in Programs over Data fields”. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 4: 21-29 (1993)
23. Peschanenko V.S. “About One Approach to Algebraic Data Types Design”. Problems of Programming 2-3: 626−634 (2006)
24. Peschanenko V.S. “The Usage of Algebraic Programming System APS for Building of Support System of Algebra Teaching at School”. J. Control Systems and Machines 4: 86-94 (2006)
25. Peschanenko V.S. “Support Algorithms of Step of Solving of Algebraic Task at School System of Computer Algebra TerM”. J. Control Systems and Machines 1: 61-68 (2007)
26. Peschanenko V.S. “Amplification of APS Algebraic Programming System Standard Modules for Use in Systems of Educational Purposes”. Computer-Oriented Educational Systems: Collected scientific articles. (NPU in M.P. Drahomanov honor). Series 2, Vol. 3 (10): 206−215 (2005)

1. E. Kartashova. “Model of laminated turbulence”. JETP Lett. 83 (7): 341-345 (2006)
2. E. Kartashova. “Fast computation algorithm for discrete resonances among gravity waves”. JLTP 145 (1): 287-295 (2006)
3. E. Kartashova, A. Kartashov. “Laminated wave turbulence: generic algorithms I”. Int. J. Modern Phys. C 17 (11): 1579-1596 (2006)
4. E. Kartashova, A. Kartashov. “Laminated wave turbulence: generic algorithms II”. Comm. Comp. Phys. 2 (4): 783-794 (2007)
5. E. Kartashova, A. Kartashov. “Laminated wave turbulence: generic algorithms III”. Phys. A: Stat. Mech. Appl. 380: 66-74 (2007)
6. E. Kartashova, V. L’vov. “A model of intra-seasonal oscillations in the Earth atmosphere”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (19): 198501 (2007)
7. E. Kartashova, G. Mayrhofer. “Cluster formation in mesoscopic systems”. Phys. A: Stat. Mech. Appl. 385: 527-542 (2007)
8. E. Kartashova. “Exact and quasi-resonances in discrete water-wave turbulence”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (21): 214502 (2007)
9. E. Kartashova, C. Raab, Ch. Feurer, G. Mayrhofer, W. Schreiner. “Symbolic Computations for Nonlinear Resonances”, Chapter of the book, in.: E. Pelinovsky, Ch. Kharif (Eds.), Extreme Ocean Waves (Springer, to appear in June 2008). E-print: http://arxiv.org/abs/0706.3789, http://www.springer.com/geosciences/oceanography/book/978-1-4020-8313-6
10. R. Baraka, O. Caprotti, W. Schreiner. “A Web Registry for Publishing and Discovering Mathematical Services”. Proc. EEE-05 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce, and e-Service, Hong Kong, April 29 – March 1, 2005. IEEE Computer Society Press (2005)
11. R. Baraka, W. Schreiner. “Querying Registry-Published Mathematical Web Services”. Proc. AINA 2006 (IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications), Vienna, Austria, Roland Wagner, Jianhua Ma, Arjan Durresi (ed.), pp. 767-772. April 18 – 20 2006. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, ISBN-13: 978-0-7695-2466-4 (2006)
12. W. Schreiner, Ch. Mittermaier, K. Bósa. “Distributed Maple: Parallel Computer Algebra in Networked Environments”. J. Symb. Comp. 45 (3): 305-347 (2003)
13. W. Schreiner. “The RISC ProofNavigator: A Proving Assistant for Program Verification in the Classroom”. Formal Aspects of Computing (April 2008). Springer, London, ISSN 0934-5043, http://www.springerlink.com/content/g15722174817m7m8/ (2008)
14. G. Guta, B. Szasz, W. Schreiner. A Lightweight Model Driven Development Process based on XML Technology Technical Report 08-01, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, (March 2008)
15. W. Schreiner. In book: Modellierung und Theorie verteilter Systeme (Models and Theory of Distributed Systems, in German) Chapter A7, Peter Rechenberg and Gustav Pomberger (eds.), Informatik-Handbuch, 4th edition, pp. 167-186, Hanser (2006)
16. Lvov M.S. “Design of Logical Deduction as Step by step Task Solution in Pedagogical Mathematical Software”. J. Control Systems and Machines 6: 14-23 (2007)
17. Lvov M.S. “About one algorithm of program polynomial invariants generation”. Eds.: M. GIESE, T. JEBELEAN Proc. WING 2007 (Workshop on Invariant Generation), pp.85-99. RISC, University of Linz, Austria. 06.2007
18. Lvov M.S. “Basic Principles of Construction of Pedagogical Software Tools of Practical Studies Maintenance”. J. Control Systems and Machines 6: 85-97 (2006)
19. Lvov M. “Automation Algorithms of Rightness Validation of Solution Process of Algebraic Problems”. In book: Information Structure of Institution of Higher Education (Collection of research papers, Vol. 2), pp. 165 – 177. Kherson: Press KSU. (2000)
20. Lvov M., Spivakovsky A. “Methods of Designing Computer Support Systems of Mathematical Activity”. In book: Mathematical Models and Modern Information Technologies (Collection of research papers), pp. 101 – 111. .NAS Ukraine – Kyiv (1998)
21. Kapitonova J., Letichevsky A., Lvov M., Volkov V. “Tools for Solving Problems in the Scope of Algebraic Programming”. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 958: 31-46 (1995)
22. Letichevsky A., Lvov M. “Discovery of Invariant Equalities in Programs over Data fields”. Applicable Algebra in En¬¬¬gi¬neering, Communi¬ca¬tion and Computing 4: 21-29 (1993)
23. Peschanenko V.S. “About One Approach to Algebraic Data Types Design”. Problems of Programming 2-3: 626−634 (2006)
24. Peschanenko V.S. “The Usage of Algebraic Programming System APS for Building of Support System of Algebra Teaching at School”. J. Control Systems and Machines 4: 86-94 (2006)
25. Peschanenko V.S. “Support Algorithms of Step of Solving of Algebraic Task at School System of Computer Algebra TerM”. J. Control Systems and Machines 1: 61-68 (2007)
26. Peschanenko V.S. “Amplification of APS Algebraic Programming System Standard Modules for Use in Systems of Educational Purposes”. Computer-Oriented Educational Systems: Collected scientific articles. (NPU in M.P. Drahomanov honor). Series 2, Vol. 3 (10): 206−215 (2005)
Як цитувати
КарташоваE., & ЛьвовM. (2009). АВСТРІЙСЬКО-УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ПРОЕКТ CENREC ЯК ПРИКЛАД ІНФОРМАЦІЙНОЇ ПІДТРИМКИ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ МІЖНАРОДНОГО НАУКОВОГО СПІВРОБІТНИЦТВА. Збірник наукових праць "Information Technologies in Education" (ITE), (3), 057-063. https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000053

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