• O. Gnedkova Kherson State University, Kherson
Keywords: blended learning, intensification, information and communication technologies, electronic educational-methodical complex, distance learning, distance learning system «Kherson Virtual University»


     The problem of constructing a new model of training process of future and highly competitive professionals in high school arises due to the global process of society informatization and the involvement of ICT in all spheres of human activity, including the educational process of high school.
     In conditions of Ukraine integration into the European educational space, the significant changes in the curriculum of training of professionals are happened, that the number of classroom training hours is reduced and the number of hours of self-study training is increasing. However,self-study learning raises many difficulties as for students and teachers, for example, the lack of guidance on the tasks for independent work, lack of consultation of teachers, insufficiently formed students’ skills of self-education and so on. These problems adversely influenced on the quality of future professionals in high school.
     Thus, there is need to implement blended learning in educational process for solving a number of problems. Thus, the model of the educational process with the use of blended learning is suggested, based on the analysis of the scientific literature in training future professionals, the results of international research papers and trainers. The interactions between elements of the model are established and their importance in the educational process as a whole is emphasized.The proposed model was tested during the learning process of the course "Methods and Technologies of Distance Learning" for students of Master’s degree, specialty "Computer Science" Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Kherson State University.


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1. Bykov V. Innovative models of education and training of skilled personnel for high industries in Ukraine / Valeriy Bykov, Mariya Shyshkina/ Information technologies in education : Scientific journal. Issue 15. – Kherson : KSU, 2013. – 350p.
2. Encyclopedia of Education / Acad. Ped. Sciences of Ukraine; Chief Ed. V. Kremen. - K.: Yurinkom Inter, 2004. - 1040p.
3. Koval T. Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of future managers and economists in information technology: Abstract of dis. Dr. ped. sciences: 13.00.04 - Theory and Methods of Professional Education / Tamara Koval; Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Teacher Education and Adult Education. - K., 2008. - 44p.
4. Blended (Combined) Learning [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access:
5. Conception of eLearning development at NTU "KPI" on 2009-2016 years [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
6. Kostina E. Model of Blended learning and its use in teaching foreign languages / E. Kostina / / Proceedings of High institutions: Scientific Journal. Series "Humanities" - Ivanovo: Izd. GOU VPO "ISHTU", 2010. - Vol 1. - Vol. 2. - P. 141-144.
7. Kravtsov D.G. Certificate of registration of copyright in work №32719 Computer program "Distance learning system «Kherson Virtual University»" / Kravtsov D.G., Kravtsov G.M, Spivakovsky A.V., Gnedkova O.O., Kaminska N.G. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Department of Intellectual Property. - Kyiv. - 06.04.2010.
8. Kravtsov G.M. System of Monitoring of Electronic Informational Resources Quality in High Institutions / Information Technology in Education. Issue 2. - Kherson. - 2008. - P. 42 - 46.
9. Kravtsov G.M. Modeling of system of quality management of electronic learning resources: integrated and differentiated approaches / G.M.Kravtsov // Information Technologies in Education. - 2012. - № 11. - P. 24-31.
10. Morze N.V. Models of effective use of information and communication technologies and distance learning technologies in high institution [Electronic resource] / N.V. Morze, O.G. Glazunov // Information technology and learning tools. - 2008. - № 2 (6). - Access to the journal:
11. Musiyovska O.F. Problems of implementation of blended learning in higher education in Ukraine [Electronic resource]. - Access:
13. Personal learning environments – PLE [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
14. Rashevska N.V. Software of mobile learning [Electronic resource] / N.V. Rashevska // Information technology and learning tools. - 2011. - № 1 (21). - Access to the journal:
15. Stryuk A.M. Designing blended learning of system programming of Bachelor of Software Engineering. Theory and methods of teaching mathematics, physics, computer science: Collection of papers. Issue X: in 3 volumes. - Krivoy Rog: Publishing Department NMetAU, 2012. - Vol 3: Theory and methods of teaching science. – P. 157-164.
16. Trius Y.V. Combined training as innovative educational technology in higher education / U.V Trius, I. V.Gerasimenko // Theory and Methods of e-learning: a collection of papers. Issue III. - Krivoy Rog: Publishing Department NMetAU, 2012. - P. 299-308.
17. Shunevich B.I. Development of distance learning in higher education in Europe and North America: the dissertation doctor of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.01 - Theory and History of Pedagogy / B.I. Shunevich; Institute for Higher Education of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. K., 2008.
18. Heinze A. Reflections On The Use Of Blended Learning [Electronic resource] / Aleksej Heinze, Chris Procter // Education in a Changing Environment. 13th-14th September 2004. – University of Salford, Salford, Education Development Unit. – 2004. – 11 p. – Mode of access:
19. Sener, J. Why are there so few fully online BA/BS programs in traditional “arts and sciences” disciplines? / J. Sener // On the Horizon. 2002. Vol. 10. Iss. 1. P. 23–28.
20. H. Kravtsov, D. Kravtsov. Knowledge Control Model of Distance Learning System on IMS Standard / Innovative Techniques in Instruction Technology, E - learning, E - assessment, and Education. - Springer Science + Business Media V.B. - 2008. - P.195 - 198.

1. Bykov V. Innovative models of education and training of skilled personnel for high industries in Ukraine / Valeriy Bykov, Mariya Shyshkina/ Information technologies in education : Scientific journal. Issue 15. – Kherson : KSU, 2013. – 350p.
2. Encyclopedia of Education / Acad. Ped. Sciences of Ukraine; Chief Ed. V. Kremen. - K.: Yurinkom Inter, 2004. - 1040p.
3. Koval T. Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of future managers and economists in information technology: Abstract of dis. Dr. ped. sciences: 13.00.04 - Theory and Methods of Professional Education / Tamara Koval; Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Teacher Education and Adult Education. - K., 2008. - 44p.
4. Blended (Combined) Learning [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access:
5. Conception of eLearning development at NTU "KPI" on 2009-2016 years [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
6. Kostina E. Model of Blended learning and its use in teaching foreign languages / E. Kostina / / Proceedings of High institutions: Scientific Journal. Series "Humanities" - Ivanovo: Izd. GOU VPO "ISHTU", 2010. - Vol 1. - Vol. 2. - P. 141-144.
7. Kravtsov D.G. Certificate of registration of copyright in work №32719 Computer program "Distance learning system «Kherson Virtual University»" / Kravtsov D.G., Kravtsov G.M, Spivakovsky A.V., Gnedkova O.O., Kaminska N.G. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Department of Intellectual Property. - Kyiv. - 06.04.2010.
8. Kravtsov G.M. System of Monitoring of Electronic Informational Resources Quality in High Institutions / Information Technology in Education. Issue 2. - Kherson. - 2008. - P. 42 - 46.
9. Kravtsov G.M. Modeling of system of quality management of electronic learning resources: integrated and differentiated approaches / G.M.Kravtsov // Information Technologies in Education. - 2012. - № 11. - P. 24-31.
10. Morze N.V. Models of effective use of information and communication technologies and distance learning technologies in high institution [Electronic resource] / N.V. Morze, O.G. Glazunov // Information technology and learning tools. - 2008. - № 2 (6). - Access to the journal:
11. Musiyovska O.F. Problems of implementation of blended learning in higher education in Ukraine [Electronic resource]. - Access:
13. Personal learning environments – PLE [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
14. Rashevska N.V. Software of mobile learning [Electronic resource] / N.V. Rashevska // Information technology and learning tools. - 2011. - № 1 (21). - Access to the journal:
15. Stryuk A.M. Designing blended learning of system programming of Bachelor of Software Engineering. Theory and methods of teaching mathematics, physics, computer science: Collection of papers. Issue X: in 3 volumes. - Krivoy Rog: Publishing Department NMetAU, 2012. - Vol 3: Theory and methods of teaching science. – P. 157-164.
16. Trius Y.V. Combined training as innovative educational technology in higher education / U.V Trius, I. V.Gerasimenko // Theory and Methods of e-learning: a collection of papers. Issue III. - Krivoy Rog: Publishing Department NMetAU, 2012. - P. 299-308.
17. Shunevich B.I. Development of distance learning in higher education in Europe and North America: the dissertation doctor of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.01 - Theory and History of Pedagogy / B.I. Shunevich; Institute for Higher Education of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. K., 2008.
18. Heinze A. Reflections On The Use Of Blended Learning [Electronic resource] / Aleksej Heinze, Chris Procter // Education in a Changing Environment. 13th-14th September 2004. – University of Salford, Salford, Education Development Unit. – 2004. – 11 p. – Mode of access:
19. Sener, J. Why are there so few fully online BA/BS programs in traditional “arts and sciences” disciplines? / J. Sener // On the Horizon. 2002. Vol. 10. Iss. 1. P. 23–28.
20. H. Kravtsov, D. Kravtsov. Knowledge Control Model of Distance Learning System on IMS Standard / Innovative Techniques in Instruction Technology, E - learning, E - assessment, and Education. - Springer Science + Business Media V.B. - 2008. - P.195 - 198.
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