• S. Lytvynova institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • O. Burov institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Keywords: learning forms, corporate social networks, classification, teacher, ICT


The paper discusses methods, forms and safety issues of social network usage for school students. Taking into consideration the growing interest of students to electronic communication in social networks (ESN), their place in the information educational environment is described. The classification of objects and use of ESNs was made to help teachers and school authority to teach students in the corporate social network. The basic components of corporate social networks (СESN) were revealed: forms of learning activity (individual, group, and collective), forms of learning organization (quiz, debates, discussions, photo-story, essay contest, a virtual tour, mini design web quest, and conference video-lesson), and database. Particular aspects of the use of certain forms for students training in ESN aсcording to the type of social objects (messages, individual messages, video files, photos, audio files, documents, comments, and blitz-survey) were defined. Student safety when using ESN and СESN impact on a student social and cultural intelligence development are discussed as well.


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Webanywhere. (2012). About Corporate Social Networks. Retrieved from:

Bykov, V., & Lytvynova, S. (2016, April). Corporate social networks as an object of management teaching social system. Teoriya i praktyka upravlinnya socialnymy systemamy. Retrieved from:

Burov, O., & Tsarik, O. (2012). Educational workload and its psychophysiological impact on student organism. Work, 41 (1), 896-899.

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Burov, O. (2016). Life-Long Learning: Individual Abilities versus Environment and Means. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer, 1614, 608-619.

Luchynkina, A. I., Milyutina, K. H. & Yanshyna, T. A. (2014). Psychological peculiarities of the socialization of gifted children in the virtual space: monograph. Kyiv : Instytut obdarovanoyi dytyny.

Lytvynova, S. (2016). Corporate social network Yammer electronic component as a cloud-based learning environment educational institution. Naukovi zapysky, 9. Seriya: Problemy metodyky fizyko–matematychnoyi i texnologichnoyi osvity. Chastyna 2. Kirovograd: RVV KDPU im.V.Vynnychenka, 197-203.

Lytvynova, S. H. (2015). Component model of the cloud-based educational environment of a comprehensive educational institution. Naukovyi visnyk. Seriia: Pedahohika. Sotsialna robota, 35, 99-107.

Lytvynova, S. (2016). Professional Development of Teachers Using Cloud Services During Non-formal Education. Proc. of 1st Workshop 3L-Person'2016, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 21-24, 2016. Retrieved from

Lyvynova, S. & Burov, O. (2017). Methods, Forms and Safety of Learning in Corporate Social Networks. Proc. of the 13th Inter. Conf. on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer, Kyiv, Ukraine, 406-413.

Lyvynova, S. & Pinchuk, O. (2017). The Evolution of Teaching Methods of Students in Electronic Social Networks. Proc. of the 13th Inter. Conf. on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer, Kyiv, Ukraine,. 360-371.

Kremen V. H. (Ed.). (2016). National report on the state and prospects of education in Ukraine. Nats. akad. ped. nauk Ukrayiny. Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka.

Pinchuk, O. P., Bogachkov, Yu. M., Bykov, V. Yu., Manako, A. F., Oliinyk, V. V., Burov, O. Yu., … Mushka, I. V. (2014). Organization and functioning of network of distance learning resource centers for secondary schools. Kyiv: Атіка.

Pinchuk, O. P. (2015). Historical and analytical review of social networking technologies and prospects of their use in training. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 4 (48), 14-34. Retrieved from :

Eurostat. (2017). Social media - statistics on the use by enterprises. Retrieved from: enterprises#Further_Eurostat_information .

Terno, S. O. (2008). Problem Tasks from History for High School Students: Didactic Manual for Students 10-11 kl. zahal'noosvit. navch. zakl. Vyd. 2-e, Zaporizhzhya: Prosvita.

White, T. (2016). Generation Z – Why we need to future-proof universities. Retrieved from:

How to Cite
LytvynovaS., & BurovO. (2017). CORPORATE SOCIAL NETWORKS IN EDUCATION: EXPERIENCE OF USE. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (33), 093-106.