Keywords: operational control of flight, flight dispatcher, electronic training tool, algorithm for flight dispatchers’ actions, conceptual model, multiple-theoretic description, training system formalized description


It has been determined that for safe operation of an aircraft flight special attention is paid to the process of operational control over it: monitoring its performance and supporting its safe completion. The flight dispatcher’s actions in case of re-routing during the flight have been analyzed. It has been discovered that in the course of flight dispatchers’ training, enough attention is not paid to modeling the situation of flight dispatchers’ actions in case of re-routing during the flight. A description of the electronic training tool design main stages and the flight dispatchers’ actions in case of re-routing during the flight have been carried out. On the basis of the described procedures, an algorithm for the flight dispatchers’ actions has been developed, which will be further implemented in the electronic training tool. From the point of view of the system approach, the electronic training tool conceptual model of “Re-routing during the flight” has been developed, which is an ergatic system designed to automate the flight dispatcher’s training process in the field of operational control over flight operations, namely, the development of the flight dispatcher’s operations in case of re-routing during the flight. After developing the electronic training tool prototype “Re-routing during the flight” it is necessary to conduct a short-term experiment to test the developed software product. Approbation may reveal the disadvantages of technical, trainingmethodical, navigation and other types of support for the developed electronic training tool, which in turn will require the electronic training tool model further development which was developed at the theoretical stage of research.


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How to Cite
ArtemenkoO., LomakinaM., SurkovaK., & ArtemenkoD. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELECTRONIC TRAINING TOOL CONCEPTUAL MODEL “RE-ROUTING DURING THE FLIGHT”. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (38), 7-18.