Keywords: visual technique, visual learning environment, information and communication educational environment, cognitive visualization, algorithmic training of navigators


     The article examines the development of visual learning theory, states functions of accuracy and peculiarities of visual technique realization in modern studying process, it defines the concept of “Visual learning environment” and didactic role of interactive and multimedia visualization processes. Authors examine the problem of determination of cognitive visualization potential in algorithmic training of students through information and communication technologies of educational environment.
     This article specifies functions of visual aids use and implementation features of the specified principle in modern educational process and proves the didactic role of interactive multimedia visualization process that stimulates cognitive activity of student and activates perceptive mechanism of teaching information. It analyzes problem of cognitive visualization potential capacity of training of future marine personnel using informational communicative educational environment.


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Arkhangelskiy S. I. Lectures on the theory of learning in higher education institutions / S. I. Arkhangelskiy. - М.: Vyssh. gak., 1974. - 384 p.

Arkhangelskiy S. I. The high school educational process and its rational principles and methods / S. I. Arkhangelskiy. - M: Vyssh. shk. 1980. - 368 p.

Vergasov V. M. Activation of cognitive activity of students in higher education. – 2nd edition. / V. M. Vergasov. - К.: Vishcha shkola. 1985. - 175 p.

Volkova N.P. Pedagogics: textbook. [for the higher school students] / N.P Volkova. - К.: Akademіya, 2001. -675 p.

Voloshinov S.A “Visual support of algorithmic training of Visual support of algorithmic training of Mathematics teachers on the base of ICT” / S.A. Voloshinov // Іnformatsіynі tekhnologіi v osvіtі: Collection of scientific works.- Kherson : Publication KSU, 2010.- the 5th issue.- pp. 168-175.

Vygotskiy L.S. Selected psychological studies / L.S Vygotskiy. – M: APN RSFSR, 1956. -519 p.

Vyalykh V. A. “Visualization and development of abstract thinking at Theoretical mechanics lessons” / V.A.Vyalykh, V.V.Pustovit, - Probl. vissh. shk., 1973. –Issue. 14.-pp. 116-120.

Govorukhin V. Computer in the mathematical study Training course / V. Govorukhin, V.TSybulin. – Saint Petersburg.: Piter, 2005. – 624 pp.

Zankov L. V. Visualization and activation of students in learning/ L. V. Zankov. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1960.-311 p.

Zinchenko V.P. “Contemporary problems of education” // Vopr. Filosofii, 1973. №11.

Kolesnіkova N.V. “The system to demonstrate programs and knowledge control in the integrated course studying environment (Bases of algorithmization and programming)” N.V.Kolesnіkova, A.V. Nadєєva // Іnformatsіynі tekhnologії v osvіtі: Collection of scientific works. 1st issue. - Kherson: Publication KSU, 2008.- pp. 55-59.

Komenskiy YA.A. Selected pedagogical works: in 2 volumes. / YA.A.Komenskiy; edited by. A.I.Piskunova. - M: Pedagogika, 1982. - V. 1. - 656 p.

Lvov M.S. PMC Videointerpreter searching and sorting algorithms / M.S.Lvov, O.V.Spіvakovskiy // Іnformatizatsіya osvіti Ukraїni: stan, problemi, perspektivi: Collection of scientific works / ed. O.V.Spіvakovskiy. - KSU: Kherson, 2003.- pp. 100-102.

Maksimyuk S.P. Pedagogics / S.P.Maksimyuk Access: jpravilarea lizatsiyi#564

Manko N.N. “Cognitive visualization of didactic objects in the process of educational activity activation” // Izvestia Altaiskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta - Barnaul Altai State University, 2009. Issue. 2(62). 230 p. - pp. 22-29. ISSN 1561-9443.

Manko N.N. Cognitive visualization of didactic objects: monography. — Ufa: Publication ASPA, 2007. – 180 p. ISSM 5-87978-364-2.

Manko N.N. “Cognitive visualization of pedagogical objects in modern training techniques” /7 Obrazovanie i nauka: Izvestia Uralskogo otdelenia RAO. 2009. № 8 (65). - pp. 10-31. ISSN 1994-85-81.

Makhmutov M. I. Problem-based learning: Basic theory questions/ M. I. Makhmutov М.: Pedagogika,'1975. - 240 p.

Pavelko V. “The theoretical aspect of visual studying at different stages of its development” / Pavelko // Scientific-methodical journal «Nova pedagogіchna dumka ", № 4, 2009.

Pedagogical dictionary/ [edited by I.A.Kairov]. - М.: Akademia pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR, 1960. - V. 1: А - Н. - 1960. - 773 p.

Pestalotstsi Y.G. Selected pedagogical works: in 3 volumes / под ред. M.F.SHabaeva. - М.: Akademia pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR, 1963. - V. 2: 1791-1804. - 1963. - 563 p.

. The issues of illustrativeness in education, notes of the Pedagogy and Psychology department/ edited by. A.І. Zіlbershteyn. - Kharkiv , 1958. - V. 24. – 187 p.

Reznik N.A. “Visualization of educational content in the modern information environment” / N.A.Reznik: materialy Mezhd. nauch.-prakt. konf.. [«Informatsionno-obrazovatelnaya sreda sovremennogo vuza kak faktor povytionia kachestva obrazovania»]. (Murmansk, 1-3 November 2007 y.) / Murmanks state pedagogical university. - Murmansk: Murmanks state pedagogical university, 2007.

Sidorova L.V. Future teachers training with design of the multimedia visualization of educational information: abstract of the thesis: spec. 13.00.08 „ Mechanical Engineering Technology» / L.V.Sidorova.- Bryansk , 2006.- 20 p.

Spivakovskiy A.V. Web-environment for studying of algorithms and programming bases / A.V. Spivakovskiy, N.V. Kolesnikova, N.I. Tkachuk, I.M. Tkachuk Upravlyayushchie sistemy i mashini. – Kiev, 2008. – pp. 70-75.

Spіvakovskiy O.V “Videointerpreter of algorithms of the integrated environment study course "Bases of algorithms and programming"” / O.V. Spіvakovskiy, N.V. Kolesnіkova // Collection of works of the Third International Conference "Novі іnformatsіynі tekhnologії v osvіtі dlya vsіkh: sistema elektronnoї osvіti" - Kiev, 2008.- pp. 399-404.

Ukrainian pedagogical dictionary / [ed. S.Goncharenko]. - К: Libіd, 1997. - 373 p.

Ushinskiy K.D. Selected pedagogical works: in 2 volumes. / K.D.Ushinskiy; transl. from Rus. ed. V.M.Stoletov. – К. Radyanska shkola, 1983. Vol. 2: Problemi rosіyskoї shkoli. – 1983. – 358 p. - (series «Pedagogіchna bіblіoteka»).

Arkhangelskiy S. I. Lectures on the theory of learning in higher education institutions / S. I. Arkhangelskiy. - М.: Vyssh. gak., 1974. - 384 p.

Arkhangelskiy S. I. The high school educational process and its rational principles and methods / S. I. Arkhangelskiy. - M: Vyssh. shk. 1980. - 368 p.

Vergasov V. M. Activation of cognitive activity of students in higher education. – 2nd edition. / V. M. Vergasov. - К.: Vishcha shkola. 1985. - 175 p.

Volkova N.P. Pedagogics: textbook. [for the higher school students] / N.P Volkova. - К.: Akademіya, 2001. -675 p.

Voloshinov S.A “Visual support of algorithmic training of Visual support of algorithmic training of Mathematics teachers on the base of ICT” / S.A. Voloshinov // Іnformatsіynі tekhnologіi v osvіtі: Collection of scientific works.- Kherson : Publication KSU, 2010.- the 5th issue.- pp. 168-175.

Vygotskiy L.S. Selected psychological studies / L.S Vygotskiy. – M: APN RSFSR, 1956. -519 p.

Vyalykh V. A. “Visualization and development of abstract thinking at Theoretical mechanics lessons” / V.A.Vyalykh, V.V.Pustovit, - Probl. vissh. shk., 1973. –Issue. 14.-pp. 116-120.

Govorukhin V. Computer in the mathematical study Training course / V. Govorukhin, V.TSybulin. – Saint Petersburg.: Piter, 2005. – 624 pp.

Zankov L. V. Visualization and activation of students in learning/ L. V. Zankov. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1960.-311 p.

Zinchenko V.P. “Contemporary problems of education” // Vopr. Filosofii, 1973. №11.

Kolesnіkova N.V. “The system to demonstrate programs and knowledge control in the integrated course studying environment (Bases of algorithmization and programming)” N.V.Kolesnіkova, A.V. Nadєєva // Іnformatsіynі tekhnologії v osvіtі: Collection of scientific works. 1st issue. - Kherson: Publication KSU, 2008.- pp. 55-59.

Komenskiy YA.A. Selected pedagogical works: in 2 volumes. / YA.A.Komenskiy; edited by. A.I.Piskunova. - M: Pedagogika, 1982. - V. 1. - 656 p.

Lvov M.S. PMC Videointerpreter searching and sorting algorithms / M.S.Lvov, O.V.Spіvakovskiy // Іnformatizatsіya osvіti Ukraїni: stan, problemi, perspektivi: Collection of scientific works / ed. O.V.Spіvakovskiy. - KSU: Kherson, 2003.- pp. 100-102.

Maksimyuk S.P. Pedagogics / S.P.Maksimyuk Access: jpravilarea lizatsiyi#564

Manko N.N. “Cognitive visualization of didactic objects in the process of educational activity activation” // Izvestia Altaiskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta - Barnaul Altai State University, 2009. Issue. 2(62). 230 p. - pp. 22-29. ISSN 1561-9443.

Manko N.N. Cognitive visualization of didactic objects: monography. — Ufa: Publication ASPA, 2007. – 180 p. ISSM 5-87978-364-2.

Manko N.N. “Cognitive visualization of pedagogical objects in modern training techniques” /7 Obrazovanie i nauka: Izvestia Uralskogo otdelenia RAO. 2009. № 8 (65). - pp. 10-31. ISSN 1994-85-81.

Makhmutov M. I. Problem-based learning: Basic theory questions/ M. I. Makhmutov М.: Pedagogika,'1975. - 240 p.

Pavelko V. “The theoretical aspect of visual studying at different stages of its development” / Pavelko // Scientific-methodical journal «Nova pedagogіchna dumka ", № 4, 2009.

Pedagogical dictionary/ [edited by I.A.Kairov]. - М.: Akademia pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR, 1960. - V. 1: А - Н. - 1960. - 773 p.

Pestalotstsi Y.G. Selected pedagogical works: in 3 volumes / под ред. M.F.SHabaeva. - М.: Akademia pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR, 1963. - V. 2: 1791-1804. - 1963. - 563 p.

. The issues of illustrativeness in education, notes of the Pedagogy and Psychology department/ edited by. A.І. Zіlbershteyn. - Kharkiv , 1958. - V. 24. – 187 p.

Reznik N.A. “Visualization of educational content in the modern information environment” / N.A.Reznik: materialy Mezhd. nauch.-prakt. konf.. [«Informatsionno-obrazovatelnaya sreda sovremennogo vuza kak faktor povytionia kachestva obrazovania»]. (Murmansk, 1-3 November 2007 y.) / Murmanks state pedagogical university. - Murmansk: Murmanks state pedagogical university, 2007.

Sidorova L.V. Future teachers training with design of the multimedia visualization of educational information: abstract of the thesis: spec. 13.00.08 „ Mechanical Engineering Technology» / L.V.Sidorova.- Bryansk , 2006.- 20 p.

Spivakovskiy A.V. Web-environment for studying of algorithms and programming bases / A.V. Spivakovskiy, N.V. Kolesnikova, N.I. Tkachuk, I.M. Tkachuk Upravlyayushchie sistemy i mashini. – Kiev, 2008. – pp. 70-75.

Spіvakovskiy O.V “Videointerpreter of algorithms of the integrated environment study course "Bases of algorithms and programming"” / O.V. Spіvakovskiy, N.V. Kolesnіkova // Collection of works of the Third International Conference "Novі іnformatsіynі tekhnologії v osvіtі dlya vsіkh: sistema elektronnoї osvіti" - Kiev, 2008.- pp. 399-404.

Ukrainian pedagogical dictionary / [ed. S.Goncharenko]. - К: Libіd, 1997. - 373 p.

Ushinskiy K.D. Selected pedagogical works: in 2 volumes. / K.D.Ushinskiy; transl. from Rus. ed. V.M.Stoletov. – К. Radyanska shkola, 1983. Vol. 2: Problemi rosіyskoї shkoli. – 1983. – 358 p. - (series «Pedagogіchna bіblіoteka»).

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