Keywords: interdisciplinary communication, training of future programmers


     The article is devoted to interdisciplinary communication in the process of preparation of the future programmers and implementation of the basic principles of these relations in the study of disciplines of professional and practical training and math courses. The article deals with the role of interdisciplinary connections, as well as their function and significance for the formation of cognitive activity, independence and positive learning motivation. The focus is on methodological aspects of realization of interdisciplinary communications at studying basic disciplines of training future programmers and disciplines of mathematical cycle. In particular,the issues of realization of interdisciplinary communications during the study such disciplines as "Computer graphics, computational geometry," "Basics of algorithms and programming","Programming Technologies" and the course "Analytical geometry and linear algebra", which included in to normative part of the training of programmers. This article describes the theoretical aspects of the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the study of these disciplines, as well as examples of practical tasks with which these relationships can be implemented most effectively during training.


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Babanskii J.K. Optimization of the educational process / J.K. Babanskii. – M. : Education, 1982. –192 p.

Burdin P.A. The role of inter-subject relationship in addressing the technical content / P.A. Burdin

// Guidelines for the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in learning science and math

cycle. – Vladimir: ESPI, 1984. – P. 122-129.

Educational qualification Bachelor characteristic in the direction of 040 302 "Informatics."

Standard of Higher Education. – K .: The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2010. –32 p.

Educational qualification Bachelor characteristic in the direction of 050 103 "Software

Engineering". Standard of Higher Education. – K .: The Ministry of Education and Science of

Ukraine, 2008. – 20 p.

Evgrafova I.V. Interdisciplinary communication courses in physics and mathematics at the higher

technical colleges: dis. cand. ped. sciences: 13.00.02 / I.V. Evgrafova. – St. Petersburg, 2010. –160 p.

Fedoretc G.F. Interdisciplinary communications in teaching / G.F. Fedoretc // – SPb. : St.

Petersburg State University Publishing House, 1994. – 250 p.

Kirichenko O.E. Interdisciplinary communications course in mathematics related disciplines in a

technical college of relations as a means of training students: dis. cand. ped. sciences: 13. 00.02 /

O.E. Kirichenko. – Orel, 2003. – 170 p.

Kulagin P.G. Interdisciplinary communications in the process of learning / P.G. Kulagin. – M. :

Education, 1980. – 96 p.

Kuznetsova L.G. Problems of the theory and practice of teaching students computer science and mathematics / L.G. Kuznetsova // Innovative education and the economy. – 2007. – T.1. –№ 12 (1). – P. 26-45.

Lvov M.S. Basics of programming [Textbook] / A.M. Gurzhіy, M.S. Lvov, A.V. Spіvakovsky. –K. : Naukova Dumka, 2004. – 355 p.: ill. 119 pages of the author.

Lvov M.S. Practical lessons on discipline "Basics of algorithms and programming". Part 1. :[Textbook] / Lvov M.S., N.V. Kolesnikova. – Kherson: Publishing house of KSU, 2002. – 76 p.38 pages of the author.

Lvov M.S. Practical lessons on discipline "Basics of algorithms and programming". Part 2. :[Textbook] / M.S. Lviv, N.V. Kolesnikova. – Kherson: Publishing house of KSU, 2003. – 48 p. 24 pages of the author.

Lvov M.S. Introduction to object-oriented programming: [Textbook] / M.S. Lvov,A.V. Spivakovsky. – Kherson: Ailant. – 2001. – 210 p.: ill. 105 pages of the author.

Lvov M.S. Design of inference as a step in the solution of problems of mathematical systems of educational appointment / Lvov M.S.// Control systems and machines. – 2008. – №1. – P.25-32.

Lvov M.S. The concept of information support of the educational process and its implementation in educational software environments / M.S. Lvov // Control systems and machines. – 2009. –№ 2. – P. 52-57, 72.

Lvov M.S. Mathematical models and methods support the course of solving educational problems with analytic geometry / M.S. Lvov // Artificial Intelligence. – № 1. – 2010. – P. 86-92.

Lvov M.S. Integrated software environment for studying course of analytical geometry to high school. Concept, architecture, functionality / M.S. Lvov // Proceedings of the National University of food technologies. – № 30. – K. : NUFT, 2010. – P. 106-109.

Lvov M.S. Synthesis of interpreters of algebraic operations in extensions of low-grade algebra /M.S. Lvov // Bulletin of Kharkiv National University. – 2009. – № 847. – P. 221-238. – (Series"Mathematical Modelling. Information technology. Automated control systems").

Lvov M.S. The method of succession in the implementation algebraic calculations in mathematical systems of educational appointment / M.S. Lvov // Systems of control, navigation and communication. – K. : CNDI NIU, 2009. – Edition 3(11). – P.120-130.

Maximova V.N. Interdisciplinary communications in teaching / V.N. Maximova. – M.: Education,1988. – 192 p.

Mindzaeva E.V. Multi-system interdisciplinary connections of informatics / E.V. Mindzaeva,M.G. Pobedonosteva // Informatics and Education, 2011. – №11 (229). – P. 78-79.

Sarantsev G.I. Methodology of teaching methods of mathematics / G.I. Sarantsev. – Saransk: Red

October, 2001. – 144 p.

Talaluyeva N. Development problems interdisciplinary connections at present / N. Talaluyeva //

New technology education. – K., 1995. – Edition 5. – P. 32-37.

Zverev I.D. Interdisciplinary communications in the modern school / I.D. Zverev,V.N. Maximova. – M. : Pedagogy, 1981. – 160 p.

Babanskii J.K. Optimization of the educational process / J.K. Babanskii. – M. : Education, 1982. –192 p.

Burdin P.A. The role of inter-subject relationship in addressing the technical content / P.A. Burdin

// Guidelines for the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in learning science and math

cycle. – Vladimir: ESPI, 1984. – P. 122-129.

Educational qualification Bachelor characteristic in the direction of 040 302 "Informatics."

Standard of Higher Education. – K .: The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2010. –32 p.

Educational qualification Bachelor characteristic in the direction of 050 103 "Software

Engineering". Standard of Higher Education. – K .: The Ministry of Education and Science of

Ukraine, 2008. – 20 p.

Evgrafova I.V. Interdisciplinary communication courses in physics and mathematics at the higher

technical colleges: dis. cand. ped. sciences: 13.00.02 / I.V. Evgrafova. – St. Petersburg, 2010. –160 p.

Fedoretc G.F. Interdisciplinary communications in teaching / G.F. Fedoretc // – SPb. : St.

Petersburg State University Publishing House, 1994. – 250 p.

Kirichenko O.E. Interdisciplinary communications course in mathematics related disciplines in a

technical college of relations as a means of training students: dis. cand. ped. sciences: 13. 00.02 /

O.E. Kirichenko. – Orel, 2003. – 170 p.

Kulagin P.G. Interdisciplinary communications in the process of learning / P.G. Kulagin. – M. :

Education, 1980. – 96 p.

Kuznetsova L.G. Problems of the theory and practice of teaching students computer science and mathematics / L.G. Kuznetsova // Innovative education and the economy. – 2007. – T.1. –№ 12 (1). – P. 26-45.

Lvov M.S. Basics of programming [Textbook] / A.M. Gurzhіy, M.S. Lvov, A.V. Spіvakovsky. –K. : Naukova Dumka, 2004. – 355 p.: ill. 119 pages of the author.

Lvov M.S. Practical lessons on discipline "Basics of algorithms and programming". Part 1. :[Textbook] / Lvov M.S., N.V. Kolesnikova. – Kherson: Publishing house of KSU, 2002. – 76 p.38 pages of the author.

Lvov M.S. Practical lessons on discipline "Basics of algorithms and programming". Part 2. :[Textbook] / M.S. Lviv, N.V. Kolesnikova. – Kherson: Publishing house of KSU, 2003. – 48 p. 24 pages of the author.

Lvov M.S. Introduction to object-oriented programming: [Textbook] / M.S. Lvov,A.V. Spivakovsky. – Kherson: Ailant. – 2001. – 210 p.: ill. 105 pages of the author.

Lvov M.S. Design of inference as a step in the solution of problems of mathematical systems of educational appointment / Lvov M.S.// Control systems and machines. – 2008. – №1. – P.25-32.

Lvov M.S. The concept of information support of the educational process and its implementation in educational software environments / M.S. Lvov // Control systems and machines. – 2009. –№ 2. – P. 52-57, 72.

Lvov M.S. Mathematical models and methods support the course of solving educational problems with analytic geometry / M.S. Lvov // Artificial Intelligence. – № 1. – 2010. – P. 86-92.

Lvov M.S. Integrated software environment for studying course of analytical geometry to high school. Concept, architecture, functionality / M.S. Lvov // Proceedings of the National University of food technologies. – № 30. – K. : NUFT, 2010. – P. 106-109.

Lvov M.S. Synthesis of interpreters of algebraic operations in extensions of low-grade algebra /M.S. Lvov // Bulletin of Kharkiv National University. – 2009. – № 847. – P. 221-238. – (Series"Mathematical Modelling. Information technology. Automated control systems").

Lvov M.S. The method of succession in the implementation algebraic calculations in mathematical systems of educational appointment / M.S. Lvov // Systems of control, navigation and communication. – K. : CNDI NIU, 2009. – Edition 3(11). – P.120-130.

Maximova V.N. Interdisciplinary communications in teaching / V.N. Maximova. – M.: Education,1988. – 192 p.

Mindzaeva E.V. Multi-system interdisciplinary connections of informatics / E.V. Mindzaeva,M.G. Pobedonosteva // Informatics and Education, 2011. – №11 (229). – P. 78-79.

Sarantsev G.I. Methodology of teaching methods of mathematics / G.I. Sarantsev. – Saransk: Red

October, 2001. – 144 p.

Talaluyeva N. Development problems interdisciplinary connections at present / N. Talaluyeva //

New technology education. – K., 1995. – Edition 5. – P. 32-37.

Zverev I.D. Interdisciplinary communications in the modern school / I.D. Zverev,V.N. Maximova. – M. : Pedagogy, 1981. – 160 p.

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