• O. Gnedkova Kherson State University, Kherson
Keywords: distance learning, distance learning technologies, ICT, professional competence, electronic educational and methodological support, distance learning system «Kherson Virtual University


     Due to the global informatization of society and the process of involving information and communication technologies (ICT) in all areas of human activity, including the educational process of high school the problem of new model construction of process of future highly qualified and competitive professionals training is raised.
     In conditions of Ukraine integration into the European educational space, the significant changes in professional training of teachers in higher education institutions are taken place. ICT and distance learning technologies are implemented in learning process.
     However, this process causes many difficulties in students and teachers, for example, the lack of guidance on the implementation of ICT and distance learning technologies in the learning process and not enough formed skills and abilities of teachers and students to use ICT and distance learning technologies in professional activity. These problems negatively affect on the quality of future specialists training, including teachers of foreign language (English). To increase the quality of English teachers training there is a need to introduce distance learning technologies in language learning process, at study the discipline “Practical English Course”.
     On the base of analysis of psychological and educational literature in future English teachers training, the results of international studies and methodological literature of distance learning the practical implementation of distance learning technologies in educational process of training of English teachers of Kherson State University was presented.


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Bykov V. Models of Organizational Systems of Open Education / V. Bykov. – Kyiv: Atika, 2009.

Bykov V. Distance Learning Process: Textbook / [ed. and V. Kukharenko]. – K: Millennium, 2005. – 292 p.

Bykov V., Kukharenko V., Syrotenko N., Rybalko A., Bohachkov Y. Technology of Distance Course Development: Navch.posibnyk / Ed. V. Bykov and V. Kukharenko – K.: Millenium, 2008. – 324 p.

Barkasi V.V. Formation of professional competence of future teachers of foreign languages [text] Abstract. Dis. Candidate of Ped. Sciences: 13.00.04 “Theory and Methods of Professional Education" / Barkasi Viktoriya. - Odessa, 2004. - 212 p.

Carnwell R. Distance education and the need for dialogue. Open Learning 14 (I). – 1999. – P. 50 – 55.

Chelyshkova M. Theory and practice of designing of pedagogical tests: [Tutorial] / Chelyshkova Marina Borisovna. - Moscow: Logos, 2002. - 432 p.

Chernovaty L., Karaban V and others. Practical course of English language: Textbook for students of high education institutions (philological speciality “Translation”). – Vnnitsa: Nova Kniga, 2006. - 520p.

Derkach A. Correlation of structural components of the state of mental readiness of students to teaching / A. Derkach // Psychological and pedagogical problems of interaction between teachers and students [ed. A.A. Bodaleva, V.Y. Lyaudis]. - M., 1980. - 25 p.

Distance course: definition and structure [Electronic resourse]. – Access: http://distancelearning.ru/db/el/029AA6356FE2F276C3256C5B005AF7DA/doc.html

Frolov V. Competence model as a basis for assessing the quality of specialists training [Text] / V. Frolov, D. Mahonin // Higher education today. - 2004. - № 8. - P. 34 - 41.

Hutorskoy A. Key competences and educational standarts / A. Hutorskoy: Center "Eidos." - Accesse: www.eidos.ru/news/complet/htm.

Kartashova I. Testing in monitoring system of students knowledge quality [Textbook] / I. Kartashova, V. Prochorenko. - Kherson: KSU, 2011. - 88 p.

Klak I. Professional communicative competence of teachers of philology as a subject of research / I. Klak // “Formation of professional identity: perspectives and development” materials II International scientific- practical conf. (Odessa, 15 - 16 February 2013). - P. 73 -76.

Kononets N. Basis of the resource-orієnted learning of Computer cycle disciplines (experience of agrarian college): monograph / N. Kononets. - Poltava: PUET, 2016. – 506 p.

Kozhuhov K. Pedagogical model of application of distance technologies in the process of formation of methodical competence of the future teacher (based on the discipline "Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages"): Abstract. Dissertation on PhD degree. ped. Sciences: 13.00.08 "Theory and Methods of Professional Education" / Kozhuhov K. Y. – Kursk, 2008. – 19 p.

Koval T. Training of high school teachers: Information Technologies in teaching activity: method. manual / T.Koval, S.Sisoeva, L.Sushchenko - K. Publishing Center KNLU, 2009. - 380 p.

Kovaliv O. Electronic educational-methodical complex as means of integrated actions in the training of future specialists of physical culture / Kovaliv O // Scientific Notes [Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after V.Vinnichenko]. Series: Pedagogical Sciences. - 2013 - Vol. 121 (1). - P. 260-263

Kravtsov H, Kravtsov D. Knowledge Control Model of Distance Learning System on IMS Standard / Innovative Techniques in Instruction Technology, E - learning, E - assessment, and Education. - Springer Science + Business Media V.B. - 2008. - P.195 - 198.

Kravtsov H., Gnedkova O. The Use of Cloud Services for Learning Foreign Language (English). In: Ermolayev, V. et al. (eds.) Proc. 12-th Int. Conf. ICTERI 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 21-24, 2016, CEUR-WS.org/Vol-1614, ISSN 1613-0073, P.620-631, online http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1614/paper_87.pdf

Kravtsov H., Kravtsov D. Model of knowledge control in distance testing system “Web-Examiner” on standard IMS // New Information Technologies for All: State of the Art and Prospects. Kiev. - 2007. - P. 208-209.

Kravtsov H., Kravtsov D., Kozlovsky E. Distance testing system based on IMS standard // “Information Technologies in Education for all”. - Kiev. - 2006. - p.283 - 292.

Kravtsov D. Certificate of registration of copyright №32719 computer program "Distance Learning System «Kherson Virtual University»" / Kravtsov D, Kravtsov H.,, Spivakovsky O., Gnedkova O., Kaminska N. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Department of Intellectual Property. - Kyiv. - 06.04.2010.

LMS “Kherson State University”. Mode of access: http://dls.ksu.kherson.ua.

Mayorov A. Theory and practice creation of tests for education system / Alexey Mayorov. - M: Intellekt Center, 2002. - 296 p.

Markova AK Psychological analysis of professional competence of the teacher / Aelita Kapitonovna Markova // Soviet pedagogy. - 1990. - № 8. - S. 82-86.

Mitina L. Professional activity and health of teacher: Textbook / L. Mitina, G. Mitin, O. Anisimova. - Moscow: Akademіya, 2005. - 368 p. – P. 342-361.

Nikolayeva S. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment / S.Yu.Nikolayeva. - K .: Lenvit, 2003. - P. 24/273.

Olijnik O. Innovative technologies of distance learning a foreign language for students of non-language universities. - Linguistic research: Research works of HNPU named after Skovoroda. - 2014 – Ser.38.

Polat E. Distance Learning: Textbook / Ed. E. Polat. - M .: VLADOS Center, 1998. – 192p.

Polat E.S., Buharkina M.U., etc. Theory and practice of distance education: Educational material for the students of High pedagogical educational institutions / E.S. Polat, M.U. Buharkina, M.V. Moiseeva. Edited by E.S. Polat. – Moscow: Publishing centre "Academia", 2004. – 416 p.

Petukhova L. Theoretical basis of training of primary school teachers in information and communication educational environment [monograph] / Lyubov Petukhova. - Kherson: Ailant, 2007. - 200 p.

Project of regulation of certification of electronic educational course [electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://garmonia.nubip.edu.ua/polojennia.pdf

Redko V. The problem of formation of readiness of university students to the profession of teacher professionalism // Professionalism of foreign language teacher of high school, educational technologies (to 90th anniversary of Moscow State University): Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference / V. Redko. - Mykolaiv: "Ilium", 2004. - 274 p.

Sorokina N. Professional foreign language competence of future philologists in the system of core educational competencies / N. Sorokina // Zhitomir State University Bulletin. Issue 49. Pedagogical Sciences, 2010. - P. 81-84.

Zabolotskaya О. Formation of individuality of future teachers of language in professional training. Monograph. - Kherson: Ailant, 2006. - 304 p.

Zimnya I. Key competencies - new paradigm of the result of modern education / Irina Zimnya // Higher education today. - 2003. - № 5. - P. 34-42.

Zyazyun I. Philosophy of pedagogy activity: Monograph / Ivan Zyazyun. - Kyiv - Cherkasy: CPU by B. Khmelnitsky, 2008. - 608 p.

Bykov V. Models of Organizational Systems of Open Education / V. Bykov. – Kyiv: Atika, 2009.

Bykov V. Distance Learning Process: Textbook / [ed. and V. Kukharenko]. – K: Millennium, 2005. – 292 p.

Bykov V., Kukharenko V., Syrotenko N., Rybalko A., Bohachkov Y. Technology of Distance Course Development: Navch.posibnyk / Ed. V. Bykov and V. Kukharenko – K.: Millenium, 2008. – 324 p.

Barkasi V.V. Formation of professional competence of future teachers of foreign languages [text] Abstract. Dis. Candidate of Ped. Sciences: 13.00.04 “Theory and Methods of Professional Education" / Barkasi Viktoriya. - Odessa, 2004. - 212 p.

Carnwell R. Distance education and the need for dialogue. Open Learning 14 (I). – 1999. – P. 50 – 55.

Chelyshkova M. Theory and practice of designing of pedagogical tests: [Tutorial] / Chelyshkova Marina Borisovna. - Moscow: Logos, 2002. - 432 p.

Chernovaty L., Karaban V and others. Practical course of English language: Textbook for students of high education institutions (philological speciality “Translation”). – Vnnitsa: Nova Kniga, 2006. - 520p.

Derkach A. Correlation of structural components of the state of mental readiness of students to teaching / A. Derkach // Psychological and pedagogical problems of interaction between teachers and students [ed. A.A. Bodaleva, V.Y. Lyaudis]. - M., 1980. - 25 p.

Distance course: definition and structure [Electronic resourse]. – Access: http://distancelearning.ru/db/el/029AA6356FE2F276C3256C5B005AF7DA/doc.html

Frolov V. Competence model as a basis for assessing the quality of specialists training [Text] / V. Frolov, D. Mahonin // Higher education today. - 2004. - № 8. - P. 34 - 41.

Hutorskoy A. Key competences and educational standarts / A. Hutorskoy: Center "Eidos." - Accesse: www.eidos.ru/news/complet/htm.

Kartashova I. Testing in monitoring system of students knowledge quality [Textbook] / I. Kartashova, V. Prochorenko. - Kherson: KSU, 2011. - 88 p.

Klak I. Professional communicative competence of teachers of philology as a subject of research / I. Klak // “Formation of professional identity: perspectives and development” materials II International scientific- practical conf. (Odessa, 15 - 16 February 2013). - P. 73 -76.

Kononets N. Basis of the resource-orієnted learning of Computer cycle disciplines (experience of agrarian college): monograph / N. Kononets. - Poltava: PUET, 2016. – 506 p.

Kozhuhov K. Pedagogical model of application of distance technologies in the process of formation of methodical competence of the future teacher (based on the discipline "Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages"): Abstract. Dissertation on PhD degree. ped. Sciences: 13.00.08 "Theory and Methods of Professional Education" / Kozhuhov K. Y. – Kursk, 2008. – 19 p.

Koval T. Training of high school teachers: Information Technologies in teaching activity: method. manual / T.Koval, S.Sisoeva, L.Sushchenko - K. Publishing Center KNLU, 2009. - 380 p.

Kovaliv O. Electronic educational-methodical complex as means of integrated actions in the training of future specialists of physical culture / Kovaliv O // Scientific Notes [Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after V.Vinnichenko]. Series: Pedagogical Sciences. - 2013 - Vol. 121 (1). - P. 260-263

Kravtsov H, Kravtsov D. Knowledge Control Model of Distance Learning System on IMS Standard / Innovative Techniques in Instruction Technology, E - learning, E - assessment, and Education. - Springer Science + Business Media V.B. - 2008. - P.195 - 198.

Kravtsov H., Gnedkova O. The Use of Cloud Services for Learning Foreign Language (English). In: Ermolayev, V. et al. (eds.) Proc. 12-th Int. Conf. ICTERI 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 21-24, 2016, CEUR-WS.org/Vol-1614, ISSN 1613-0073, P.620-631, online http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1614/paper_87.pdf

Kravtsov H., Kravtsov D. Model of knowledge control in distance testing system “Web-Examiner” on standard IMS // New Information Technologies for All: State of the Art and Prospects. Kiev. - 2007. - P. 208-209.

Kravtsov H., Kravtsov D., Kozlovsky E. Distance testing system based on IMS standard // “Information Technologies in Education for all”. - Kiev. - 2006. - p.283 - 292.

Kravtsov D. Certificate of registration of copyright №32719 computer program "Distance Learning System «Kherson Virtual University»" / Kravtsov D, Kravtsov H.,, Spivakovsky O., Gnedkova O., Kaminska N. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Department of Intellectual Property. - Kyiv. - 06.04.2010.

LMS “Kherson State University”. Mode of access: http://dls.ksu.kherson.ua.

Mayorov A. Theory and practice creation of tests for education system / Alexey Mayorov. - M: Intellekt Center, 2002. - 296 p.

Markova AK Psychological analysis of professional competence of the teacher / Aelita Kapitonovna Markova // Soviet pedagogy. - 1990. - № 8. - S. 82-86.

Mitina L. Professional activity and health of teacher: Textbook / L. Mitina, G. Mitin, O. Anisimova. - Moscow: Akademіya, 2005. - 368 p. – P. 342-361.

Nikolayeva S. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment / S.Yu.Nikolayeva. - K .: Lenvit, 2003. - P. 24/273.

Olijnik O. Innovative technologies of distance learning a foreign language for students of non-language universities. - Linguistic research: Research works of HNPU named after Skovoroda. - 2014 – Ser.38.

Polat E. Distance Learning: Textbook / Ed. E. Polat. - M .: VLADOS Center, 1998. – 192p.

Polat E.S., Buharkina M.U., etc. Theory and practice of distance education: Educational material for the students of High pedagogical educational institutions / E.S. Polat, M.U. Buharkina, M.V. Moiseeva. Edited by E.S. Polat. – Moscow: Publishing centre "Academia", 2004. – 416 p.

Petukhova L. Theoretical basis of training of primary school teachers in information and communication educational environment [monograph] / Lyubov Petukhova. - Kherson: Ailant, 2007. - 200 p.

Project of regulation of certification of electronic educational course [electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://garmonia.nubip.edu.ua/polojennia.pdf

Redko V. The problem of formation of readiness of university students to the profession of teacher professionalism // Professionalism of foreign language teacher of high school, educational technologies (to 90th anniversary of Moscow State University): Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference / V. Redko. - Mykolaiv: "Ilium", 2004. - 274 p.

Sorokina N. Professional foreign language competence of future philologists in the system of core educational competencies / N. Sorokina // Zhitomir State University Bulletin. Issue 49. Pedagogical Sciences, 2010. - P. 81-84.

Zabolotskaya О. Formation of individuality of future teachers of language in professional training. Monograph. - Kherson: Ailant, 2006. - 304 p.

Zimnya I. Key competencies - new paradigm of the result of modern education / Irina Zimnya // Higher education today. - 2003. - № 5. - P. 34-42.

Zyazyun I. Philosophy of pedagogy activity: Monograph / Ivan Zyazyun. - Kyiv - Cherkasy: CPU by B. Khmelnitsky, 2008. - 608 p.

How to Cite
GnedkovaO. (2016). DISTANCE LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES IN FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE ENGLISH TEACHER. Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), (29), 100-115. https://doi.org/10.14308/ite000614

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